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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Our stores are terrible. . .because I could legit answer something by Earth, Wind and Fire if I used that as a metric.

Now, as for the question. . .closest I can think of is Rihanna's Disturbia (bite me, I like the song).

I guess I'm trusting people to use their own discretion when I say that.

Then silently judging them when they abuse that trust.

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This is a tough question in that I can't really decide on just one... Idk which I'd prefer most~

The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! at the Disco (not linking the music video because it cuts out a couple lines) This one is probably closest to my musical tastes~ Panic! at the Disco is actually a band I used to regularly listen to. Not so much anymore... Among their songs though this is probably my favourite~ It's at least one of them!

My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy This... is incredibly far from my regular musical tastes~ I don't think any of the music I listen to sounds anything like this ^o^ There was a time when I listened to these guys a bit too... Not as much as the former. But I got linked to this song and thought "wow they sure changed" but I still gave it a listen. And....... then........................


Man did that make me laugh when I first heard it~ Pretty sure I remember how Patrick Stump always was pretty good at singing crazily like that, both he and Brendon Urie (Panic! at the Disco's singer) did not fail to impress me sometimes

I think just hearing that line made me a little attached to that song and then that gave it a chance to grow on me ^o^

Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (not linking the music video to this either since they keep interrupting the soooooooooong) I don't remember the first time I heard this song... on the radio probably? I think I'd hear it repeatedly on the radio and even at the Kentucky Kingdom amusement park sometimes as well, sometimes when we went to an Indianapolis Indians baseball game they'd play that song, and quite a few other times as well. This isn't really like the type of music I listen to either, but idk there's something about the beat I guess that I enjoy. And of course all those radio encounters kind of helped it grow on me as well~

(And I actually do kinda like Lights as well, though)

The only FOB songs I really like listening to are: Dance Dance, This ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race, Thanks for the Memories - so basically their older, more popular songs. I think I first heard them whilst playing Burnout 3. I haven't been keeping up with them within recent years, though.

Panic! have gone downhill for me since their first album. I liked their first album, most songs were at least enjoyable. Then everything else I heard by them since just sounds dull in comparison.

Imagine Dragons are pretty neat. I too like Radioactive, and some of the recent songs they did for games and soundtracks - e.g. Battle Cry for Transformers 4, and Warriors for League of Legends.

As for my own choices, I'm going with this for one of my favourite song within the recent years:

La Roux - Bulletproof

And some very recent songs which I like more than other recent stuff:

Charli XCX - Boom Clap

David Guetta - Lovers on the Sun ft Sam Martin

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if only i weren't mad at ubisoft for shittiest PR to ever PR

(protip if you buy me the game i'll play it anyway im weak against AssCreed)

that sounds like it'd distract you though

and that would be terrible

I am adding myself to the list of people that think Radioactive is pretty cool

don't like it as much as Lights but it's still cool

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too late I already decided not to buy animal crossing unity: let's murder the city

actually I decided that a long time ago but ~details~

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Thanks~! I've had a soft spot for the series, even if it's not exactly my genre. I might try them out on Steam one day~!

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Yeah. Recent music hasn't exactly satisfied me.

i'm willing to bet the money in my account that you simply haven't even scratched the surface of contemporary music. in 2 year's time, once you start really listening, you'll come back here and say, "captain beefheart and merzbow are my two favorite artists."

but yeah, if you like rock look up some of the artists that the rock greats of yesteryear are listening to (are or a part of the same label). you might be surprised. and then of course, over time you'll expand your taste.

changing my answer to something a little more bumpin

~collard greens~


his new album is great, save a couple songs.

can't choose between rolling in the deep (which at this point is old i guess but i dgaf), happy, and team

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can't choose between rolling in the deep (which at this point is old i guess but i dgaf), happy, and team

@bolded: omg I actually find that song pretty cute~ It almost feels like a breath of fresh air compared to some of the songs I've been hearing... (I heard this song from my dad~! He definitely likes the song x3)

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Happy was a pretty happy song

That was until something called "overplaying the shit out of songs" attacked

Overplay ruins songs

yeah i didn't mind that song until it got played inside the stadiums during the fucking world cup

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