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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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Joel wasn't able to connect with his swing, and suffered as a result of it.

Joel vs Blood Raven!
Hit: 105 - 28 = 77
Hit roll: 96, 83

Blood Raven attacks!
Hit: 113 - 21 = 92
Hit roll: 14, 10
Crit roll: 36, no crit.
Damage: 6 damage.

Blood Raven attacks again!
Hit: 113 - 21 = 92
Hit roll: 28, 74
Crit roll: 63, no crit.
Damage: 6 damage.
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Other Turn 9!

Ingverd managed to bring the centaur down in a couple of blows.

Ingverd vs Elite Centaur A
Hit: 86 + 15 (WTA) - 24 = 77
Hit roll: 61, 13
Crit roll: 72, no crit.
Damage: 7 damage.

Elite Centaur A attacks!
Hit: 94 - 15 (WTD) - 34 = 45
Hit roll: 5, 79
Crit roll: 82, no crit.
Damage: 15 damage.

Ingverd attacks again!
Hit: 86 + 15 (WTA) - 24 = 77
Hit roll: 31, 99
Crit roll: 10, critical!
Damage: (7 x 3) = 21 critical damage.

Elita Centaur A is dead.
Thunder rocketed from Vriska's hands and the abomination was laid to rest.

Vriska vs Blood Raven
Hit: 91 - 28 (Support) = 68
Hit roll: 1, 58
Crit roll: 67, no crit.
Damage: 9 + 1 (Support) = 10 damage.

Blood Raven is dead!
Enemy Turn 9!

Zombie C vs Joel
Hit: 77 - 21 = 56
Hit roll: 35, 59
Crit roll: 74
Damage: 16 damage.

Joel attacks!
Hit: 105 - 11 = 94
Hit roll: 93, 63
Crit roll: 40
Damage: 13 + 1 (Forge) = 14 damage.
Skeleton A vs Ferdinand
Hit: 95 - 24 - 20 (Terrain) = 51
Hit roll: 19, 76
Crit roll: 95, no crit.
Damage: 10 damage.

Ferdinand cannot attack!

Player Turn 10!

HP and other things.

Edited by Tryhard
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Glancing around and determining things to be safe enough for her to begin, Valha leapt forward and struck quickly at the sleeping girl, hoping to score an easy advantage.

Valha moves 1 right and attacks Tami with the Iron Sword!

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Valha decides it is a good day to smack a sleeping shaman!

111 - 25 = 86!
Roll1: 16,16
16 - 7 = 9 damage!
Tami counters!
70 - 36 = 34!
Roll: 58,4!
Valha doubles!
111 - 25 = 86!
Roll2: 48,92!
16 - 7 = 9 damage!

Many damages.

"Guh! What the fu--!?" Tami blindly fired off her Unrest tome, one shot flying into the night sky, the other at her attacker, but it missed horribly. "What the shit!? Where is everyone!? What is happening!?!"

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Never has an archer had a more sure shot than Angus!

87 - 25 = 62!
Roll: 60,25
Pierce activates!
19 - 4 = 15 damage!

Roast zombie still smells bad.

108 - 11 = 97
Roll: 22,74
14 - 2 = 12 damage!
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For whatever reason, Lanos didn't feel like killing anymore people today, but at the same time he couldn't let the foul-mouthed girl roam free. He closed in and grabbed his iron sword. "You're being detained."

Lanos moves 2 down, 1 right and attempts the capture Tami.

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Tami, both beaten, bruised, and probably having a heart attack, could not think of a single witty retort as the sword's hilt collided with her face, and she was knocked out!

104 - 25 = 79
Roll: 30,10
12 - 7 = 5 damage!
Tami captured!

Also Maja makes MANY HEALS, of which are TWENTY FOUR wow she's getting good at this

Joel at 25 HP yowza

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With his adrenaline rush going down, Quincy noticed that the enemy for the most part had been routed. Disappointed that there wasn't more that he could do, he put his axes on his back before starting ahead listlessly. I'm bored, he thought.

Quincy idles

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Sonia makes good use of her sword into the zombie's gut!

104 - 11 = 93
Roll1: 59,10
10 - 5 = 5 damage!
Zombie counters
77 - 35 = 42
Roll: 68,20
Sonia doubles!
104 - 11 = 93
Roll2: 45,5
10 - 5 = 5 damage!
Zombie C is killed!




