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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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"Clarine's eh? I feel like all the shops in this place sport the exact same name scheme. It's always "somebody's something". It's like every shopkeep here has some unspoken tenet to uphold. Or maybe it's just a business thing, hell if I know, I'm not a merchant," he shrugged. "Anyway, eh, just someplace," he replied to Ingverd, keeping things intentionally vague. "I'd better go, got something to do," he said, getting up from the stand and making his way back to the front desk. He thought he saw Sonia among the crowd, but he couldn't be bothered to confirm for himself. "Hey, I'm back," he said to the man, sitting at the front, "here's the money," he said, forking over the hundred or some odd gold entry fee. Just going to do a bit of practice and then I think I'll bow out. Grab some clothes and get ready for later... He really didn't feel like becoming a bloodied mess, so he figured stepping out before the real competition showed up would be for the best.

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Naming Scheme

"Yeah, I know. It's so odd, isn't it? Whatever, I figure they all think they're clever. I'm sure most of them are buddy buddy anyway. No matter, the clothes were good. And someplace, eh? Yeah, alright. Sure." Ingverd laughed, and nodded as he walked off, wondering where he had to go... But then he showed up down in the fighting area, and Ingverd laughed a little bit. "Ahhh, man. Now I really want to try this... Maybe later, or tomorrow. Good luck, Raith!" he shouted down.

Extreme Confusion

"Since you were--" Vriska cut herself off, still really off put by this knowledge. She couldn't figure out the disconnect, and that was really, really bothering her. "But how did you learn?" she asked again, trying to put it together in her head. "Well... Alright, I know Valha didn't teach you. Did your parents? I mean, they wouldn't have lived here; harpies are a new addition to Felson, but you're only nineteen, so you would've been here your whole life... This is so weird..."

Guy Talk

"Well... That is interesting," Maggie replied, squeezing the top of Valha's shoulders. "Do you think they'd both be fine with that sort of arrangement? Do they get along?" Maggie giggled under her breath, finally at a conversation she knew how to attack. "If not, well... You could weigh how attached you are. See if you're attached to one more than the other. Breaking hearts is a nasty business, buuuut..." she moved slightly down, to the middle of the harpy's back, pressing in with her palms, "sometimes you just have to do it. Though, I'm sure it's not a pressing matter. And yes, prove yourself. You can't just waltz in and call yourself queen. Everyone would laugh."

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"Honestly, I haven't really told 'em about it because I dunno how they'll feel about the whole thing, but I dunno if it's really a big deal right now anyway... there's no rush I'm in to be makin' such a big commitment, yeah? When the time comes, I'm sure I'll know how I feel..." Valha bit her lip uncomfortably. "Ha, it really all does come down to 'when the time comes, doesn't it? When the time comes to try 'n make waves in the big city, to settle down, 'n all that. Maybe I just gotta see more of what there is out there before I decide, instead of rushin' into everythin' with all I've got."
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Lanos felt his mood drop at the mention of his parents. He hardly remembered anything about his father and just about the only memory he had of his mother was her abandoning him. "They could've, I guess..." though he tried to hide it, there was clearly disdain in his voice. "I hardly remember anything from that time, let alone much of anything about them, so I guess it's possible." He sighed internally. Now she's going to ask what I have against my parents. "Anyway, not that I really mind, why do you care so much? Is it really that interesting?"

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A grin began to form on Angus' face. "Sounds like a plan." he agreed. When Makin told him of her assumptions about his character, he wasn't sure how to respond at first. He sort of wanted to be offended, but at the same time he probably hadn't put a great impression across earlier. "Well... I can't say I blame you for that." he decided. "Maybe I am overreacting to all of this stuff a little bit, honestly. But if we can find anything here, I'm happy. Ready when you are, anyway." The sooner the better, he thought. This is freaking nerve-wracking and we're not even in yet...

