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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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this is also a good answer imo


there are several folksy/religious songs that I really like but I feel they're kind of out of place here


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this is one of a select gang of songs I will sing at literally any time if asked

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i don't need to watch that to be confident that the actual worst version of miley cyrus' "wrecking ball" is actually ron jeremy's cover of it. it is quite possibly the most disgusting thing i have ever watched, sans "bite it, you scum," by gg allin. don't look either up. don't watch them. don't read about those people's lives. it will cause only pain, frustration, and discomfort. oh, the discomfort.

i'm answering this question twice because american folk music is my shit.

not his best song by any means, but it's funny, catchy, and enjoyable.

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아리랑, I guess, because my grandma would always sing it to me when I was younger. It's special to me in a weird sentimental way, even though the tune itself isn't particularly my favorite

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request: first thing?

when i see the work of others, it tends to inspire me...i guess that's true for anyone, though.

i got some vaccinations on friday, and started feeling like shit a few hours later. cue the next day, and i'm in bed literally all day. i finally decide to go the doctor because things just don't feel right--turns out i had a fever of 103, and a white blood count of 26700, indicative of a severe infection. we think it was cellulitis on my arm. anyway, the doctor and his team re-inspired me (more like reassured me) to stay on the path i'm on to ultimately help people. although i'm interested in medicine, i could never be a medical doctor. because of them i made it out last night. doctors and nurses are incredibly inspiring people.

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Something involving fairy tales and kicking dragon ass.

EDIT: Oh, and Vanguard. Why is beyond me.

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Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.

Got into it about a month ago and my last 10 or so pieces of artwork has been related to Jojo (mostly Jotaro), especially considering 10 non-sketch, full pieces is about how much I draw in a year tops these days due to schoolwork, but Jojo managed to give me enough inspiration to do it in a month AND I still have a list of ideas to go.

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