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Which characters did you like and why?


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Five people, for giggles. . .(subject to change)

- Brady: I can't help but feel sorry for him. He tries, even if he doesn't always live up to expectations!

- Gregor: So full of amusing lines and wisdom!

- Lucina: Always trying to be strong. . .and also has a sorta-sappy side with Gerome (I don't regret this at all)

- Cherche: It doesn't matter what curve balls life throws at her - she'll go with 'em all!

- Gaius: Only for the nicknames. :P:

EDIT: Tharja would be on here, but I don't have that many supports with her (Lon'qu/Donnel were amazing, though).

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Really, there are only a few notable recruitable characters that I don't like. But I do have a lot of favorites. In no particular order:

Gaius - Kind of a husbando, but not really. He was an instant favorite from the first time I saw his dialogue; the way he delivered the line of "I'd rob her blind, but I'd never hurt her!" just stood out to me so much. I was worried that the obsession with sugar and sweets would get obnoxious, but it doesn't actually come up THAT often. Instead, a lot of his supports highlight his other talents and personality traits, with the sugar thing maybe being either only a catalyst or just a background tidbit. He doesn't steal because he wants to hurt people - he steals because that's just what he does, and he does it all with an excellent layer of sass and snark that just turns everyone's accusations on their heads. The backstory expressed in his support with Mirabelle is probably one of the best of the secondary cast, too.

Stahl - Stahl is just such a huge sweetie. He's the token "average" guy, but he embraces his averageness and doesn't let it get him down. Instead, he's always ready and willing to help everyone in any way that he can. And he is skilled - he's just very humble about the skills he does have and knows that others are better than him. He's just so genuinely nice, and this recognition of his limits and desire to better himself, not to achieve any kind of greatness or glory, but simply because his help is needed, makes him that much more likable.

Virion - aka alternate universe Miles Edgeworth What to say about him that hasn't already been said? He enjoys the finer points of life, but is by no means just a soft dandy. He has a razor sharp and cunning intellect underneath that shallow exterior, and he knows exactly how to use it to disarm any opponent and come out on top. He's always thinking three or four steps ahead, and is acutely aware of all the consequences that might come of the actions he and others around him might take. He flirts with women, but he always seems genuinely sincere about all the virtues he sees in them, even if it comes across as dramatic flattery. All in all, just another really fun character.

Sumia - Oh gosh, where to start with Sumia. She's easily the character I relate to the most in the game. She genuinely wants to be helpful, but is clumsy and awkward and can be a little slow on the uptake, and this has a big impact on her sense of self-esteem. She cares about everyone and everything so hard, but still almost always manages to make mistakes or have something go wrong. She hates to fight, but knows she must, and wants to take care of everyone as well as she can until the fighting is over. She is accepting of everyone and just wants everyone to be happy. All she wants for herself is a peaceful life, even though she loves to read and imagine herself going on grand fantastic adventures. The fact that she's not only accepted, but embraced by everyone around her is truly heartwarming to me, and gives me hope that I might also eventually find my place and purpose in the world.

I just...I love Sumia a lot, okay.

Lucina - Again, what more is there to be said that hasn't been said already? She is just such a wonderfully strong, well-done character who goes above and beyond her trope. Her interactions with Chrom highlight her serious nature and how much she recognizes the responsibility that has been forced on her, but her interactions mother and sibling are a great example of showcasing her as a fully fleshed out young woman, with interests and habits beyond her duty and obligation to the world.

- Morgan (m)

- Yarne

- Owain

- Brady

- Miriel

- Laurent

- Gregor

- Cordelia

- Chrom

- Emmeryn

Honorable mention goes to Sully, who at first I thought I wouldn't care for very much. But after going through a lot of her supports (particularly Chrom's, Sumia's, and surprisingly Vaike's), she turned out to surprise me big time. I still can't really list her among my all time favorites of the cast, but she certainly has grown on me a lot since I started playing.

I'm always a little surprised to hear how few people seem to like Kjelle (and Sully, for that matter) ; I for one enjoy what a badass Kjelle is-- or tries to be, at least. I haven't seen a ton of her character, but I like what I have seen, and how she's willing to learn despite some stubbornness and her immense tough front in her supports with maMU.