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A Dangerous Plan

Makin took a deep breath, and waited for the door to be opened. I hope this all goes well. I'd rather not spend some time in prison. She didn't have to time to think or alter this plan anymore, as the door slowly creaked open, and... Much to her surprise, Cedric himself had answered. "Uhm..."

"What do you want, monster?" came a sharp reply, as it seemed he did not appreciate his time being taken away, from whatever he was doing.

Wow. Rude. Makin tried to keep herself professional. "We're here about a certain letter we happened upon. And I'm wondering if I could take on the job, along with my group." Makin produced the note, and Cedric's expression changed from annoyed to mildly amused.

"I take it the last group I send didn't make it, then. Well... Come in. I suppose. We can hammer out the details." He opened the door entirely, allowing Makin and Angus inside. Once inside, he led them to a small study on the first floor, and had Makin sit down. "Your attendant can stand. Now... As many know, this castle has come into creation through no small means, but none truly know why, or how. Simply put, I wish for a group to make their way in, find anything of value in regards to knowledge or magic, and then bring it back. You will be paid handsomely."

Makin sat down as best as she could in the chair, a bit disappointed that Angus couldn't sit. "Well, I have some questions about that, myself. Why do you want any of that?" she asked, flatly. "You're the minister of defense. What good would information of the castle do for you?" She looked at Angus for a moment, hoping he would ask to excuse himself for a moment. Now or never, archer man.


"Yeah, but unlikely." Vriska kept running ideas through her head, wondering how this connected up. Maybe he taught himself? No, that would've taken way longer, and these books aren't exactly learning material... I can't imagine someone else taking pity on him and teaching him. What about-- Her thoughts were interrupted when he asked why she cared, causing her to laugh. "I care because it doesn't add up! And I hate it when things don't add up. Something isn't right with this whole story of your learning to read and I want to find out what. Think harder. Before you were four. What happened? Who taught you?"

When The Time Comes

Maggie chuckled. "There you go; you've got it. Take everything as it comes. There's no point in stressing over all these things you're thinking of when you can't change them right away." She moved lower, and pressed down on Valha's lower back. "Do you mind if I do your legs, as well? With how tight your stomach was, I can't imagine they're doing very well..." She was a bit worried about the feathers, and dealing with them, but at the same time, if she'd managed to get through them on Valha's shoulders, she could manage there. "Oh, I never did ask for your name. Oopsie."

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I suppose this is it... He cleared his throat in order to attract the man's attention. "Excuse me sir, but may I use your bathroom? We only just arrived in the city, so..." He trailed off towards the end, hoping he wouldn't have to say anymore. God, that's complete horseshit. God, I sound like a kid... He didn't trust himself to say much more than that, partly because his low expectations seemed to have been justified, and partly because he felt like he could explode from the pressure at any moment.

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Cedric looked amused for but a moment at the question of the archer. "Are you serious? Is he serious?"

Makin had to play her best poker face to not lose it right there. "Yes, well... We came straight here. This is serious business, after all. We couldn't stop for anything. So... My attendant may have to empty his bladder." Please buy this. Please.

Cedric sighed. "Fine, whatever... Upstairs, to the right. Go back through the entrance and take the spiral staircase. You shouldn't be able to miss it... As for what I want from the castle, that would be the means of how it was constructed. You may have heard the rumors of how it seems entirely unassailable, with no way to enter or damage it. I would use those magics for Felson. What a mighty city we would be..." As Cedric floated off into daydreaming a little bit, Makin sighed.

Well, he bought it. And that's...some serious grandeur dreaming, there. "What would you want us to look for, then? Anything in particular?" She had to keep the questions going to give Angus some time. Enough time to either find something, or get tired or searching and come back.

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"Alright, I'm always ready for a ruckus!" Vesta said with an ecstatic grin, trotting after the taller horseman, who was evidently taking longer strides than she was. Still, true to her word she managed to keep up fairly well.

