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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Too much of a procrastinator and I'm a little paranoid. Also I'm never satisfied with anything. I suck at driving, that's another thing.

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My iPod corrupted, and I have no motivation to leave the house until I re-download and sync all my music, which is a lot.

I can't function outside without blocking it with sweet, sweet music.

I'm also sick, ugh.

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Couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. Studied the wrong discipline. Having trouble trying to fix it. Also, don't excel at anything, and having trouble fixing that too.

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I'm very reluctant to drive cars due to an accident in the family when I was a child

I tend to follow guides when trying things out and don't really think for myself until it's way too hard to break habits

I don't know if it's a flaw but I have dry humor and translating that to the internet isn't really that beneficial because I just come off as a dick (maybe i am one), also I tend to forget people can be quite sensitive

Physically, I used to be self conscious about my flat brow ridge and flat nose but I've gotten over that, also recently i've been waking up at 2:30am no matter how tired I am or how late/early I sleep beforehand

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you're not gay

neither a downside nor an upside. :smug:

actually there is something wrong with me now


the fruit gave me a ten point warning for swearing in a topic title in the secret mod forum. what a tyrant! :O

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I guess too antisocial/socially not so well-adjusted?

neither a downside nor an upside. :smug:

actually there is something wrong with me now


the fruit gave me a ten point warning for swearing in a topic title in the secret mod forum. what a tyrant! :O

Retributive justice for taking my warning points virginity.

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neither a downside nor an upside. :smug:

actually there is something wrong with me now


the fruit gave me a ten point warning for swearing in a topic title in the secret mod forum. what a tyrant! :O

what a bitch

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EVERYTHI-ok I'll give a more specific answer...

I'm way too slow in both mind and body, I'm always the slowest runner and my reflexes... well I don't really have anybody to compare to but they can be kinda slow, my mind is extremely slow because I'm slow at coming up with responses and sometimes words/sentences are slow to register into my head making me look dumb when I have nothing to say.

But then there's the problem when I get a bit too fast... because I'm pretty overprotective so whenever anybody says something that may hurt somebody else (especially somebody I really care for) I immediately snap and constantly do things I regret. And it's most horrible when I can't tell if somebody's being serious or not and I get mad at them for saying something mean to somebody but then I learn that they weren't actually serious... I'm often the one causing the problems when I feel like I'm the one trying to stop them~ I'm such a hypocrite

I'm way too quiet and shy really, because of social anxiety (or I assume I have~ because I act a lot like I do) and also partly because of my slow responses (usually once I actually do come up with a response the conversation's already moved on and I just think "siiigh well it's too late now I'm slow as usual"). Even experiences I've had from school and whatnot made it even worse, because everybody treats me differently for being quiet and that embarrasses me. Like everybody finds it so fascinating when I show an emotion and because of that I tend to try hiding my reactions like if I'm happy or feel like laughing or if I'm sad or feel like crying (the only time I can really get myself to show emotion is if it is expected out of me)

I try too hard to avoid conflict... because I absolutely can't stand it. But because of that I know I've hurt others. I try to stick with them as long as I can and try improving them but there were some I've ended up abandoning because my life became more stressful than I wanted... but it makes me feel terribly weak and selfish. (and to make those situations even worse, I always tend to hate myself whenever I think I've hurt somebody so then I just beat myself up... in my mind I deserve it all but others do their best to convince me that I don't... fully deserve it... but I guess even if I did deserve it, it doesn't help me handle anything if all I do is put myself down because then I don't get anything accomplished and it's not good for me to make myself feel too bad)


I am horrible at starting conversation (oh yeah that's the other thing that makes me quiet) and I'm often just stuck in my little head. Even around my own family I can't keep up as much conversation as everybody else seems to keep up.

And contributing to that, I do horrible under pressure. My brain freezes in panic when put under pressure so I just do things even worse.

I have a horrible tendency to speak real quiet around people I'm not that familiar with, so they can't hear me~

I have a horrible tendency to not hear very well contributing more to my awkward quiet self sort of both in volume and just... comprehension? I feel like my brain registers words in slurs or something...

I am motivated by almost nothing and I'm really lazy. That made me drop out of college because I procrastinated too much. I had help during the last semester and I improved, but by then it was too late to turn my gpa around...