Personally, I don't like Kjelle because she is just such a massive dick who is openly hostile towards anyone who doesn't match her ideal of strength, even her own comrades. For example, she directly refers to people she thinks of as weaklings as "cannon fodder," and that's in the middle of her non-sibling support with Lucina. By the end of it, she still claims to be physically sickened by just looking at people that haven't proved themselves to be "strong." She's not a feminist, she's just an asshole.
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Here is my list of characters I like:

Major Kellam fanboy, right here.

Speaking of which, it looks like Kellam and Nowi are the only 1st gen units that can freely support who haven't been mentioned here... Better root for both of them.

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Inigo is the only character who I really, really like. He's the only one from this game who I actually rank among my favorite FE characters. But the others that I like:

Virion: For reasons others have said already

Gregor: He's Ogma archetype (My favorite) and he's got a funny accent

Cherche: Most likable out of any potential waifus

Brady: Badass

Really with FE13 I could make a tier list of who I like and don't like, since there are so many categories which I would put these characters. I should make that sometime.

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I like Nowi a lot, I think she's super likable and a lot of fun in her supports; the only thing that keeps me from liking her as much as I could is the whole lolicon thing. I ain't down with that, yo. In my MU's canon, MU forces Nowi to wear more clothes LOL (especially after she was apparently a bad influence on his daughter's fashion choices). Other than that, Nowi seems like a pretty straightforward Tiki/Myrrh/Fae baby manakete archetype, and I don't know that there's much else to her...? Still, she's adorable and she makes me smile all the same.

But yeah, her choice of wardrobe is seriously the only thing keeping her from being one of my top favorite characters in this game.

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Lucina - My favorite female character in the series. She obliterates everything and I love her personality along with the way that she's written.

Owain - FREAKING HILARIOUS! Dramatic, over-the-top and he's a powerful enough character. No matter how many times I play Awakening he never ceases to make me laugh.

Inigo - Best written womanizer imo. His supports (especially with Owain) were hilarious!

Chrom - Powerful lord, kind and warm. Plus is it just me or is his voice uber manly? I'm also a big fan of his character design. Plus Chrom has some funny supports and interactions (like with Female My Unit)

Henry - Hilarious sociopath. Never thought I'd ever say that.

Gregor - Dat Russian accent. Plus when he mentions that he killed his employer while asking for employment XD. Plus what he says in Exponential Growth is pretty funny too.

Noire - I <3 her bi-polarness. Oh Noire you're hilarious.

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Personally, I don't like Kjelle because she is just such a massive dick who is openly hostile towards anyone who doesn't match her ideal of strength, even her own comrades. For example, she directly refers to people she thinks of as weaklings as "cannon fodder," and that's in the middle of her non-sibling support with Lucina. By the end of it, she still claims to be physically sickened by just looking at people that haven't proved themselves to be "strong." She's not a feminist, she's just an asshole.

This right here. Kjelle is everything Sully tries to be, only with jerk-ass levels taken to 5000%. Sully is a true feminist, she wants men and women to be strong and fight equally. Kjelle is just an ass who thinks being a woman automatically makes her better than anyone else.

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As usual, I'm the only person that gives Freddy any love. :P

Oh well, more Freddy Bear for me lol.

I have to admit something though. I kinda like Kellam too. He got slapped with a bad gimmick, but the poor guy is about as nice as Stahl, yet he used to be a bad kid, causing his family to ignore him. He turned himself around quite a bit.

I also like Severa quite a bit, she's my second favorite kid unit after Inigo. I think her attitude is funny, she's actually a really nice girl deep down, and OMG the hilarity between her and Inigo. lol I can see why people don't like how she insults just about anyone she talks to, but the thing is, she also realizes that this is wrong and she legitimately wants to change and be a good person. I can sorta relate to her too, since she was basically made fun of for being inferior to her mother. I used to be bullied a lot too.

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Emerald Ink, Faye, please remember that this is about the characters that you DO like. There's another topic to discuss characters you don't, right? ~3~

Yeah, Kellam's backstory makes him pretty interesting as well.

For me, Frederick is fun just because of how ridiculous he can be with the tidying up and such. I hate to say it, but I feel like he's almost better as a joke character most of the time. /)w(\ (which believe me, I mean in the best possible way). I also love how Frederick is the absolute hero of anyone whose first FE game is Awakening, haha.


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Personally, I don't like any of the characters all that much, but here goes.

I like Libra's personality, even if it is equivalent to sandpaper(It's OK. Panne is negative sandpaper). Plus I like the idea of a healer with a lot of physical power(War Monks are one of my favorite classes).

