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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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oh hey sweet that's a good qotd

Question 314. What was the last thing to inspire you?

Some music. Can't really say which song, but it was jazz.

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probably this, but conceivably freohr

Hmmmmm yeah besides you the last I can think of is (are) probably the videos that I've seen several times now but that meant I could afford to quit paying attention to them for a little bit if I needed to... but when I watch them while I exercise they're like a distraction and it kinda helped motivate me to keep exercising I guess? Because then I didn't need to focus on that timer or how much my muscles were tired or how bad my breathing was getting~!

(Otherwise Kalafina's Consolation album tends to get me in a very inspired mood a lot, particularly Consolation the song from Consolation the album of Consolation the ban-oh, Kalafina the band)

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I've been reading a manga called Bakuman recently and it has inspired me, as a person who likes to come up with stories, to actively see on how I can get my work published.

Also, I wrote a sci-fi horror short-story in which I took some inspiration from my friends to compete for the best piece of writing before the last day of school. (I won :)

Those are just recent major inspirations, I get setting and plot ideas all the time from stories I read, games I play and movies I watch.

Edited by Knight
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are you two actually religious or



I'm trying to make my neighborhood a little bit more literate.

After a year I'm already a semi celebrity among 13 year olds and get recognized on the street.

100% legit, probably my favorite answer

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Recommending a new QOTD.

If someone is brought back to life after a length of time, which is more fair: to consider them the same age as when they died, or to consider them the age they would be as though they had lived every year between their date of death and their date of rebirth?

EDIT-AKA Things I think up in the shower.

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i guess i have no excuse not to update then

Question 315. If someone is brought back to life after a length of time, which is more fair: to consider them the same age as when they died, or to consider them the age they would be as though they had lived every year between their date of death and their date of rebirth?

courtesy of 'literally two posts above'

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The same age as they died; I mean, it's only fair (plus wouldn't it be really weird to have the mind of like a college student in the body of a senior citizen).

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No reviving little girls long dead and saying it's legal

SHIT btw this is not what I was thinking of. Good catch though! Anyway, I think that as long as a person's consciousness was temporarily obliterated during their death, they should be considered the same age as when they died. But if they were a ghost or went to heaven or hell or something, they should be considered to have aged.

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