To make it even worse is that whenever I try to look into jobs that fit into the careers I've chosen... they all look so uninteresting to me. Even my choice of careers I'd like is very few. Like I love learning astronomy, but I don't think I'd want to do any of those jobs. I really really really love geology, but probably the only job that interested me was a couple vulcanologist positions. It's like they have to be very specific for me to even consider wanting to do them for the rest of my life. But the one thing that does motivate me... is anybody I love in my life~ Which is why my suddenly easy future role (housewife =O) is something I feel like I really want to do. Even if I still worry I won't have the patience for little kiddies but the poor things just don't know any better~

The lack of motivation also helps me be unable to finish any of my projects ever... like in art, I always start up a bunch of projects that I come up with, but eventually I just never feel like finishing them. Especially in story-writing, I never finish anything~ I once finished a seventy-something story when I was little... but besides that nothing~ I guess I can at least say I stuck to one of mine for a bit over 200 pages... but that was during my teenage years and when I read back on it now I really don't like it at all so I'll just have to toss it out~

I'm not at all independent and I am a very very dependent person, majority of the reasons stated above are why I've been such a dependent person.

And I'm tired of thinking so I'll just end off on how... it's probably easy to tell by now, but my self-esteem and confidence aren't exactly the greatest...

Edit: OH YEAH but I just remembered a few more so I lied I guess I'm still thinking

I tend to have feelings of JEALOUSY and this is probably one of the ones I'm most ashamed of... I see so many people or things that are so much better than me or my situation and I always have thoughts of "why do they get to be like that but I don't" or "why can't I live life like that" or "why can't I have that luck" it's horrible

And second one I remembered is... that I forget~ Well how silly that I forgot that I forget stuffs. Things very easily slip my mind, sometimes in the matter of minutes and sometimes in the matter of seconds.

And the third is that I'm incredibly clumsy and I've broken so many (sometimes expensive) things by dropping them or knocking them over either one to several times. Sometimes it's from my stupidity too though =o

Edit edit: OH YEAH and I remembered a couple more but I already forgot one of them because I had to finish something else first

I'm super easily distracted!! I wonder if I have ADD because my dad does and at least a couple of my brothers do and I feel like I have lots of trouble concentrating. Like even when I read books I like I can't focus on what I'm reading and I have to reread sentences or sometimes paragraphs. That makes me a real slow reader.

OH YEAH and I just remembered what the second was and another one!!

I like to complain a lot~! This question gave me a good excuse to complain a lot~

I'm really really sensitive. And also in the sense of ticklishness. Like I can't even have soda or alcohol because both of those are really painful to drink. They hurt my mouth and throat. And my teeth feel pain when they touch something cold so when I have ice cream or popsicles I can't bite into them.

The main thing saving me now is that I've found somebody who's willing to put up with me and even help improve me, even my confidence is improving a bit and he's helping me practice practice improving other traits that I feel like I can't help... As much as I feel like this proves how dependent I am and that I need to learn to take care of myself, I'm so very glad that I can actually have any help at all and at least have somebody who really cares a lot for me <3 As cliché as this sounds, my whole life really is changing (improving) thanks to him he's really gr9 and yes there is nothing wrong with him

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Nothing. My words transcend the laws of the English language, my personality is so magnetic I can't carry credit cards, and several epics have been written about a day I would call average. Get at me.

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I feel like I see flaws in myself everywhere I turn to look, and that this may of course be a flaw itself (which I sometimes wonder if I can ever fix). It's a kind of, it almost feels like the word nihilism is appropriate: "I'm shit, and I want to not be shit, but if I were capable of not being shit, I'd have already have become not-shit, because all of the things I'm shit at are things I've heard are eminently fixable, so I'm probably just terminally shit." Fatalism? Blech. I dwell on failure a lot, possibly in response to an upbringing that at the time I felt emphasized that more than developing my potential.

Which is another thing: I really seem to depend on external praise to frame how I'm doing and to use as emotional fuel (going back to wishing I had received more from parents despite, in retrospect, realizing I wasn't always making that easy for them to get), but since I'm so afraid of failure, especially social (which, in terms of external factors, can be traced to both interactions with parents going wrong and a handful of outstanding social clusterfucks which, despite probably not being fully representative of how friendly relationships work, I still have trouble really getting past), I've tended to keep the loop closed and repeat shit to myself.

I've actually been trying to rein my shitbrain regarding a lot of that in lately, and had some success in at least getting to a place where I'm not constantly [swearing at self internally], but I still have flat-out awful discipline problems to overcome to actually get some forward momentum going.

Also been actually_diagnosed with "clinical" depression, adhd and social anxiety disorder, and I'm not sure just how much of that is legit BRAIN PROBLEMS, since both sides of my family have some possibly dodgy history regarding various forms of shitbrain, but I also worry I'm just an entitled shit regardless.

Also kinda hate my appearance in a dumb, lazy way. I go between desperately wanting to know how to fix what I think is wrong with it and getting lost in all the options and opinions/approaches out there, and basically thinking "eh just assume you look like shit, it's prob a good fit anyway hyuck"

Basically I've spent enough time dwelling on this that I can simultaneously go on forever in my head genuinely, and also be going "oi pike off alredy, 'ad enuff'a this song an'dance"

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