She struggled to squeeze into the crowd, which was stationed around a ring of some sort. The familiar sounds of a good brawl felt like music to Vesta's ears, as she had only smacked someone a few hours ago (which, in Vesta-time was actually a fairly long time to go without inflicting violence upon some poor donkus).

sure coulda used a few extra feet in height... she thought grumpily as she tried to keep up with Ferdinand in the thick of this crowd.

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"That's a really weird thing to care about..." Lanos mumbled under his breath. He didn't really want to think back on his past but he doubted that'd satisfy Vriska. "Like I said, I don't remember much but I'll try anyway." And so he did. There wasn't much. No names, no faces or anything like that, just that the slums had been unfamiliar. With any luck it was good enough for Vriska. "I didn't get any faces or names or whatever. The only thing I got from that is that I probably didn't spend those four years in the slums."

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After that last Round, Sonia was very glad that the half-elf was on their side. Once the fight ended, she idly glanced around the crowds, spotting Ingverd and Raith in another section of the arena. Is he still angry? I should probably apologize... Unfortunately, he disappeared by the time she made it through the crowd. "Hey, Ingverd, do you know where Raith went? I was hoping that..." She glanced down into the arena once the crowd's cheering picked up, answering her own question. Well, he'll be fine. "Er, anyway, you seem... Happier than usual. Everyone else has been kind of on edge since they got here."

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"Don't worry about it till it happens... right." Valha was a bit surprised as Margaret's hands drifted lower. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Won't complain about more of this. 'N I'm Valha Nix."
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He stepped into the arena, and quickly found himself surging with adrenaline. This should be a good way to try out that new lance...His first opponent was that burly axe fighter from the first round Quincy fought it. More a man of power than anything else. He'd have to make be careful not to get caught by any attacks. I don't think I'd be able to parry that axe, especially with this thing. Tim roared as he charged forward. He was beginning to wish he brought Ophelia along, but too late for that now. He side stepped Tim's charge, and struck out at the man with a quick jab, and broke some distance between himself. Tim however, seemed completely unfazed by the wound, and with more ferocity than before, charged once more. Dumbfounded, Raith barely had time to defend himself, meeting the axe with the tip of his lance, he we immediately thrown out of balance, and kicked to the ground. It didn't take long for Raith to realize that Tim had a penchant for the "run and swing" tactic. The next time Tim charged, Raith stepped out of the way, but instead of taking a jab at him with his lance, he gave the man a good punch to the head, knocking him out. "Ah sorry about that," he said as Tim had to be dragged away.

The next battle against James the Swift was easy enough. Though he was swift, Raith made sure to keep his guard up, and kept the swordsman at bay with his lance. Unable to find a good approach, he started getting impatient and antsy. Taking advantage of this, Raith lunged forward, parrying the man's sword, and brought his spear tip to the man's neck--promptly ending the match.

Following James came the lance wielder, who introduced himself as Eric. No surprise there, given that all these fold had been the same people that had fought Quincy. Truthfully, he proved to be quite a match for Raith. It that Raith managed to land a rather critical hit onto Eric rendering him unable to adequately fight. Raith had worked up quite a sweat, but he was eager to continue. Maybe one more....Then he began to think. If all of these opponents were the same...the next person he'd have to face was the gigantic armored guy, toting around the huge tree-trunk. No thanks..."Yeah, thanks for having me guys," he said, as he bowed out, and left the arena open for some other challenger. His work was done. He left the arena with his newly earned cash, and set out to get some new clothes. I think it's almost getting close to time. Gotta get those clothes, wash off, change, and then go meet Alicia. So much to do, so little time.

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Taking his gold from the disgruntled guard, Quincy left the arena. He heard some cheering as he left, so presumably the next fight had started already. They sure don't waste their time, do they. Walking down the street, he noticed a nearby gambling parlor. Well, what's the point of money if you don't use it, he thought as he went in.

