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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I changed my mind. I'd like to live on Malta, but only if I can make a living there as a

prostitute of the mind.

I just got reminded of Malta Kanno and Creta Kanno from Wind Up Bird Chronicle.

As for the question, I don't think so...

Edited by SeverIan
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I just got reminded of Malta Kanno and Creta Kanno from Wind Up Bird Chronicle.


someone got the reference

thank you, SeverIan

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I was watching the elders react video to the oculus rift and it occurred to me that... I have a feeling the younger generations probably wouldn't appreciate these things as much as the older people would~ Because this was a future that long ago, they would have imagined could only come long after their lives had ended and yet there they were experiencing the "future." I find it pretty interesting~

With motion control... idk I kinda find games easier to control without, it's a neat feature but it always felt a little inconvenient (though at some point maybe they'll find some way to improve motion controls, idk!) and I prefer just buttons x3

As for virtual reality, well in that elders react video some who are prone to motion-sickness got sick, and I realized the one huge flaw (in myself) that would probably end up preventing me from being able to make use of it... ;u; Well, that and poor

Now voice... I'm not too familiar with. But I do know in twewy I don't want to just yell at my game because that'd feel so awkward to me so I was taught that I could get away with just tapping the mic ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i'm interested in vr the most. i dislike mc for the most part, as it's done today. voice recognition could be a cool gimmick, but it's still very error-prone. pw games have been the most fun with it.

but yeah the oculus rift looks bitchin and i can't wait to see where virtual reality gaming is headed. let's all hope for a shooting game akin to that one futurama episode. (where leela meets a fellow "cyclops.)

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My dog in Nintendogs kept hearing my commands wrong. Pikachu was a great buddy, though.

So I guess...half and half! When VR gets better, VR games might be more worthwhile.

now i AM very interested in the rift and the future of that side of games. uguuu full 3d surround mechwarrior

EDIT: this is supposed to be read as "qft nightmarre but also ___"

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The Trauma Center series alone justifies the existence of motion control games to me, but I wish I could think of more examples I've played that I thought were really excellent, enjoyable showcases of its potential. Haven't personally played much VR and no Oculus so far, but I'm eagerly waiting for somebody to come out with something cool for them.

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The Trauma Center series alone justifies the existence of motion control games to me, but I wish I could think of more examples I've played that I thought were really excellent, enjoyable showcases of its potential.

Oh yeah, I meant to say this.

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Question 357. What is your favourite gif that doesn't contain Tom Hiddlestone?

i'm sick of his ugly fucking face and too-pale skin, it's fucking everywhere, i don't care if you like it or what your thoughts are on it, i don't want to see it in this thread of which i am the opening poster

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