Inigo is required as a favorite character in the People's One-Party Democratic Republic of Freestan, so yeah.

I don't really like Awakening Tiki, but I love her design.

I hate everyone else, but I especially hate Tharja. She's only in there for fanservice, and, even more than everyone else, has no character. She isn't even hot.

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1st generation my favorites are Chrom, Gaius, Henry, and Sully. Sully I really like because I think she's hilarious. D8 "Oh I get it, this is a joke. And when your face meets my boot, that's the punchline!" Chrom because I love adorkable/sarcastic characters, and I love his more awkward support convos. D8 Henry just because he's Henry. D8 "When a mommy zombie and daddy zombie love each other very much..." Gaius because he's really snarky and has some of the best lines in the game to me. D8

2nd generation, Inigo and Severa easily. D8 Severa because Type A tsundere hell yes. <3 And Inigo because I find pervert characters to be usually pretty funny and he has some great lines too. =P

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  • American!Henry. I enjoy this nutjob. [i don't like Japanese!Henry, because the difference is mostly centered on the Henry/Olivia support. I don't like the Japanese!Henry/Olivia support. Her getting cursed and his being genuine is genuine. The lies and pointless sobstory to the Jap version really irritates the hell out of me. Glad he was changed.]

I read the Japanese Henry/Olivia support and rolled my eyes, so i feel ya here. I like Murican Henry because hes basically got this whole Blue and Orange Morality thing going on but like, does eventually understand people. Hes just got an odd way of going about it and initially doesnt understand. I like that a lot.

Walhart. I don't know why I like him so much to be honest

I know why i kinda like him. He reminds me of Stannis Baratheon (whos pretty amazing actually) but...without all the good stuff in between. So i headcanon Walhart into a Stannis. Hes FE!Stannis until a character comes along who is More Stannis.

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For me, Frederick is fun just because of how ridiculous he can be with the tidying up and such. I hate to say it, but I feel like he's almost better as a joke character most of the time. /)w(\ (which believe me, I mean in the best possible way). I also love how Frederick is the absolute hero of anyone whose first FE game is Awakening, haha.


Oh I'm not gonna kill you lol. That would be silly just cause you think Freddy is a joke character sometimes. xP

But his ridiculous butler behavior is one of the main things that makes him so lovable for me! No other Jagen is like that at all lol. I mean Frederick knits clothes, cooks food, cleans armor, makes naked Chrom posters, etc. lol we don't see other Jagen characters do those things. They're just all generic loyal bodyguards in that sense, even Seth and Titania whom I also like. Frederick not only protects Chrom and Lissa, he actually truly SERVES them too.

Yet, Frederick doesn't ever say anything about no one appreciating how hard he really works, nor does he think he really deserves any praise. But the truth is he does deserve respect! He's such a noble knight because of what he does!

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(EDIT: Yay for no defensive Fred waifu murder .w. Those are some good points though, I didn't really think about that.)

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to check your negativity at the door. I thought that was apparent from the OP, but I guess I need to make it even more obvious, so I'll make mention of it there.

I hate everyone else, but I especially hate Tharja. She's only in there for fanservice, and, even more than everyone else, has no character. She isn't even hot.

I can't argue with you about the fanservice thing, and in fact I'd rather that wasn't the case, but it's not true at all that she has no character. And as to her looks, well... that's subjective. Personally, I think goth girls are hot. You could toss Tharja into a set of the super-concealing GBA Druid robes and I'd still find her sexy.

Gaius has fantastic dialogue, probably some of the best in the game. It's impossible not to love that smarmy sunnovabitch.

(He seems like the type who'd find goth girls hot too, behehehehe)

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Gaius's nicknaming is funny lol, I like that about him. Though I don't get where he gets Bubbles for the Avatar. The rest of his nicknames make sense (Blue for Chrom because blueblood, Biceps for Vaike because muscles, Stumbles for Sumia because klutziness, etc.), but Bubbles just seems random. :P

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My GF picked the tallest (read: bustiest) female character model for her MU, so we pretend that that's why he calls her that. >3>

(As for MaMU your guess is as good as mine I mean jeez)

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Gaius's nicknaming is funny lol, I like that about him. Though I don't get where he gets Bubbles for the Avatar. The rest of his nicknames make sense (Blue for Chrom because blueblood, Biceps for Vaike because muscles, Stumbles for Sumia because klutziness, etc.), but Bubbles just seems random. :P

It supposed to be from personality one'd think.

