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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Foolish sheeple willingly embracing the shackles the media and pop culture forge to misguide you. Coffee is laced with mind-control drugs!

... That make you more mentally active. Hmm.

No source for me =/

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Question 344. What are you most self-conscious about?

lol by quoting this (bolded) from a pm (into a bolded sentence) i somehow made it doublebold fuck yeah

by request, anyway

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I'm better at Physics and the Ace Attorney series.

i was going to absently go into the past to debunk this as i'd just started the series by the time of this post and the assumption galled me while i'm now deep into the finale but i'd forgotten there was another part and jesus christ the physics part is almost certainly true, fuck

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Generally what I could do, even though I know I won't.

Or somehow acting in a way that would offend someone I guess.


This question: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE, K?

works pretty well

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my height? i wish i were taller. but most girls i meet are either my height or (typically) shorter so i guess it doesn't really matter. but yeah i wanna be 6' and i'm not that. it's more of a bitterness towards the cruelty of mother nature, though, than a self-conscious thing.

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Not really actively about anything

I prefer to lift at home rather at the gym because I get self conscious about not being able to bench 400 or something

But that usually doesn't come up much until people mention it

My height: too tall for my liking.

Pls give me some of your height

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it bothers me when I'm trying to articulate my thoughts and it feels like I'm just verbally flailing about

it happens more often than I'd like tbqh

I just keep blathering on my merry way anyway

lol and i'm an english major ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Everything ;-;

My voice is annoying

I'm horrible to look at and talk to

I trip over every word and I feel like I piss off people all of the time

Especially when I don't mean too ;-;

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I could go forever about the stuff I don't like and worry about directly at times,

[spoiler=and then he did] including shit I've done or not done in the past and how it compares to what I'm doing at the moment, my appearance, lack of skills/knowledge/experience, lack of success in things that I want to do someday, voice sounds like a toad burping,

but probably the things that are most often on my mind that actually impede me from doing shit are worrying how I'll come off to others I'm around or might be around soon, and what kinds of impressions I've given before to others

Im too skinny

I'm so ugly.

Okay, you 2 I know for trufacts:


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