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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Meat is delicious, meat is the greatest gift given to this world. Especially bacon, t-bone steak, lamb chops and bison.

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I love most beef, but my favorites are the ones made the southern brazilian or argentine way.

The absolute best IMO would be a medium rare "Picanha" without fat. :9

i'm sad picanha isn't a popular cut here, i had it the times i went to my uncle's in rio and it's awesome

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Bonus question, has anyone outside of Australia eaten kangaroo/emu - we allegedly have a decent export market, but I've never actually heard of anyone outside having some.

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I don't eat too much meat. I like it, but it's expensive over here.

I also have a hard time getting my daily protein intake because of the aforementioned and because I'm on a calorie deficit.

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Meat is great.

Beef, shrimp, and salmon are my favorites off the top of my head.

And nope, never had emu/kangaroo.

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^I don't think I've managed to hear before that kangaroo was even a thing people consumed much, but on reflection given there's a specific name for "deer meat," and people eat everything up to sharks and shit, it's none too surprising or anything. I feel like I've heard otherwise of emus, maybe, but I can't place it

I need to eat more fish, on a brain health related note (supposedly), and probably less red meat, but my mom doesn't like chicken any more and my dad makes such mean steaks and lambchops and uh-hu-hugh it's so mmf

My fondest childhood food-related memory was getting a bunch of Peruvian chicken (I think? Or was it Mexican? Doesn't really taste quite like other Mexican chicken I've had. I was told some part of the flavoring had pineapple in it? I think??) carryout every week. I'm a terrible foodie, so I don't know how to describe the taste, but.. god, I loved it. Loved it fresh, loved it reheated, even the texture of it after being in a plastic baggy for a few hours when I'd have it for lunch in school was great. If I could smell it just one more time buhhhh man

(it helped probably that I also loved their rice (whose taste I have also never seen replicated. orange-yellow in color? is it possible pineapple was involved in flavoring that too?) and their tortillas. I didn't even put nothing on em, just folded em up and shoved em down)

But some years ago I heard that the store had been shut down, and that it was like a front for a drug operation, or something


Oh yeah and I've never had ribs that didn't own, but they always make me feel viscerally decadent for, uh, some reason.

..I just realized the question was "favorite" meat.


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No kangaroo/emu here. Favorite is probably a tie between salmon and beef - the former is awesome raw or cooked, and the latter is so damn versatile.

As for salads. . .Caesar or bust (sans croutons).

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