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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Man some peoples' dialects are so focused (and then others... not so much~!)

@integ and specta - i thought you two grew up in the same household, not different states

Also late response but they've lived in California (although I'm not that familiar with how long, I never hear stories about it....), Nevada (Las Vegas), Hawaii, and Germany (and Ike just barely Japan but I don't think it really counts because that was so little and he was just abebe) so maybe their age gap and what age they grew up where affects it some?

uguu but ike's doesn't surprise me at least because he says y'all and it's so adorable ^o^ (although that's only one example I can think of....) I think rae does too...? Idk I guess I haven't heard enough

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It's working for me atm, try the link again or I can upload it for you?

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I think it's just the wii u browser so that would be nice.



You come from the middle of nowhere like me!!

Although you are also all over the place but the closest cities are in the middle of nowhere~! ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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@integ and specta - i thought you two grew up in the same household, not different states

the united states military is a mashup of every part of the united states with a slight bias for southern states (iirc) so we were both exposed to a wide variety of dialects with no real primary 'regional' one. add to that my dad is from cali/nevada (and the test pinned him right on reno) and my mom is from 'all over the fucking east coast' and we really grew up with a huge mash of stuff.

EDIT: maybe it's race i'm thinking is overrepresented? i can't remember if it's folks from south of the mason-dixie or black people (or both individually maybe) who have a larger presence in the military than national statistics suggest.

that said, we spent four years in vegas (two local, two military) so it's possible that that time of spex's life was very influential on her future speech patterns. if we take that hypothesis, i spent most of the equivalent time of my life in germany interacting with about 2/3 usaf and 1/3 germans.

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I cant get the pic with mt cell phone. Basically, the east coast, west coast and southwest besides texas were at least yellow, and the Midwest and midsouth were bluish. Florida's southern tip, the extreme northeast, Washington dc and a small bit of washington state were red.

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