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Ingverd almost jumped as Sonia spoke to him. Gods, she's sneaky... "Yeah, into the ring. I hope he does well. It'd be unfortunate to see him lose..." At least he managed to smirk at what she said yes. "Well, I did something I'm rather proud of, and now, I have a dinner date with Valha. I don't think the two things are correlated, but they've both managed to raise my spirits. Maybe you just need to find the right thing to raise yours, as well? Ever think about trying something like this, yourself? You seem speedy... I'm sure you could manage it."

And then Raith started his fighting, having a bit of trouble against the axeman, but quickly dispatching the two afterwards. Ingverd was actually impressed by the display, nodding along. He didn't opt to continue, leaving the elf a bit disappointed. "Hmm. How unfortunate. I missed most of Quincy's fights, so I don't actually know who's next... So, what do you say, Sonia? Want to try your hand, and your magic, against them?"


"Where were you for those four years, then?" Vriska pressed again, trying to piece it together. "You remember living in the slums all your life, and harpies have been here for twenty years, so, y'know, you couldn't have been raised in the mountains and brought down. So where were you raised? There has to be something, come on..." Frustrated with this, Vriska stopped her pacing, groaned, and sat on the floor. "What's the missing piece? I can't think of anything!" She ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

Deep Thinking

"Yeah... You can't change anything simply by thinking about it. And thinking too hard about things will just make you worry. Best you can do is keep them in there, and simply work on then, when they happen. In the moment." She moved from Valha's lower back, pressing down on her left leg's thigh. Now, time to search through the maze of feathers... "Valha, huh? That's a tough sounding name. Not sure how well it fits for such a cute, small harpy," she teased, chuckling to herself.

Place Yer Bets

The gambling parlor was lively with the sound of murmuring, as dealers are many tables folded out cards for people. It seemed Blackjack was the most popular game of the day, and a dealer waved Quincy over as he entered. "Come over here, young man. Sit down, bet on some cards, and see if you can win. Games of chance are always fun, eh?" He smirked, and flipped the cards about in his hands, hoping he could make some extra gold.

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In the moment... Valha lost herself in her thoughts for a few moments, only registering what Margaret had said afterwards. "Aww, I'm not that little! It's just a slightly smaller bird type I've got, that's all... my best friend and adopted sister are just way too big, so I compare unfavorably! But... I am glad you think I look nice, I guess." Edited by Reinfleche
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"I don't really know," he said honestly. "But wherever it was I must've been cooped up inside. I don't really remember running around, just sitting around somewhere and bugging the Hel out of my mom by asking 'why' all the time." He almost smiled at the memory, he hadn't really changed much since then. Well, except for the fact he wasn't nearly as innocent or happy anymore. "Maybe that's why..." he mumbled. Of course that memory had to come up with any mention to his past. He wasn't surprised, sadly. It was such vivid memory after all.

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Stalling For Time

"I don't know what's in the place. That's why I'm sending you, after all." Cedric sighed. "Why all the questions, anyway? Aren't you mercenaries all... Rush in and hope for the best?"

Makin scoffed. "Well, we're going into some place no one's ever come back from, right? I'd rather be the most prepared I can be, than just rush in and hope. Speaking of, I don't suppose you'd be able to send some support with us?" I'm running out of ideas for questions...


Vriska spun herself around on the floor, to face him. "Why what?" she asked, wondering if he'd remembered something. She wasn't about to give up if he was about to throw stuff back out at her. "Well? Spill it!" She stood back up and began poking his chest.


"Bird types?" Maggie questioned, finding leg underneath the feathers and starting to massage. "Is that how it works? I don't know much about your race... So you're based on an actual bird?" This is...sort of interesting, actually. "So your best friend, that guy, he's a harpy as well, right? I mean, just guessing, but if he is, what kinda bird is he? Oh, that other guy, is he a harpy too?"

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[spoiler=Snooping Around]

Whilst Makin did her best to stall for time, the bowman had made his way up the staircase and onto the next floor. "Well, it's now or never..." he muttered, glancing around. There were several doorways on the floor, along with some large windows - probably even big enough to fit a person through. He barely had time to take all of this in before he heard a sound coming from the end of the hallway, which had been left slightly ajar. He wasn't sure what the sound was, but at any rate, it didn't sound human.

