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What is a good reason to deny alcohol?


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You know, how people say things tend to be all right, when in moderation? A friend of mine has sometimes (very few times, he's not persistent and respects my decision) offered me some booze when he and another friend brought over. I don't drink, by the way. But my friend said that beer has very low amounts of alcohol for it to be harmful, but my answer was/is still no, because I consider myself a healthy person, but apparently, it could just be a moot point that parents (and myself) really put on us.

To be honest, I'm seriously not interested in even trying it. Same goes with drugs, even if moderation is assumed...I just, don't. And yes, I may very well be biased because of what we're told, when we're young. But is it wrong, to do what I do? I don't think there's a need to try things out, before you reject them, but I feel it's all right to reject some things (like drugs).

Edited by The Boss
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What you mention - health concerns - is a valid enough reason, and you should state that since that's what you happen to think. I'm a drinker myself though - don't abuse anymore, but the effect is something I require at times and it breaks so many borders between people when it comes to socialisation.

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I personally think most alcoholic beverages taste downright awful, and you can't remove the taste of alcohol from the beverage entirely, no matter how hard you try. That in itself works for me as an easy out.

My step brother lost his two kids due to alcohol, so That's always my head too.

My sister on the other hand, gets nauseous and mild migraines whenever she has even a little bit of alcohol, so she's always had that to fall back on.

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I don't like most alcoholic beverages myself, I just drink small deals from time to time.

My family has some bad habits I don't wish to continue some of their mistakes.

Mostly just drinking with some and smoking with others (I will never get the appeal of smoking either Im not interested in even trying), too clean cut to even consider drugs really (you know the ones meant to get a high not like small medical ones). I don't see the appeals of getting high off em anyways

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I have a few reasons, myself:

Firstly, it just tastes bad. Yuck.

Secondly, I have no interest in being drunk. My mind not being fully functioning seriously freaks me out, and my friends and I don't really have inhibitions around each other. I don't think alcohol would open us up any more than we already are. It would just kill our judgement and probably lead to us sharing all of the depressing facts about our lives, at most.

Thirdly, my family has seen multiple friends attempt (some successfully) to commit suicide, brought on by alcohol.

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If you're not interested in trying it, don't try it. I know during my brief sober stints people were generally very polite about it. They would still offer to share whatever was going around, but a simple no is all it takes, and people generally don't press the issue. Any reason you can come up with is a good reason; having substance abuse issues is an easy way to make your life hell.

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I feel bad for anyone who's been around people whose lives have been ruined by alcohol, but it's almost always been a very positive experience for me since I only drink when I go out for a night on the town which has never not been fun. But, if you're looking for a socially acceptable reason to not drink (and also not be a party pooper), you could always say you have work/some thing the next day, or that you're driving yourself or someone else home. I wouldn't really want to say "no thanks, I don't drink" because in an environment where everyone else is drinking as it can come off as either prudish or condescending (or both) which is bound to ruin someone's night. It's actually such a huge bummer to offer someone else a drink only to be told that they don't drink--offering someone a drink is usually a social gesture that means "come and join us, we want you to have fun too!" so being refused might even be considered offensive. Anyway, white lies, my friend :):

Oh, if you're looking for a reason to not drink at all (as in, a justification) then there are numerous adverse effects felt by drinking. Just google around and you'll find a few soon enough. Once again, don't bring these up a party, you'll just sound like an ass.

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My plan was originally to offer to be the now-and-future designated driver until the end of time if they go easy on the teasing, but I just noticed a label on one of my meds with a strike-through sign over a martini glass, labeled, "Do not drink alcoholic beverages when taking this medication."


That oughtta work, right

(though I can still give the DD offer as a courtesy I guess)

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The fact that you plainly just don't want to drink should be good enough reason. Whether it's health reasons, having been personally affected by it in the past, or that you're just not into it are all valid positions, IMO.

For me, it's pretty much all 3. I have Gilbert's Syndrome (alcohol becomes almost like a poison since my liver can't process the byproduct), and my brother was largely a violent alcoholic. I only found out about my syndrome less than a year ago, but even prior to that I still had an aversion to alcohol.

The moral is, no matter the situation, if you don't want to drink, that should be reason enough, and people should respect that. There's nothing wrong with being offered; but there's a lot wrong with being pestered and pressured.

