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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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probably flightiness

got some commitment issues, I guess :S

I like to have my options so open that I'm terrible at taking a path that I can't change on a whim

aaaand if I can change it on a whim, there's a good chance I will, so I've got a history of not sticking to things that I would've benefited from sticking to

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im a slave to the pussy

Not having sympathy for people with low self esteem because I didn't want any help when I went through it, especially if they're in their late teens or older, I catch myself thinking "shit just toughen up already"

I-I'm sorry ;-;

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I'm too clingy and get too homesick

I'll miss this place while I'm awaaaaaaaay


Not having sympathy for people with low self esteem because I didn't want any help when I went through it, especially if they're in their late teens or older, I catch myself thinking "shit just toughen up already"

Well aren't you the cool tough guy~

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your flaw is that you are too cute

i am still thinking of mine

Your flaw is you're too cute+sexy at the same time and anybody who questions if that's even possible needs only take you as their example but they also might not want to do that because they'd get too jealous but that's what helps make it a flaw

Edited by Freohr Datia
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For whatever reason, I seem unable to say "no" or stand up for myself most of the time.

Edit: also I have a rough case of entomophobia that only my relatives seem to have a problem with.

Edited by Zak still something
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I lack determination and i'm too indecisive (which i guess is a consequence of lacking determination). It's really hard for me to make decisions, work for something i want or even concentrating in doing a chore.

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I guess what zak said. What tryhard said would be a contender as well. but it would probably be my lack of ability to say no.

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My only flaw is that I make other people look bad in comparison to myself.

I tend to not ask for help, especially when I need it. Stubborn pride too pro!

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I take charge most all the time as have not found anyone more alpha than myself when I work with others. Secretly I hope this changes once I get to University. Sitting on the sidelines means to stress, but chances are I won't allow myself to do so.

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Sometimes, I don't listen to what other people say, which makes me answer questions like an idiot. This is what happened in a restaurant once:

Waitress: "What type of dressing would you like on your salad?"

Me: "Yeah."

*Awkward Silence*

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your flaw is that you are too cute

i am still thinking of mine

Your flaw is you're too cute+sexy at the same time and anybody who questions if that's even possible needs only take you as their example but they also might not want to do that because they'd get too jealous but that's what helps make it a flaw

Get a room! Ugh!

still thinking of a flaw for myself

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I take charge most all the time as have not found anyone more alpha than myself when I work with others. Secretly I hope this changes once I get to University. Sitting on the sidelines means to stress, but chances are I won't allow myself to do so.

on the contrary i think it's because other people like it better when you do all the work. in high school, i mean. i was like you in school when it came to group shit. doesn't matter though, i like being the head fella. especially if i get to speak in front of people.

in college, everyone does equal work. if someone wants to be lazy they get kicked right to the curb. there aren't many group projects as far as i can tell, however.

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in college, everyone does equal work. if someone wants to be lazy they get kicked right to the curb. there aren't many group projects as far as i can tell, however.

on my end I've had to pick up the slack from lazy people in the group projects I've had so far. and I'm not the guy you want trying to be doing the majority of the work, as I'm pretty lazy myself
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