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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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im a slave to the pussy

Not having sympathy for people with low self esteem because I didn't want any help when I went through it, especially if they're in their late teens or older, I catch myself thinking "shit just toughen up already"

I am similar but not with self esteem issues and other people. That, I am willing to listen to. I'm just not compassionate to those who lack common sense and things like that. This makes me look unkind to some. I also have a bad temper when pushed. I think I expect too much from people more than judge them.

Another one is that I can be rather lazy and a procrastinator if a task isn't something I enjoy doing.

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on the contrary i think it's because other people like it better when you do all the work. in high school, i mean. i was like you in school when it came to group shit. doesn't matter though, i like being the head fella. especially if i get to speak in front of people.

in college, everyone does equal work. if someone wants to be lazy they get kicked right to the curb. there aren't many group projects as far as i can tell, however.

in retrospect i think i enjoyed doing the work as well. it means my ideas are being projected to my teachers and i'm making more of an impression. more mes in college may be a problem though .-.

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was it impossible to find new partners? did you try talking to them? did you even care lol?

no, yes and not really

I couldn't really be bothered making a fuss so I didn't really care in the end. I did try getting them to do stuff, but they didn't seem interested. Cool enough guys to talk to, but shit get it together.

Even though it was rather mediocre work by me in the end since that didn't give me a lot of motivation, we still got a decent mark as a group. Everyone (me?) was happy. especially when asking around a few groups managed to do worse. that was just a few times though, I've had groupwork that was shared equally too.

I have a big group project next year so hopefully the same does not happen.

Edited by Tryhard
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i figured out a great flaw, if maybe not my greatest

in my adult life i've become very good at winging things, flying by the seat of my pants

this pretty often leads to me becoming overconfident and blazing into situations half-cocked that i know i should have planned in advance that this modestly often bites me in the ass

usually i can salvage it by picking up the pieces, rallying, making a quick plan, and executing the quick plan, but yeah.

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I'm horribly cynical, and sometimes it gets to the point where I make sarcastic remarks about everything I see, brood out loud, etc.

Coming in a close second is my perpetual inability to work with others. I usually just do everything myself because I have more control over what's going on that way, and I don't have to impose my ridiculously high standards on everybody else and get annoyed and such. Alternatively, if the others are competent by my standards, I don't do anything.

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i figured out a great flaw, if maybe not my greatest

in my adult life i've become very good at winging things, flying by the seat of my pants

this pretty often leads to me becoming overconfident and blazing into situations half-cocked that i know i should have planned in advance that this modestly often bites me in the ass

usually i can salvage it by picking up the pieces, rallying, making a quick plan, and executing the quick plan, but yeah.

To be fair, the only flaw i can see in this is the overconfidence. This often leads to a blithe arrogance and thats bad. Being able to wing it is actually a cool thing to be able to deal with. Im surrounded by consummate planners. Relying on it isnt necessarily horrible either. Sometimes life is a lot funner when you just wing a situation.

Question 324. What is your greatest strength?

I am a listener. I am an observer. As a result, i often see things that fly over the heads of others or no one else really notices. I will pick up on transition more quickly than others. What makes this rather powerful as a social tool, is that i can help others see things. I can listen to others and gauge a situation with a more objective approach. That leads to people being able to rely on me to hear them out. Sometimes being the Neutral Party really has its perks, yo.

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my greatest strength is personal loyalty tbh

i am the gumshoe of real life

Edited by Parrhesia
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To be fair, the only flaw i can see in this is the overconfidence. This often leads to a blithe arrogance and thats bad. Being able to wing it is actually a cool thing to be able to deal with. Im surrounded by consummate planners. Relying on it isnt necessarily horrible either. Sometimes life is a lot funner when you just wing a situation.

i chose this flaw specifically to tie into the greatest strength which i knew was coming because parrhesia is predictable

my greatest strength is outlined in that. i'm extremely adaptable, but i do have a tendency to overestimate that and get myself cornered

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my bicep

okay seriously though, I dunno, intellect? protectiveness? empathy? one of those i guess

being fucking fierce

or something

Edited by Thor Odinson
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