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"no thanks, not interested"

you don't need a reason to not consume something and anyone who says otherwise can shove it (preferably nonviolently by repeating the above)

Edited by bookofholsety
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I have a few reasons, myself:

Firstly, it just tastes bad. Yuck.

Secondly, I have no interest in being drunk. My mind not being fully functioning seriously freaks me out, and my friends and I don't really have inhibitions around each other. I don't think alcohol would open us up any more than we already are. It would just kill our judgement and probably lead to us sharing all of the depressing facts about our lives, at most.

Thirdly, my family has seen multiple friends attempt (some successfully) to commit suicide, brought on by alcohol.

All my reasons, here. Additionally, I'm extremely short and petite in size, which makes it even more dangerous for someone like me who doesn't know their limits.

I'll occasionally take a very small amount of something like wine or sake and no more if I'm out with family and friends, but that was always under the justification that I was underage. Now that I'm officially legal, it'll be a little harder; but honestly no one should ever be able to force you to do something you'd rather not. Of course, you don't have to be rude about it either; just decline as politely as possible and people shouldn't get on your case. If making a valid excuse is more comfortable, by all means do it.

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24 years sober here. I come from a long line of family members with addictive personalities so I really dont want to test that out. Not to mention, I have a hard time as is keeping my thoughts and emotions in check. I would probably be the world's worst person when drunk, and/or highly suicidal.

Soul, dont ever feel like you "should" be doing something just because most other people do it.

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While I do not think that taking small amount of alcohol is an unhealthy habit, you should never feel forced to drink alcohol. I personally take the occasional glass of wine or beer when I'm out with friends or family and I stay away from anything too strong. The only alcoholic beverage I consume on a more regular basis are Coolers, which are 0.5%.

I've been at some parties where people offered me drinks and strong alcohol and mostly decline it politely. The idea of getting drunk was never something that really interested and I am puzzled at how popular it was to get dead drunk in my high school(seriously, forgetting what you did, vomiting and headaches don't really sound fun to me).

It's definitely not wrong to refuse alcohol without ever trying it. Even with how popular it is, I don't think you need to consummate alcohol to live a happy existence, so you're not really missing out on anything by not drinking it.

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I'd say ONLY drink it on celebrations. To my knowledge, that was alchohol's original use, other than using Brandy to make certain foods taste different/better.

Either way, I'll never drink alcohol, except maybe on Saint Patrick's Day because that's neat holiday. But yeah, if you were to only drink it one certain holidays, it would not have a lasting effect on your health, as the increments of time in between would keep your health remaining balanced.

So I suppose my reason is "Only drink it on Saint Patrick's Day, since that's a special occasion."

Oh, and just to get something out of the way. Some of the posts above are slightly misleading, as not ALL alcohol tastes bad, as there are different flavors.

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Oh I've literally always said "I don't drink" but they'll always ask why... Just saying either "I'm not interested" or "personal reasons." I always say the latter. Conversation over 99% of the time

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If someone doesn't honor a simple "no thanks" they're probably assholes and not worth hanging out around

It is your choice to not drink and any reason is a valid reason

Just don't come off judgmental/condescending about other people's choices and if they're worth hanging around in the first place they'll understand

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Yeah definitely forgot to stress the financial pressure that can arise from such habits. I made a lot of money over the summer and have nothing to show for it because i was literally spending over $100 a week on alcohol, along with various other expenses and money spent on other drugs. Also, like someone else mentioned, if you have pretty much any prescription medications they probably say not to mix with alcohol.

Edited by Hawkeye
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I wouldn't worry about giving people reasons too much. As people have said, 99% of the time it'll go like this:

Person: Want a drink?

You: No thanks.

Person: Okay. (Goes back to whatever they were doing.)

About the only time it goes beyond that is when someone's already a intoxicated and being overly friendly and joking around. Then they'll pursue it a little more, but they don't really mean to pressure you; they're just screwing around. Just be firm and then it'll go about the same.

If someone really has an issue with you not drinking, like Lumi said, they're probably an asshole.

Anyway, alcohol itself is bad for you, but it takes pretty chronic use to really see the issues that are most commonly associated with it (liver failure, addiction) for most people. Generally, the worst outcome is worshiping the porcelain gods and a hangover, which are no fun, but nothing too serious. There is alcohol poisoning, which is serious, but, at least from my experience, that's pretty hard to actually do; you'll usually end up painting the walls first.

