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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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If he's truly immortal, then the bolded part makes no logical sense.

this is literally the smuggest and most #checkmateatheists way to express this lol

it sure as fuck didn't look like an honest question

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How many unread messages have you got in your email inbox?

What's your favourite flashback in tv/film?

The first is kinda weak tbh

Second might be interesting? Anyone else with thoughts?

but, hell, in the meantime

Question 413. What are your experiences with moving houses/cities?

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Hmmmm well I've moved a few times, first I was in Washington state then my mom took me to Canada then my dad took me back and brought me to Indiana and then we've moved a few times around here. Most of the time we lived around scary Indianapolis but then we were able to move further toward the more calm, quiet countryside (but not to the point of being, like... uninhabited)

And next August I'll be moving to Ohio omg ;u; (or that's the plan so far~! sounds like the plan that's gonna stay though)

(oh and also that place is even quieter and countrier than here!!)

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I moved a bit here and there, but they're all within walking distance of each other. . .if I walk the entire day.

(also, you need to have straight spoilers)

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I moved from some place in inner city Baltimore to Bel Air, Maryland when I was 2 (I was born in Timonium)

I grew up in Bel Air and lived there until I was 14 (summer between 9th and 10th grade). Then we moved to Ellicott City, MD (which is like 15 minutes southwest of Baltimore). I didn't take this one well; I was finally making friends in school and people around me were actually respecting me because I was good at school and I was becoming a nice guy. Needless to say, it screwed me up for a year, but a few years down the line I came to terms with it. I understood why we had to move - my dad was going through chemotherapy for his cancer and he also had to commute an hour back and forth for work (so two hours) and he had to work until like midnight or later sometimes because he owned a restaurant - so it was just a lot more convenient for him and it saved us a ton of money on gas. Also saved us in case there was an emergency at the restaurant, so we could go there immediately.

Also, to add to that, I look back and realize I probably wouldn't have gone anywhere if I stayed in Bel Air. Bel Air was one of those places where you're basically stuck if you're unmotivated and it doesn't really motivate you to stay there.

I'm not sure if this counts, but later I moved onto campus at UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County). I was fine with this, only 15 minutes from home and I had a bunch of friends in undergrad.

I live in Naperville, Illinois for a summer (I spent my other summers at UMBC) and I was homesick for a week or two. Got to know people there well, hated my research project and my supervisor but loved all the people but my roommate. I met dondon while I was there and we played Project M with him and his friends for a bit. It was chill.

I moved to Tucson, AZ recently and it's a pretty decent place and the people are decent, but I haven't taken it well. I think I need more time to acclimate but I'm getting along with people a lot better than I used to after slumping the past month and it was a good lesson on not comparing people. Still adjusting, but it'll turn out fine.

Meanwhile, my parents moved to Laurel, MD (which is closer to DC than Baltimore) and that doesn't affect me too much. The cost of living is lower there and it's not too far away from anything. It's a nice place and if I need to go anywhere when I'm home I can drive.

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I moved from near Brownsville, in Tejas, to nj, pretty close to nyc. I really dont remember any of my preschool friends. I went to college in Indiana, very close to Ohio. I am now back in nj cuz I am a loser. I did graduate on time, tho!!! I think this time will be a repeat performance.

I still have some high school and college friends in the area, which is good.

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I lived in the city where I was born for 7 years, and there, I moved between apartments once. In the city I've lived since then, I've moved between different apartments twice.

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I went to college in Indiana, very close to Ohio.

Did I ever tell you that Integrity and I pass through there when he takes me to his/my home? (not the college but the city)

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Moved four times, all in the same extremely small area. (Three different cities, but they all run together.)

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I moved once when I was an infant, and once when I was 7 (Dublin -> Boston -> Miami). I don't remember terribly much about it other than being rather tedious.

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My family moved once when I was 3, and once again when I was 4. Been here ever since.

My sister moved to Scotland last year though, and the family's been considering following suit.

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Lived in Calgary when I was young, lived somewhere in B.C. when I was even younger. I may have lived in other places between those times, but I've lived where I am now for quite awhile. (might be moving though next fall to avoid commuting.)

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Within the US, only between houses/apartments between parents and grandparents. And then my upcoming move from NY to California in probably about a month from now.

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several times.

moved from like downtown la to the ghetto, to another ghetto, to the suburbs (lol those are so bad), to santa cruz. i currently switch between santa cruz and los angeles (technically bellflower)

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