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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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two offline, a few online

to clarify i have a fucking lot of close and trusted friends but only a few that i would really consider on the pedastal with me

basically this

although more than a couple IRL

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That's lucky for you! I hope things go well!

Things are going well!

Seriously though: Aside from my brothers, I've got four online. I'm gonna be transitioning to COLLEGE LIFE next year so maybe I'll make some more. Either way, I'm content with who I have. I don't need too many weirdos in my life.

Edited by Esme
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Going with "would live with permanently," I'd say four in real life, excluding family but not excluding my fiancée because not family yet, and maybe two online. Admittedly this is still sort of cheating because I /do/ live with my fiancée as of right now but shut up.

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More than I honestly can count without taking time and effort to answer this question.

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About four irl. Five on a technicality since one is online but we've hung out irl and we would hang more irl if he didnt live in like bumfuck egypt.

Online? Quite a few and ive lost count.

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i have massive platonic erections for so many people

All my friends are online. I've been disenchanted by people IRL, you could say.

this is depressing

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Three IRL and maybe one online? I at least want to consider him as being close-ish, but I'm not even sure if he considers us friends in the first place. .-.

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are you seriously pulling the whole "I have more friends than you hahaha" card?

I really doubt he is, it's just sad you have to resort to online social interaction when you probably just don't want to make an effort to be good friends with people

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are you seriously pulling the whole "I have more friends than you hahaha" card?

it's depressing that the number of real-life friends i would need in order to pull that card is One (1) is all

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