Gathering his courage, he crept along the landing and towards the doorway. After a moment of brief deliberation, he opened the doorway and entered the room. What he found inside was - what he assumed to be - Cedric's study. He did his best to locate the source of the noise, but he was unsuccessful. With time against him, he began his search around the room. He decided to check the bookcase for some kind of clue.

He scanned through Cedric's personal library carefully, and although none of the titles immediately stuck out to him, one of the books did seem slightly more faded than the others, in terms of colours. Maybe this really is a mystery novel. If so, then... He tried to remove the book from the shelf.

If this really was a mystery novel, the bookcase would have swung open or something to reveal a hidden chamber behind it. As it wasn't, the bookshelf just stayed where it was, and the book came easily - almost too easily in fact, as he almost dropped it on the floor. That could've gone poorly... He was about to move on, when he noticed there was something behind there. It was a door handle.

So there's something behind here after all... With this discovery in mind, he began working cautiously, moving the bookshelf out of the way. He found that the book he had taken from the shelf was hollow - and light - so the whole shelf came fairly easily. After taking great care to move it, he eventually made enough room in order to open the door and fit through.

He wasn't entirely surprised by what he found on the other side, considering it was why he came here and everything. It seemed that Cedric really was keeping harpies in his manse after all. A female harpy with dark brown hair, and wings to match, looked back at him, looking surprised. She appeared to be in her late thirties, which surprised him slightly. Wouldn't he have tried to get younger ones if they wanted to keep them as pets? No, it wasn't the time to think about that now. He came here with a mission, so now he just had to get her out.

"Hey." he whispered, moving further into the room. "I've come to get you out of this place. Are you the only one?" He hoped she was. He knew he didn't have much time left, so he'd have to work fast. A plan began to form in his head, thinking of a way to get her out. Her wings appeared to be undamaged, and the windows in the hallway were probably large enough for her to fly out of, so maybe-

"I am not... But I am not leaving." she said, quietly. What. Shit.

"Y-you're not?" he stammered back. "Why not?" He'd done it, he'd found one of them - and there were apparently more, too - and now all he had to do was get them out. Why wouldn't she want to be free again, rather than being this awful noble's pet?

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Why would I return to the life of the slums? Cedric is... Well, he's treated me far better than anyone else. Besides, the last time I tried to leave I... I lost my son. Our...son..." She lowered her gaze to the floor, and fidgeted a little bit.

A small smile crept back onto his face. If just that was it, maybe he would be able to convince her after all. "You don't have to go back to the slums. Valha and Lanos, two harpies that I know, both managed to get out of there and make something of their lives. You can't give up hope yet."

Her demeanor changed entirely, as she rushed off of the bed and grabbed Angus by his shirt, staring at him wide eyed. "What did you say?" She looked him over, trying to see if he was lying.

Angus was a bit shaken by that, why he heck was she grabbing him.. "I said that Lanos and Valha made it out of the slums." he paused, cogs beginning to turn in his head. "Wait, do you know them or something?"

She let him go and almost stumbled back onto the bed, doing her best to remain standing as she started to cry. "N-No, that's not... Get out. Get out before I call Cedric."

Angus was getting desperate by this point, between her tears and the time constraints. How long would Makin be able to hold off Cedric for? "Y-you do know them, don't you? I-if you want, I can take you to see them. Just please, don't shout..." He could still salvage this, all he had to do was convince her, and then-

"Stop it... Just leave. This is your last chance!" she raised her voice. If she got any louder, Cedric was sure to hear. He opened his mouth again as if to argue, but no words came out. There was nothing more he could do here without getting caught, and he knew it.

"I-I..." he sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry..." He took one last glance back at the harpy, who stared at him with both hope and fear in her eyes, and then went about putting the bookshelf back in place. Once he was done, he tried to leave the door as he'd found it, and went back to the first floor.