Basically, if someone doesn't drink, they shouldn't feel the need to justify it to people who do, and vice versa.

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Much respect for having convictions and sticking to them.

I have struggled with alcoholism and can tell you that if you are happy with who you are and can find escape from your woes without fucking your brain up then try and keep it that way.

The first time I drank i went nuts. I continued to go nuts for about 6 years. It led to trying weed, then to harder drugs.

I'm an extreme example, though, because my brain doesn't send dopamine to the parts that need it for me to feel fulfilled in anything, which basically makes me ridiculously impulsive and with an addictive personality.

Alcohol is fun, though. It can give a good buzz and kill some inhibitions and if used in moderation can be a real good time. But all the things I've done can do that. Just make sure if you do want to try it you have the discipline to know when to stop.

And, yeah, like what everyone else is saying, don't let peer pressure affect your decision. I wouldn't go so far as to call them assholes cause when you're drunk and happy you want everyone else to be drunk and happy.

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I think that the act of offering a drink isn't an asshole act at all (outside of those with motives beyond just wanting your friends to be drunk and happy)

But not being able to take a no for an answer is

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I don't intend on taking any alcohol or drugs (barring medical or prescribed ones) ever. I'd never want to intentionally do anything that would weaken my sense of self control or judgement, especially since I feel like it's bad enough as it is without being addicted to those two.

That, and I find the long term effects (addiction, health problems, consuming a lot of money from dug/alcohol purchases) in no way whatsoever justify the short term effects.

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I feel bad for anyone who's been around people whose lives have been ruined by alcohol, but it's almost always been a very positive experience for me since I only drink when I go out for a night on the town which has never not been fun. But, if you're looking for a socially acceptable reason to not drink (and also not be a party pooper), you could always say you have work/some thing the next day, or that you're driving yourself or someone else home. I wouldn't really want to say "no thanks, I don't drink" because in an environment where everyone else is drinking as it can come off as either prudish or condescending (or both) which is bound to ruin someone's night. It's actually such a huge bummer to offer someone else a drink only to be told that they don't drink--offering someone a drink is usually a social gesture that means "come and join us, we want you to have fun too!" so being refused might even be considered offensive. Anyway, white lies, my friend :):

Oh, if you're looking for a reason to not drink at all (as in, a justification) then there are numerous adverse effects felt by drinking. Just google around and you'll find a few soon enough. Once again, don't bring these up a party, you'll just sound like an ass.


It's alright, I don't go to parties (thanks)

My plan was originally to offer to be the now-and-future designated driver until the end of time if they go easy on the teasing, but I just noticed a label on one of my meds with a strike-through sign over a martini glass, labeled, "Do not drink alcoholic beverages when taking this medication."


That oughtta work, right

(though I can still give the DD offer as a courtesy I guess)

That is so funny.

I'll occasionally take a very small amount of something like wine or sake and no more if I'm out with family and friends, but that was always under the justification that I was underage. Now that I'm officially legal, it'll be a little harder; but honestly no one should ever be able to force you to do something you'd rather not. Of course, you don't have to be rude about it either; just decline as politely as possible and people shouldn't get on your case. If making a valid excuse is more comfortable, by all means do it.

Yeah, it's surprising how being brief and polite about it can save you explanation on certain things. Not just in this case.

For me: NO to alcohol, cigarettes and any other drugs

It ruins your health and your pocket!

I say no to other things as well, but not because my pocket is my concern(!).

24 years sober here. I come from a long line of family members with addictive personalities so I really dont want to test that out. Not to mention, I have a hard time as is keeping my thoughts and emotions in check. I would probably be the world's worst person when drunk, and/or highly suicidal.

Soul, dont ever feel like you "should" be doing something just because most other people do it.


It's alright, I never do. Like I said, it's not that I feel preassured into drinking. I'm just looking for a "reasonable"/valid reason if someone happens to be persistent about it. It happened in another case, when a guy at school wanted me to date this girl I had no interest in and I had to give out an explanation as to why I am not interested in relationships.

Just don't come off judgmental/condescending about other people's choices and if they're worth hanging around in the first place they'll understand

I can respect someone else's choice. I won't do it, but that doesn't mean that I will dislike if another person does it.

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