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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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i mainly defy brazilian stereotypes by not saying "HUEHUEHUEHUE" on the internet

i don't know other stereotypes though as the world seems to have gotten over the whole "FOOTBALL AND GIRLS FROM IPANEMA" thing

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I'm not all that friendly (or racist)

I don't like the heat or exerting myself more than necessary

I very rarely use slang

I don't like watching/playing sports and I think the hype surrounding them is kinda silly

I also don't drink beer

So I'm pretty much the least Australian person ever. The only thing Australian about me is my accent.

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I don't shag sheep.

Other than that, what are other Welsh stereotypes?

Really funny accent. /shrug

I probably don't even know half the stereotypes of my country

Which, oddly enough, fits quite well with many of them. :Y

Ehhh im actually not stereotypically American at all. At all. Ive had people ask me if im British. A Norwegian friend of mine said i would fit right in that country. So apparently, i embody some Northern European stereotype.

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I'm not all that friendly (or racist)

I don't like the heat or exerting myself more than necessary

I very rarely use slang

I don't like watching/playing sports and I think the hype surrounding them is kinda silly

I also don't drink beer

So I'm pretty much the least Australian person ever. The only thing Australian about me is my accent.

you wouldn't call yourself a bogon then

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I don't really know what my national stereotype is.

I'm not a windmill. I don't wear clogs. I'm not greedy.

Are those Dutch stereotypes?

the part that mostly gets to australia is that holland is the most 420 blaze it hedonists

also best tourist destination (directly related)

also best destination for players too good for the a-league (possibly related)

you wouldn't call yourself a bogon then

it's bogan. bogon is a kind of moth.

Edited by Parrhesia
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I love eating poutine, light the occasional cigarette, can speak English and French fluently and my favourite colour is blue if that accounts for anything!

Nor am I ever happy, and I'm pretty sure when I reach my late middle ages, I'm never going to wear a shirt and scream nonsense from my townhouse window.

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