He eventually returned to the room where Makin and Cedric were talking, trying to hide his troubles. If he didn't want to talk before, he certainly wouldn't now.

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Cedric thought for a moment. "I can send one soldier with you. Her name is Meredith, and while she isn't the best I have to offer, she is skilled enough. She should be able to assist you. I shall have her meet you at your inn tomorrow. What was it called? And I see your attendant has returned." He stared at Angus for a moment, noticing his expression. "Indigestion?"

Makin sighed as Angus came back, glad that Cedric hadn't picked up on any of that. "Karol's Cabin... It's near the entrance to the Upper Rung." Better try to ask one more question so it doesn't look like I'm leaving on Angus' return... "I have one more question. Do you know of any monsters we'll be facing on our way to the castle? Like, on the tundra."

Cedric took another moment to himself. "Well, I've only heard that the beasts somehow make it out of the castle, and then haunt the ice. Perhaps you'll be..." he paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes at Angus. "Facing them. Archer, tell me. Where'd that hole in your shirt come from?" Cedric stood.

It appeared that when the harpy had grabbed Angus' shirt, her claws had poked a hole through the chest. Oops.

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Ferdinand was in shock as he saw who the loser of the punching brawl was- it was Kendeall, that arrogant person he had made acquaintance with earlier! Ferdinand quickly ran towards Kendeall and lifted him, it was not so hard for the centaur to drag Kendeall out of the brawl for a bit.

" Kendeall Soderberg! This isn't the right time to introduce you two to each other but... Vesta, this is Kendeall Soderberg, one of our comrades! Guess today was not his lucky day." Ferdinand said sheepishly. The situation was kind of awkward, with everyone looking at the scene that was unfolding.

"Ehehehe... maybe you should have a go at the arena, Vesta." Ferdinand jokingly told Vesta, trying ease himself.

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God dammit. He hadn't noticed the hole until now, in his haste to return before attracting suspicion. "This?" he pointed towards the hole. "It's been there for a few days, I think. It's possible that you just missed it? I wasn't here for very long. I was planning on buying some new clothes after I finished here, anyway." Hopefully that'd be enough. Please please buy this. It wasn't not like he can prove otherwise, unless the harpy told him, but... Would she do that? He really didn't know.

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Lanos sighed. He really, really didn't want to talk about this, but of course he'd had to go and let it slip. He doubted Vriska would really learn anything new from this but whatever. She didn't know what she was asking and probably wouldn't be satisfied by a 'I don't want to talk about it'; she seemed to be pretty into it."I was just wondering if perhaps that's why I was abandoned. Because my mom couldn't handle me or something like that. I mean, I don't even remember my father at all so maybe something happened to him and she decided it was best for the both of us if we separated." Looking back he hadn't even cried or called out for her or done anything like that, he'd simply accepted it. So then why... did it bother him so much now?

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"Well, yeah, we got our wings 'n feathers 'n stuff from somewhere, yeah? It's how harpies work. I thought that was pretty well known... well, anyway. My best friend's a harpy, yeah, but the other guy's an elf. He's part kestrel, I think, 'n he said I'm a hawk... don't remember exactly what kind, somethin' like Gallant? I dunno... I can't read, so I have to listen to him on that," Valha explained. "I'd imagine that's how other monsters like centaurs work too, yeah?"
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Him and the Valha? Really? Sonia masked her surprise at that detail, but froze when he suggested that she try the arena herself, "Er, fighting? I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Even if I could afford the entrance fee-" Gods, we got paid only a few hours ago, what will he think? Why did I say this? "-I'm not exactly the most robust, or strong." Those two made it look easy, of course, but... "You might be better suited to it, except it might not be a good idea to show up to your date covered in blood... I only saw Quincy's last fight, a dragon rider with a weird spear that looked like the one Raith carries around." He'd probably try it after, so the warning might be useful...

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