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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Free all summer vacation, am in my home town, so all my friends visit me on a routine basis, and have a lot of great stories to tell them about living in Montreal for university, and my spring semester in China.

I'm also going to see a friend I haven't seen in a long time tomorrow, which is exciting.

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i can come up with shitty stories quite easily

Engagement in line plus being the best.

aren't you a bit young to be getting married

Edited by Aizenberg
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You're Stannis the Mannis Baratheon? Congrats dude. o7

If we're talking about skills, then I guess I'm pretty terrific at learning instruments. I'm a very capable guitarist, a passable pianist, and practiced at playing the alto and bass clarinet, the alto sax, the flute, and the trumpet. If I had the drive necessary I believe I could also be a very capable linguist and artist, as I pick up on them very easily. I also have an overall easygoing personality, and a long fuse. It generally takes a lot to get under my skin.

aye, thank you, lord isaac. o7

i've started to read the books, though honestly quite slowly, but apparently stannis is much better in the books. which is awesome, because he's awesome in the show.

did you ever learn rylynn, by the way? i remember us talking about it a few years ago, actually. or something like that. i'm trying to learn it, but it is very, very difficult. i can play the intro really well, but when mckee starts growing extra arms and fingers in order to play the tune i get pretty mixed up.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Question 311. What is right with you?

My adaptability. While some changes have been slower than others, I have always been able to betray or leave behind something that was holding me back, whatever it may be. The ability to change my perspective almost on a dime. This is a fairly self-serving one, but it is a very useful trait in my opinion. Alternately, my ability to reprioritise things with relative ease.

Edited by Makaze
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I can generally get along with most people pretty well.

related: I can adapt well to different settings.

I don't generally spend a lot of time wishing things were different. Like I can see that things would be somewhat better if certain things were different, but it's not something spend a lot of time worrying about.

So, easily contented? (not necessarily a Right Thing but meh)

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Integrity confirmed for ultra-right-winger


the most ultra right winger is in fact mat leckie who is the greatest

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god, who even spells it with a single t and why is it always australians

freaking australians

Oi, dont mess with us 'strayans or we'll send you a nice surprise package consisting of all of the wonderful creatures that have blessed our land

Regarding the question, I'd say that im very good at football (soccer), and can work efficiently, when payed of course :P

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god, who even spells it with a single t and why is it always australians

it is objectively the wrong way to spell the name but nothing is as bad as 'maty ryan'

mat is fine

matt is fine and correct

mattie... i ... guess?

wtf is maty

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Haha, I used to literally wish I was somebody else entirely, like had a totally different identity, way of thinking, set of preferences and habits, everything possible

Versus, at the moment, I'm. I guess "comfortable with who I am" is kinda misleading, but when I think about the things I value and like, and the actual ways I think themselves.. I like a lot of those the ways they are? I'd like to think I've got a good basic mental toolkit, is the first way that comes to mind to describe it.

I guess overthinking stuff can actually be kinda fun for me, sometimes.

Also in terms of cool recent stuff happening to me: GPA got a massive boost! here's hoping that next time, it'll be by actually taking classes, as opposed to grappling with red tape and counseling services

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aye, thank you, lord isaac. o7

i've started to read the books, though honestly quite slowly, but apparently stannis is much better in the books. which is awesome, because he's awesome in the show.

did you ever learn rylynn, by the way? i remember us talking about it a few years ago, actually. or something like that. i'm trying to learn it, but it is very, very difficult. i can play the intro really well, but when mckee starts growing extra arms and fingers in order to play the tune i get pretty mixed up.

I can play the beginning portion, but I never learned farther than the bare bits because I'd have to change the tuning for a day or two for it to stick. Like, I recorded the part I can play, but it's already out of tune by the time I started doing it.


I wanna learn to play For My Father more, but I'll get this one down someday, I'm sure.

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That which is right with me uuuuuuh

From recent events and comparison to what little of my history I recall, I suppose I can say I am good at identifying what I want and pursuing it diligently. This applies more to things I need to be content rather than to live well, but what good is living if you aren't happy? So I think it's a pretty good trait to be able to so quickly focus on something and utilize my blatant OCD to reject distractions. This results in a constant feeling of being able to accomplish whatever I set out to do, albeit with an awareness of the great investment of time it may cost and the obvious fact that what I prioritize is typically more novel than it is productive. Following what I said a bit ago, though, I would classify just about everything as "novel" to some degree which is why people like eclipse can't stand me.

Speaking of which

I got to make other people happy today. That is a Good Thing!

we could make each other happy every day it would be so easy and also a Good Thing

Surely that is an appealing offer??

ecliii etc. iiipse~

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I'm a fast learner, and academically intelligent, so that's what right about me I guess?

I read very fast in two languages, gets great grades with little effort in most subjects that isn't German or P.E. and remembers most of what I'm taught. And I like learning about almost everything, so I guess I also have that going for me.

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I like to think I can write pretty well. Probably not true.

Do you like writing fictional stories and stuff?

Edited by Esme
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