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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Portal with a faster/darker/horror bent.

Not a lot of ideas but I think this would be very fun.

Edited by Makaze
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Doh, thought I posted sommin

Scott Pilgrim v. The World => A fighting game, half just to see Paul Robertson's art in an actual fighter

Skies of Arcadia => A "sailing" game about actually controlling the airhips, flying through treacherous (but beautiful) skies and things. Ship combat a welcome aspect, but not the sole focal point of the gameplay

Fire Emblem => Whatever Mount&Blade is

Brütal Legend => some sort of rhythm/music "action" game, maybe a la Gitaroo Man? I would like another Brütal Legend is really what I'm getting at

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A loose adaptation plotwise of Lord of the Rings in Suikoden format in which you somehow collect 108 stars and it's ridiculously good, also cool.

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Super Smash Bros. Fire Emblem Edition.

It's Super Smash Bros., but with all the best FE characters.

Twist: Their abilities and attacks change depending on whether or not they are promoted, or something.

Load out your unit/fighter before the battle, and use those weapons in the fight.

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Fire Emblem => Whatever Mount&Blade is

i actually came in to post literally this

EDIT: done in the vein of fire emblem eight: multiple major kingdoms of roughly the same size, different cultural army types between them, neutral zahmbies, a smallish landmass to fight over, it's perfect.

Edited by Integrity
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i just realised the fucking plot clusterfuck that would be a combination of mgs and kh

it would be worse than lost! things would just happen, and instead of trying to figure out why or how, you'd just roll with it.

never heard of mount & blade. looks cool, and i think i fire emblem done in that vein would probably be more fun than the current fe formula. fe is one of two srpgs i play (advance wars seems dead, though).

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Slice of Life starring the Pillar Men from Jojo part 2

I mean, ACDC and Cars had to raise Wham and Santana themselves I want to see them do it

Edited by Thor Odinson
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i think i fire emblem done in that vein would probably be more fun than the current fe formula.

basically what mount and blade (warband, specifically, wf&s is another story while is really neat but not what i'm thinking) is is thus:

you have one RPG dude with RPG stats and levels and skills and gear. you control him in a big overhead map of the continent. you run around variously fighting in tournaments/battles (in first person), trading stuff for money, buying gear, being a cumdumpster for feudal lords, and - the big thing - hiring gullible yokels to join your army. in battle, you fight in first/ots third person with your kit you have equipped (incl. horse or not) with your army around you and their army across the field/desert/mountains/river/castle wall. you can give your dudes simple reposition/targeting orders and play a small, brutal rts with timing your cavalry charges to smash the enemy while they're stuck in with your infantry.

progression happens on three fronts: as mentioned, the first one is you raise your rpg stats and buy/(rarely loot) yourself rpg gear. the second one is much more sinister. every man in your army has a branching promotion progression. each faction has its own troop tree and there are various mercenaries and bandits and such that have their own progression. every time you fight a battle (or every day spent training) your army variously gains experience, and people can promote off that experience, making them more baller and great. all of this requires money.

as you go down this stuff, you become more powerful generally faster than the AI lords in the game. the third line of progression is going from errand bitch to mercenary to minor feudal lord to marshal of the realm. hell, you can be a kingmaker and put a pretender on the throne. or fuck 'em all, declare war and declare yourself independent king of beerstantinople. the best part of mount and blade is getting to the point where you have enough rhodok sharpshooters in a line to attack the king of the nords and just mow down his huge army with your huge army.

now let's transmute this into fire emblem eight. you've got six nations (renais, frelia, grado, rausten, carcino, jehanna) of close enough power that we can fudge it on a discrete landmass that can variously diplomacize with each other. each one has a different troop focus. the m&b formula gets fe-style magic, which is basically just a flashier, shorter range bow (won't kill balance) and staves, which can be represented as healing on the strategic map rather than in the tactical battles or as various reinforcement effects (warp unit = can choose to deploy a squad outside of normal bounds, rescue unit = can pull dying troops from the field as wounded casualties rather than dead, etc). neutrals exist in the form of bandits and mercenaries and revenants. you could have castles get sacked by revanant armies and left barren until somebody spends money to repair and repopulate them, giving a neat little inroad to getting your own land if you're clever.

just think about getting a pile of great knights together and shitstomping some zombies into the ground to build a kingdom gets me all gooey. uguu.

basically the point of this essay is mount and blade: the sacred stones would be a literally perfect game.

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^pictured: a nerd in his natural state

^pictured: go fuck yourself

That sounds fucking amazing! I've never heard of that game before but that's my answer too. (now to go look up mount and blade)

warband has a demo, go check it out (EDIT: on steam or the devs' site). you can get it really cheap these days, too ($5 tops if you're willing to wait a bit). with fire and sword is a bit of a different beast for a bunch of reasons, but i think it's really fun if you get into the right mindset. also, mount and blade 2 or some other named sequel (warbanner maybe?) is on the horizon.

Edited by Integrity
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to be fair it wouldn't have to be sacred stones

just fire emblem: blade & mount print that shit

as for regular mount & blade i played a woman and got discriminated against 10/10 best game

Edited by Tryhard
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i picked sacred stones because i think it lends itself best to the formula for a couple of reasons, but yeah you could have any fire emblem do it.

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