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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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"Why do we need to take this in school." or "I won't need this stuff after I graduate" I hate this. I don't mind if you suck at your classes, but you shouldn't complain about something you don't understand. If you aren't hoping to be an engineer, or a doctor, or a scientist, that's fine, but many people do, and you should stop being so arrogant.

I didn't mind it as much, but now I seriously am getting irritated at sexism, racism and prejudice on the internet.

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I don't know what level of schooling you're taking, but that is certainly the case with college. I have to take a good deal of classes that have nothing at all to do with my major just because it's required (and because if I just took classes that had to do with my major, I'd be done in 2 years instead of 4).

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I don't know what level of schooling you're taking, but that is certainly the case with college. I have to take a good deal of classes that have nothing at all to do with my major just because it's required (and because if I just took classes that had to do with my major, I'd be done in 2 years instead of 4).

I can understand that in college, especially since you're paying for the stuff, but not in high school.

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"I can't"

"You can't"

"I'll pray for you"

"You'll agree when you reach my age"

"There are good cops"

"That's too old to be a spoiler"



"anarchy" (informal incorrect)

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"thats so sweet I'm gonna get diabetes!!!!" and any statement like it since I have to deal with ignorant masses that legit believe this when in reality its a result of shitty genetics and nowhere near as easy to deal with like the themepark version you often see in media will lead you to believe

People who casually use the word rape in sentences (eg. "man I totally raped that n00b in todays match XDDD")

"man up" and any phrase like it since associating being tough as masculine is a bad thing to do and should be gender-neutral

Come to think of it I probably have a whole laundry list of phrases I hate whoops I should probably stop here

Everything in this post.

Also: "fag" (pejorative), "gay" (pejorative), "retarded" (pejorative), "slut" (pejorative, AKA any)

Edit: Aaaagh. Meant to merge posts.

Sorry about that.

Edited by Makaze
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Ah yes, good, pretend that you're that bad at reading comprehension not to immediately understand what I mean. Nothing makes you look intelligent more than failing to read to a sixth-grade standard.

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Ah yes, good, pretend that you're that bad at reading comprehension not to immediately understand what I mean. Nothing makes you look intelligent more than failing to read to a sixth-grade standard.

I can tell you are not pretending.

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Me too

I guess I'm so repulsed by it that I just blocked it out of my mind when I read this topic

Someone came up with a gender-neutral alternative to that

"Tank up"

I thought that was p cool

I prefer "Suck it up, chumpy!"

Very gender neutral and still gets the point across.

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I can tell you are not pretending.

... That doesn't make sense. I'm assuming that's you claiming I have poor reading comprehension. Fierce.

Okay, here's one to add to the list - people pretending they can't leap to obvious conclusions or don't understand what someone's saying. Pedantry through the medium of 'pretending to be a fucking idiot', basically.

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"I'll pray for you"

"There are good cops"



i hate hearing you talk

tbh I've heard enough "I'll pray for you" recently that, in addition to the way it was said, it's gotten really fucking obnoxious.

"gods" probably, since all of the people I hear say it IRL I know to believe nothing of the sort.

and then like, things I actually actively dislike as opposed to pet peeves...

[4/13/14 12:15:58 AM] [Person]: think about it

[4/13/14 12:16:01 AM] Person: you go around such people

[4/13/14 12:16:06 AM] [Person]: they joke about purple drank and ghetto stuff

[4/13/14 12:16:18 AM] Euklyd: thanks

[4/13/14 12:16:35 AM] Euklyd: and yeah the people I hang around are pretty sheltered and/or ignorant

[4/13/14 12:16:47 AM] [Person]: they make these racist jokes that like

[4/13/14 12:16:48 AM] Euklyd: or just don't care

[4/13/14 12:16:50 AM] Euklyd: yes

[4/13/14 12:16:53 AM] Euklyd: exactly

basically ignorant assholes making dumb "jokes" (doesn't have to be ~super offensively racist~, could be about a bunch of things), and not even meaning it ironically (making such jokes ironically isn't exactly great either, but it's nowhere near as bad).

