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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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Still not okay with FFM lynch. I'm having some troubles connecting to SF unfortunately. >_>

Bearclaw is probably not scum because there isn't a real reason for him to go HEY LET'S HAMMER FFM WITHOUT A CLAIM when FFM doesn't seem to be around to claim anyways and at this point will probably get lynched even if he does come and claim.

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^ is pretty much the last thing Rajam said. You SURE he isn't tunneling on Scarlet (or as he put it, "Scumlet")?

That's not tunneling, that's having an opinion. Call me if he still hasn't looked at anybody other than Raymond halfway into Day 2; until then I wouldn't call it tunneling since he's only been pushing it for 24 hours.
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Still not okay with FFM lynch. I'm having some troubles connecting to SF unfortunately. >_>

Bearclaw is probably not scum because there isn't a real reason for him to go HEY LET'S HAMMER FFM WITHOUT A CLAIM when FFM doesn't seem to be around to claim anyways and at this point will probably get lynched even if he does come and claim.

Nah bearclaw is probably scum.

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That's not tunneling, that's having an opinion. Call me if he still hasn't looked at anybody other than Raymond halfway into Day 2; until then I wouldn't call it tunneling since he's only been pushing it for 24 hours.

Imo, sure, it's an opinion, but the means in which his latter posts were all about tearing specifically Scarlet's posts apart and going so far as to (at least in my eyes) misinterpret/misrep some of what Scarlet was saying, is beyond just a simple opinion.

"That's it. May I invoke the wagon and some wagoners? Thank you all I love you for your cooperation. " and "Also, once we lynch Scarlet toDay please don't pursue Randa because he's not scum with Scarlet and Randa is just town anyways." both heavily imply that he had no reason or intentions of looking elsewhere or at anyone else for the rest of the day phase (he narrows his vision onto one person, ergo... kinda tunnel-visions himself and his arguments?). It's also a simple way of vote-dropping and disappearing without looking like he contributed nothing to the discussion (in highlighting someone repeatedly as scum/as a wagon that should occur).

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Just saying that I'm subbing out if bearclaw gets modkilled for editing a joke post. (This is serious.)

So you want the mod of the game to do what, whistle and pretend that didn't happen, despite the announcement I made earlier?

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So you want the mod of the game to do what, whistle and pretend that didn't happen, despite the announcement I made earlier?

Umm... Judging based on the severity (or in this case, lack thereof) of the infraction would be a start. I'm sure a warning would suffice in this case.

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Prims brand sarcasm.

Just saying that I'm subbing out if bearclaw gets modkilled for editing a joke post. (This is serious.)

He broke a rule and Eclipse made a post in bold increased size font saying no editting that was the final warning. If you sub out you sub out, that's your agenda. Assuming there are subs so be it imo.

You can't just make ultimatums like that for no reason.

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Umm... Judging based on the severity (or in this case, lack thereof) of the infraction would be a start. I'm sure a warning would suffice in this case.

Only problem that this is the second case/time it's happened. And last time FFM (I believe he was the one) did so, Eclipse posted saying:

Next person who edits a post gets modkilled. This is the game's final warning.

So, at least in this case, it's more of Eclipse's hands are bound in this situation (given what/how she posted in reply to the other edit that occurred). [i honestly didn't even see/notice Bear's edit of the joke post until Prims posted about it. ._.]

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Umm... Judging based on the severity (or in this case, lack thereof) of the infraction would be a start. I'm sure a warning would suffice in this case.

It's kind of a matter of principle and Bearclaw isn't a new player either he knows he can't edit posts.

I think it could go either way, a warning or a modkill. Either one is fine and neither is really wrong. Frankly it's Eclipse's choice.

She could meet halfway and modkill him and end the day phase.

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So you want the mod of the game to do what, whistle and pretend that didn't happen, despite the announcement I made earlier?

yes because modkills that impact the game more than the offense itself are bad form (at least imo. I find modkills very demotivating and when pointless ones happen I'd rather just not play)

you probably just shouldn't make rash announcements ~______~

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yes because modkills that impact the game more than the offense itself are bad form (at least imo. I find modkills very demotivating and when pointless ones happen I'd rather just not play)

you probably just shouldn't make rash announcements ~______~

Dear Prims, how would you like it if people ignored your rules? Not very much, I assume. You're being subbed out at the end of D1.

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yes because modkills that impact the game more than the offense itself are bad form (at least imo. I find modkills very demotivating and when pointless ones happen I'd rather just not play)

you probably just shouldn't make rash announcements ~______~

And Bear shouldn't make random rash edits for no reason.

@FFM: Whatever your role is in your role pm.

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Just what is a "claim", BTW?


Basically, claiming to us is openly telling us what your role is. Whether you're truly honest with it or not is up to you, but realize the implications of telling us. In our eyes, we're seeing who you are/what you have to offer to us townies in terms of power and effectiveness, and can influence us in saying whether we're opting to risk lynching you and potentially losing those townie powers if you mislynch/flip as town. Or if you're a scum who's trying to play off as having townie-ish abilities.

And seeing as you're in grave danger of being lynched, Claiming your role is probably the last ditch resort/method you have in attempting to protect yourself and validate yourself to us as being at true townie that we'd rather not lynch.

So you may wish to claim.

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ok should i quote my role pm while you're at it

it's not like the dude made a content post then changed it. it has no effect on gameplay. you're essentially fucking up your own game

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I think we should all just not talk about it in thread since it's pointless to do so. Eclipse will make her decision and that'll be that.

I'm done talking about the game too unless I'm still playing when D2 starts.
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Alright. . .so I don't have to turn this into The Day Where I Modkill Multiple People, any questions regarding what can/can't be claimed may be addressed in your role PM. This goes for everyone.

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