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Valha gave a sigh of relief as the last enemies fell, exhausted. "About time we're done here," she muttered. "Some stealth mission that was, huh? Huh, what a disaster. Wish I just flew around the whole place, left you all to fight for yourselves or whatever... wasn't worth it." She gave Lanos a curious glance as he held the shaman they'd attacked. "What're you doin' with her? Seems like a waste of time to drag her around all the time, don't you think?" The harpy approached her friend and stared intently at the prisoner, poking her cheek. "Clean out... can't say I blame her, it's real temptin' to just kick back and fall asleep right here. Not the most comfortable place, but I can't say I'm glad my beauty sleep got delayed by a bunch of jokers like these guys." She shrugged, sitting down and leaning herself against the ledge.

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Lanos sighed with relief as he saw Ingverd cut down the last of the enemies, glad that it was finally over. He looked down at the girl he'd spared. He honestly didn't know why he'd done that, it was more of a whim than anything else. Perhaps he was just soft. Or perhaps it was the fact that they could've ignored her in the first place that made him spare her, he didn't know if either reason was correct but he didn't really care. It was already done. "I dunno," he answered Valha, turning his attention to her. "Maybe Makin'll wanna talk to her once she wakes up? Find out just why she and those centaurs were here. Anything after that I'll leave up to her."

Hearing Valha mention sleep reminded Lanos that he still hadn't gotten a wink of sleep and almost immediately holding the girl became much more difficult. Seeing no point in struggling to hold the girl up, he laid her on the ground as gently as he could before he sat down, feeling exhausted. "Yeah, I can agree with that. I'm absolutely exhausted." He wondered if it was because he was still relatively new when it came to fighting or if it was because of the very long day he'd had. Whatever the case, he just wanted to find a comfy spot of grass and fall asleep. Should probably wait for Makin to give the all clear though...

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"So the boss can talk to her about stuff? So you mean interrogatin'?" Valha asked as Lanos put the girl on the ground. "I guess that makes sense... we don't really know what we were fightin' for back there other than they might attack us, do we? That's sorta hard to think about, sometimes... whether or not we're fightin' for what's right. Our last two battles, those bandits were all sorts of bad news, and they had it comin' to 'em, but this just sorta seemed like... they were there. Like it'd be too much trouble for us to try and avoid 'em, almost... Isabel's not around. I bet she just went around the outskirts of this 'n didn't bother herself with the details. I dunno, maybe that just sounds like a whole buncha nonsense and they really are just bad people like the boss said, but I can't help but feel a little bit uncertain. I just sorta jumped this girl here without thinkin' about it, just because she might be dangerous."

She sighed after her small rant on the battle, then remained silent for a moment before sitting up from her lazy lounging against the ledge. "This rocky cliff isn't very comfortable..." She shifted her seat on the ground a bit to sit next to Lanos, leaning on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "There, much better."

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"Yeah, that. If anyone's gonna do it it should be her." Lanos resisted the urge to frown when Valha brought up the morality of what had just occurred. "I... tried not to think about that and it's implications. I'm pretty sure that if I had I wouldn't have been able to do more than defend myself because, in the end that's probably what should've happened. It feels almost like we're the aggressors here..." He paused. The deed was already done, it was to late to change. Yet it still bothered him... why? He needed to start talking again. "That's probably why I spared her. Not because she might have information... but because I felt we'd already killed enough people for a 'stealth' mission."

Lanos tensed when he felt Valha's head come to rest on his shoulder but, rather than get all embarrassed and start mumbling gibberish, he forced himself to relax and remain mostly silent, mumbling "I guess I'm just a big softy." After all, who was he to deny the Queen her pillow?

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Valha listened to Lanos's words quietly, thinking them over to herself for a few moments. "It's good that you care about this sorta stuff, I think... it's the sorta stuff you gotta always be thinkin' about, even though being sympathetic is hard when you're fightin' for what could be your life on the line. When you forget about that's when everythin' starts goin' wrong and takes a bad turn. Mercy 'n compassion are traits that only strong people are privileged to have." She poked him lightly on the chest. "So even if anyone tells you otherwise or somethin' seems hopeless, always keep that in mind... that you are strong. Yeah, you're a big softy sometimes, but you're a good person for thinkin' about all this. And you're not just any big softy, you're my big softy best friend. Got all that?"

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Lanos was taken aback by Valha's words. He'd considered his thoughts and feelings on such things to be a burden, unnecessary, a weakness. To be told that they made him strong, by Valha no less, made him truly happy, despite recent events. "I never thought of it like that," he admitted, his tone betraying the image of calm he wanted to maintain. "I mean look at you! You're almost always so full of spirit and it seems like nothing can or will ever bring you down." Most of the time. "'I want to be like her, strong, courageous and confident!', that's what I've been thinking for a long time now. I thought that my thoughts and concerns were a determent to myself, but it seems that I was wrong." A genuine smile appeared on his face. "Thank you, Valha, for being the best best-friend I could ask for."

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