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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Oh, I have seen the San Jose Sharks play once or twice.

nice! from la, but live in santa cruz for school, but i don't care about hockey so i get to team hop from the sharks to the kings depending on where i am, if needed.

as for qotd, i played american football, does that count? if not, then i've also attended a couple dodger games. they were pretty cool.

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Yes, a rugby match. I went to see the Wales vs Barbarians game on 2nd June 2012 at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

At the time, Wales' best players were in Australia preparing for their 3-game series against said team (of which the scores were 27-19, 25-23, and 20-19 to Australia). So the remaining "leftovers" (or team 2) of the Welsh squad remained in Wales to defend their castle against the team without a home. Barbarians are a team that invite players from around the World to play for them, but represent no country. They had Shane Williams on their team - an ex-Welsh star player who had, half a year earlier, retired from International rugby and moved to Japan and play for a club there. He got a standing ovation as he left the pitch.

It was a rather exciting game, with the half time score being 14-13 to the Barbarians. I honestly thought we'd lose, but the game ended on a score of 30-21 to Wales Team 2.

Edit: This was the only one. Haven't been to any other games, rugby or otherwise.

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Here's one that's somehow never been put up.

Question 313. What is your favourite song?

belay that we can do better

Question 313. What is your favourite traditional/folk song?

Edited by Parrhesia
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Leap over that wall if you're so great!

pretty sure jnew counts as folk so yeah POSTING

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Betty is the correct answer here lads just a professional tip, from a professional

good sir I disagree

The most chivalrous fish of the ocean

To ladies forbearing and mild,

Though his record be dark,

is the man-eating shark,

Who will eat neither woman nor child.

He dines upon seamen and skippers,

And tourists his hunger assuage,

And a fresh cabin boy

will inspire him with joy

If he's past the maturity age.

A doctor, a lawyer, a preacher,

He'll gobble one any fine day,

But the ladies, God bless 'em

He'll only address 'em

Politely and go on his way.

I can readily cite you an instance

Where a lovely young lady of Breem,

Who was tender and sweet

and delicious to eat

Fell into the bay with a scream.

She struggled and flounced in the water,

And signaled in vain for her bar,

And she'd surely been drowned

if she hadn't been found

By a chivalrous man-eating shark.

He bowed in a manner most polished

Thus soothing her impulses wild.

"Don't be frightened," he said,

"I've been properly bred,

And will eat neither woman nor child."

Then her proffered his fin and she took it

Such gallantry none can dispute.

While the passengers cheered

as the vessel they neared

And a broadside was fired in salute.

And they soon stood alongside the vessel,

When a life-saving dinghy was lowered

With the pick of the crew,

And her relatives too

And the mate and the skipper aboard.

So they took her aboard in a jiffy,

And the shark stood attention the while,

Then he raised on his flipper

and ate up the skipper!

And went on his way with a smile.

And this shows that the prince of the ocean,

To ladies forbearing and mile,

Though his record be dark

Is the man-eating shark,

Who will eat neither woman nor child.

I can't find a good one on youtube so lyrics will have to do

[spoiler=alternatively have a shitty version]

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This is a tough one...


I realize I don't know a lot of traditional folk music...

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

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and the less well known "Puff the Magic Dragon"


how do i hyperlink my text? everyone else did it and i just couldnt find it and now im sad



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i don't know, there's too many...

probably this:

there's also woody guthrie's "this land is your land," but was never recorded in its original 6-verse glory.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i was trying the link option but couldn't find a way to do it using that, and i clearly fucked up the other way so i just wont bother. thanks though i apperciate it!

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