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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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But if they were a ghost or went to heaven or hell or something, they should be considered to have aged.

if that were the case I'd just say their biological age is the same as when they died but their psychological age would be higher than that (might not be using the best terms here, but I think you get the idea)
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give them two ages.

when it matters, any forms that are typically handed out will each have an additional, "were you once deceased?" if ticked yes, "date of reanimation: "

and so all people will have a "bio birth date," or --it'll remain-- dob

some will have a rebirth date in addition, appropriately "dorb"

so, if it matters the questioner can ask "dob" or "dorb" or both "dob" and "dorb," as "dobdorb?"

plus dorb is a silly acronym when said as a word so it's a win-win

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'd call their consciousness the former, and their identity the latter

If judging whether they'd be eligible for, like, a scholarship for X-year olds, one might be able to convince me to use the latter age

If judging whether they're of legal age to purchase alcohol, I'd use the former age

Edited by Rehab
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I'm not sure I see any scenario where the [currentdate - birthdate] age would be more useful.

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Well, it's more a way of conceptualizing their existence than a specific "use" itself, but, like. If somebody came back from 200 years ago, even if they died as a child, then they'd still be a child when they resumed living, sure, but the things that went into their mental development would be shit from the end of the eighteenth century/beginning of the nineteenth, right? So they're "an X-year-old," (lived,) while being "Y years old."

I can't think of many occasions where I'd treat a 70-year-old exactly the same as I would a 7-year-old who was born in 1944, but they're still. "From" when they died? Yeah

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Same age as death.

But what do we do about their birthday? Do we calculate out a new one to determine their biological age exactly (for legal purposes and whatnot) or just not deal with that and leave their new dob as their original dob?

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i guess i have no excuse not to update then

Question 315. If someone is brought back to life after a length of time, which is more fair: to consider them the same age as when they died, or to consider them the age they would be as though they had lived every year between their date of death and their date of rebirth?

courtesy of 'literally two posts above'

Whenever I see wikis or such where they reference a character's age who has experienced being sealed away or frozen or some such for extended periods of time, their age tends to be expressed literally, then biologically in parentheses. That seems to make sense. For legal purposes I believe only the birthdate would be relevant, so in the future if cryogenics ever develop further I think age would be counted when documenting those intervening years, for record keeping.

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If you need clarification then ask.

Ask Euklyd. Because it's his question.

Question 316. Would you prefer to have ten years to live, or have a 50/50 chance to live normally or die instantly?

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Ask Euklyd. Because it's his question.

not technically my question, but close enough, so w/e

@all - rationales would be nice btw

for example...

I've got things I'd like to do, and that will probably take longer than 10 years.

If I knew I was gonna die before I got to do them, I'd probably give up, and that would suck.

EDIT: I did not actually state my answer. I'd take the risk.

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