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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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i like waking up early but sometimes i can only get to sleep at like 5am for no good reason :(

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I usually have to be up at 7AM, and I need 6 hours of sleep minimum, so I do my best to sleep at the very least at 1AM. Sadly this doesn't always work because I'm an owl and get distracted by my handhelds or tablet.

On days off I usually sleep 3AM-6AM to noon.

As for habits during sleeping... I tend to listen to podcasts while sleeping to shut down my thinking. Once I start pondering I ponder for quite a while.

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Weekdays I normally get to bed around 12 AM and wake up around 6:45 AM, but sometimes take a nap when I get home around 3-4:30 PM. Weekends I sleep 10-12 hours. Also, on weekdays I often get to my destination about half an hour early and use that time to nap sorta while sitting...while waiting for an alarm to go off and alert me that it's time to head to the classroom or assigned work area in question.

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Well, it's 6 AM now, I slept for 4 hours until about 2 hours ago, yesterday I stayed up for 19 hours, Monday I took three separate 3 hours rests, and Sunday I slept for 12 hours, so I think it's safe to say my sleep is completely fucked.

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p shitty

get very little sleep most nights

"I'll catch up on sleep tomorrow" is the bane of my existence

[spoiler=this doesn't help either][8/9/14 11:16:47 PM] Refan³: don't pull a euklyd and say you're going to sleep

[8/9/14 11:16:55 PM] Refan³: but then stay up for like four more hours

still, not as bad as rein's tho

jesus man

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3am-9am on mon/wed/fri. i sleep in tuesday. 3am-7am-thurs(brutal since i work on this day too) and i sleep in on the weekends.

i snore like a motherfucker. drives my roomate insane, but he can go fuck himself.

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Depends on the game. If the game focuses on story or role playing, it needs to be good enough to be an interesting novel. If the game focuses on puzzle solving, story is just icing on the cake.

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As long as it fulfills the following:

1. Doesn't look like someone copypasta'd it from a machine translator

2. Makes the story believable (for varying values of "believable")

3. Is consistent (so Sir McRoughneck shouldn't be speaking like a little lady in one scene and a drunk sailor in the next)

. . .then I'm not going to complain

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Depends heavily on what type of game it is, if it's one that depends heavily on story or world-building (adventure games, most RPGs) than definitely. If it's an action game or platformer, dialogue should be kept to minimum, voice-acted over gameplay or at the least secluded to not too frequent cutscenes. It really depends on if the game was fit for dialogue, sometimes less is more if what is there is breaking up flow of the game (I let Metal Gear get away with this too often) or is just plain bad (Metroid Other M). One of the best dialogue-heavy games IMO is Batman Arkham City, where most of the very cleverly written dialogue is said by the villains over intercoms to you when your fighting or stealthing so it doesn't interfere with what you're doing at the moment. Also, in contrast with Other M, the Metroid Prime series made these great data/lore entries to keep you up with the events of the plot while serving as collectibles you can view at your own discretion, which is amazing and never breaking the flow or tone of the game.

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depending on the game

if it tries to have an actual plot then it better go the whole way

if it doesn't really try and just have a barebones one then that's ok

if it has no plot that's ok too but chances are i'm not gonna play it (or if i do, then not much) because without even a basic plot how do you develop characters and i am huge on characterisation which doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing but it won't be my type of thing

unless it's lego simulator aka minecraft because fuck i love building shit and having infinite building space is great

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Platformers, fighters, puzzle games, etc.

These games dont need gud writing. They dont really need much in the way of writing at all. Excuse Plots are acceptable, but not always necessary.

Action-Adventure, RPGs, Strategy games, Point-and-click Adventures, otome, etc.

These games all need a solid story in order to carry it, cuz they are mostly built around a plot of some sort. One thats more than just "Point A to Point B." So for these types of games, i care about the writing and story structure, yes.

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if by "writing" you mean like, "plot / characters / dialogue" then I'd say that like, on its own it's not gonna sell the game to me (and in fact plotless games are often my favorites aka smash / etc), but if it's shit / otherwise objectionable, especially if it thinks it has a good plot / is an rpg, it can be a dealbreaker.

depending on the degree of shit looking at you sengoku rance I don't care how good your gameplay is

a good plot can keep me interested in an otherwise mediocre game, tho

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Somewhat. If a game has a good story that you can find investment in then I'll enjoy it more for it, but if it's bad I'll probably just ignore it instead of complaining about all the flaws or anything.

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