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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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YOOOOOOO I'M A GREEK/ROMAN MYTHOLOGY LOVER THERE ARE TOO MANY OF MY FAVORITES!!!! I've loved it ever since elementary school, still love it to pieces.

I love anything with Apollo in it, generally, he's a riot. I think Hermes is hilarious too :D

Hermes to the tortoise he found, whose shell he would eventually use to make the lyre: "Greetings, what a delight you appear to me, lovely in shape, graceful in movement, and a good dinner companion." LOLOLOL that's not weird at all XD

I think my favorite story might be Jason and the Argonauts, though. I feel like someone needs to make a short TV serial of their adventures, along with the 12 labors of Hercules. DUDE there's that one story about Hercules and Omphale, where she forced him to wear women's clothes and do sewing and stuff while she strutted around in his Nemean Lion skin. That cracked me up so much.

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nothing beats Thor smashing giant heads after eating entire cows in a wedding dress over a stolen hammer. Thor for bride class confirmed.

I'm fairly familiar with the grecoroman myths, but nothing comes up that currently rivals Thrymskvitha right now. Twelve labors of Hercules is pretty cool though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Much as I heart Greek/Roman mythology. . .nothing beats the imagery of a bunch of guys fishing up Hawaii.

(in other words, the mythological explanation behind the creation of the Hawaiian islands)

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Much as I heart Greek/Roman mythology. . .nothing beats the imagery of a bunch of guys fishing up Hawaii.

(in other words, the mythological explanation behind the creation of the Hawaiian islands)

tell me this story

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I think I have to go with a very small part of the Odyssey...the part where Odysseus comes back to his home under a veil made by Athena, but blind Argos recognizes him and dies :( .

wow i havent read any mythologies in a long time, but i was always rather fond of the part in the Odyssey where Odysseus runs into Polyphemus. Polyphemus also has a pretty neat backstory.

Ya, I love the part where he announces his name as he sails away (and then gets cursed by poly and fucked over by poseidon).

I think my favorite story might be Jason and the Argonauts, though. I feel like someone needs to make a short TV serial of their adventures, along with the 12 labors of Hercules.

There is a movie by Harryhausen which covers the Argonaut story. It has pretty cool monsters for being in 196_.

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Much as I heart Greek/Roman mythology. . .nothing beats the imagery of a bunch of guys fishing up Hawaii.

(in other words, the mythological explanation behind the creation of the Hawaiian islands)

tell me this story

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The general gist of it involves the demigod Maui. Maui's a demigod who had a magical fish hook that could snag anything. However, giving a hammer that hits nails to someone that couldn't identify a nail to save his skin is asking for trouble, and Maui. . .was, uh, that kind of carpenter. . .fisher. . .whatever. Point is, instead of catching fish, he wound up using it for other purposes.

So the story goes that Maui was out fishing with his brothers one day, and his fish hook hit the bottom of the sea floor. He attempted to reel it in, and realized two things:

1. He had something huge.

2. His brothers were unaware of the exact nature of his catch.

He told his brothers that he caught a gigantic fish, and to paddle like crazy! They do that, and when they look behind them, they see a fucking island where none had existed before. Rinse and repeat for the rest of the island chain.

Another variant involves Maui fishing up a hot chick instead, and his brothers stop rowing because boobs. . .but I like the first version better.

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I'm not too well versed in myths, it's just the way they're told that makes me like them, for example I had this super cool priest come into our high school that made the bible really appealing to a bunch of hormone enraged 13 year olds by explaining certain stories in a much more violent and crude way.

My dad always makes for great stories as well, with his broken english, chinese accent and swearing he made out the chinese story of the butterfly lovers (basically it's romeo and juliet) as some kind of sick porno

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The general gist of it involves the demigod Maui. Maui's a demigod who had a magical fish hook that could snag anything. However, giving a hammer that hits nails to someone that couldn't identify a nail to save his skin is asking for trouble, and Maui. . .was, uh, that kind of carpenter. . .fisher. . .whatever. Point is, instead of catching fish, he wound up using it for other purposes.

So the story goes that Maui was out fishing with his brothers one day, and his fish hook hit the bottom of the sea floor. He attempted to reel it in, and realized two things:

1. He had something huge.

2. His brothers were unaware of the exact nature of his catch.

He told his brothers that he caught a gigantic fish, and to paddle like crazy! They do that, and when they look behind them, they see a fucking island where none had existed before. Rinse and repeat for the rest of the island chain.

i don't really want to just copy someone but this owns

EDIT: in closing, hawaiians rule.

Edited by Integrity
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