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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I dunno. Jade? Is that even a mineral? I don't know how to define the word mineral.

i check the wikipedia page and see if they call it a mineral (they do for both jadeite and nephrite so jade is a mineral)

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Turquoise, I think?

I found a beautiful pebble of it on the beach one day when I was really little, looks like this but also with some vague yellow in there somewhere (?), and it's been a favorite bauble for a long time (embarrassingly, I only just looked up what it might be, and it also looks like it might be Chrysocolla imo). It may also have helped shape my favorite color being that particular shade of blue

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Amethyst, such a pretty name, such a pretty mineral.~

Neptunium as well, but chances are I'm probably not going to ever own a neptunium ring in my life..

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How can you be proud of that cheater?

lmao you are literally still mad about the hand of god? hahahahahahahahahaha

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I carry serpentine on a pendant every single day, so

kind of a lucky charm, I can't actually feel comfortable when I'm outside without it

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look i've been tired and stressed recently.

Question 332. How punctual are you, and how important to you is punctuality in others?

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I like to think I'm quite punctual. I mean, I dislike being even on time if I have to be somewhere at a specific time (I prefer to be a few minutes early). As to others, I generally dislike it if I have to wait for someone to appear for a good few minutes after the designated time, which is something that unfortunately seems to happen quite a bit to me. If there's no restraints, being punctual really shouldn't be too hard

I think everyone should be reasonably punctual, especially if it's relating to something they actually enjoy/have to do

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I seem to be on time for everything except my first lesson of the day. Variable start times do that to me.

As for the other part, when I was young I had a friend who was always 30 minutes to 3 hours late for everything. Punctuality in others stopped being a big deal after that.

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That's one of the things I'm worst at~

I don't really expect others to be perfectly on time. There are some things I could be a stickler on perfection about and that is not one of them. Being a little late is fine by me. Once it gets really really late though (like I can get sometimes x3) I think that's when it starts getting pretty bad.

I've been working on getting better about it ;u;

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i am always on time for everything

punctuality in others is IMO a very important thing. i have a good bit of scorn for people who keep me waiting regularly

i've been working on getting her^ better about it. despite what she says, she doesn't tend to keep me waiting for things.

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