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ANYTHING that I think comes from a standpoint of malice. This includes shit like passive-aggressive promises of prayer, false thank-yous and apologies, and things where the spirit of the law/rules are ignored for the letter of it.

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"I'll pray for you" can really go either way tbh

(though in a positive sense it's usually like... not phrased like that?)

(i don't actually know many Christians.)

(which is a pity)

Edited by Parrhesia
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... That doesn't make sense. I'm assuming that's you claiming I have poor reading comprehension. Fierce.

Okay, here's one to add to the list - people pretending they can't leap to obvious conclusions or don't understand what someone's saying. Pedantry through the medium of 'pretending to be a fucking idiot', basically.

You got it right.

Because I do not dislike you as you dislike me, I do not ask rhetorical questions in an attempt to mock you, as a general rule. I expected and intended an answer.

Your not giving one looks like a sign of poor comprehension to my eye.

Please do not call me out if you do not want replies, and do not reply if you are only looking to express your distaste.

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Don't worry mate, there's nothing I could say to make you look bad. You're doing a pretty great job of that all on your lonesome.

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"thats so sweet I'm gonna get diabetes!!!!" and any statement like it since I have to deal with ignorant masses that legit believe this when in reality its a result of shitty genetics and nowhere near as easy to deal with like the themepark version you often see in media will lead you to believe

People who casually use the word rape in sentences (eg. "man I totally raped that n00b in todays match XDDD")

"man up" and any phrase like it since associating being tough as masculine is a bad thing to do and should be gender-neutral

Come to think of it I probably have a whole laundry list of phrases I hate whoops I should probably stop here

People obsessed with any kind of animal.

I also hate seeing people complain about the "friend-zone".

Oh, also this

I agree with everything with this post.

If I lived my whole life without using the world friend-zone,you have no reasons to use it.

see, I think being honnest with myself is always the most important.

I also abolutely hate hypocrisy. If you decide to be an asshole, or purely evil, have at least the decency to be honnest about it.

Here's Dom Juan's quote, because it is absolutely perfect.

That's actually why I hate extremists and fundamentalists group so much.

Stop using God to justify your bullshit.

You're causing far more wrong to your own religion than a whole army of atheists.

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tbh I've heard enough "I'll pray for you" recently that, in addition to the way it was said, it's gotten really fucking obnoxious.

"gods" probably, since all of the people I hear say it IRL I know to believe nothing of the sort.

and then like, things I actually actively dislike as opposed to pet peeves...

basically ignorant assholes making dumb "jokes" (doesn't have to be ~super offensively racist~, could be about a bunch of things), and not even meaning it ironically (making such jokes ironically isn't exactly great either, but it's nowhere near as bad).

Saying "purple drank and ghetto stuff" can go over as pretty ignorant in its own right, but yeah i know what you mean i think. Some of my friends are pretty sheltered and sometimes they say the stupidest shit, although not alwayd about "~ghetto stuff~" lol

Edit: i guess i mightve misubderstood what you meant of you just mean plain racism, which im pretty sure everyone hates? And so many people who are racist will not admit that they are ignorant fucking racists and its awful.

Edited by fuccboi
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People who casually use the word rape in sentences (eg. "man I totally raped that n00b in todays match XDDD")

My brothers play Gears of War and say this CONSTANTLY.

"Heh, yeah, we're gonna rape these kids."


"Haha, yeah, I totally raped him!"


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Saying "purple drank and ghetto stuff" can go over as pretty ignorant in its own right, but yeah i know what you mean i think. Some of my friends are pretty sheltered and sometimes they say the stupidest shit, although not alwayd about "~ghetto stuff~" lol

Edit: i guess i mightve misubderstood what you meant of you just mean plain racism, which im pretty sure everyone hates? And so many people who are racist will not admit that they are ignorant fucking racists and its awful.

You were right initially; plain racism is obviously bad, but like, sheltered friends saying stupid ignorant shit is really what I and That Person were talking about.

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I like how this question gave SFppl plenty of opportunities to bash each other and talk about how they hearing/reading each other speak ^o^ Edited by Freohr Datia
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