Robin is pretty upbeat most of the time. I wouldn't think "Bubbles" for Male!Robin [he's a bit more serious than Female!Robin is] but it could still work.

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Emerald Ink, Faye, please remember that this is about the characters that you DO like. There's another topic to discuss characters you don't, right? ~3~

I know, but you said you weren't sure why people didn't like Kjelle, so I was just responding to that in an effort to provide some input. I wasn't trying to start anything.

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In general, I really liked the Generation 2 characters. They all handle their hardships in diverse but reasonably believable ways.

In particular, I gotta say Owain for his total hamminess. And Noire for her sweet, meek personality that just makes her outbursts even funnier. And Brady's sentimental tough-guy-wannabe thing. And Lissa for being Lissa. And Frederick for being all-around awesome and entertaining. And Tharja's hidden good side. And-- *shot for egregious sentence fragments*

Owain and Frederick are my favorites from their respective generations, though. Owain makes me crack up all the time and Frederick automatically makes almost every support conversation fun to read.

Edit: Just realized I picked mostly just the ones that make me laugh.

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You really ARE a Freddy fan, wee! I find those are few and far between. D:

Really? That's kinda surprising to me. I mean, from a gameplay perspective alone, he's a total beast. :huh:

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Heh, Owain is probably my favorite gen 2 character for just those reasons. I'm pretty sure he's also supposed to be like a parody of like the standard hot-blooded shonen archetype, which I find absolutely hilarious. He's just wonderfully Quixotic most of the time, hah.

I know, but you said you weren't sure why people didn't like Kjelle, so I was just responding to that in an effort to provide some input. I wasn't trying to start anything.

No worries, I realize it wasn't that clear before... :3 I'm also guilty of a quip or two about Anna myself before that point, so let's just be positive from now on. ^.^;

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I like almost all of the recruited characters, tbh. They're all memorable and charming in their own way, but these are a few of my favorites:

Virion — I don't think I can say more about him than what's already been said. He comes off as a flighty noble who only cares about seducing women, but underneath it all, he deeply cares about his people and knows when to take things seriously. Guy's got some serious class.

Maribelle — She's classy, ladylike, and totally fierce. Sure, she's sharp-tongued and can come off as condescending, but she does have a soft side and cares about the welfare and equality of the people. Plus those crits. ("I promise this will hurt.")

Tiki — I have a lot of love for Tiki. She's beautiful, elegant, wise, and has an old, quiet strength about her. I haven't finished Shadow Dragon yet (if that was even the game the quote came from), but I've read that she had trouble sleeping as a child due to nightmares, and to see her sleep so soundly now shows that she's had character development over the past two thousand years. She also has this almost magical quality about her that I find appealing. Plus her voice is really sweet.

Lon'qu — He's a badass. But more than that, he's a badass with actual fears and insecurities. His supports with Tharja show that he's scared of women because he thinks they'll die if they get close to him, which is a fairly unique explanation, imo. They also show that he thought he would never be able to get married, but he's able to push past his fear for the woman he does end up marrying. I have a lot of respect for this guy's inner and outer strength.

Honorable mentions to Henry (for all the aforementioned reasons), Sumia (she has low-self-esteem but always tries her hardest), Nowi (she's a ball of sushine), Gregor (he's just an all-around pleasant guy), and Noire (she's a sweetheart).

2) Tharja - The controversial one, eh ~3~ Honestly I totally get why most people don't like Tharja-- and yet, I don't. She's no different from many other people in that her outward personality and the player's first impressions of her speak little to her underlying personality. It's funny because, despite her stalker tendencies and outwardly being a habitual user of others, she's really not crazy and actually not that mean in reality-- if anything, her supports with Nowi show that she's the biggest goshdarn closet sweetheart on the planet. Despite acting as mean as possible to most people and pretending like she doesn't care what people think, you can see that it's more just a shell she puts around herself to maintain her reputation or to keep herself from getting hurt or whatever; her supports with the avatar show that she's actually pretty sensitive when it comes to bothering people she actually DOES like. Now, I know the main thing a lot of people hate about her is how she uses Noire as a guinea pig for hexes and such, and to be honest, I don't think I can really defend her for that-- I do think that she loves her daughter, though, in her own twisted way. (And let's be honest-- it's not as though being from a future where everything has gone to shit couldn't have had ANY bearing on Noire developing a split personality-- I think it's just a possibility, anyway, but maybe I'm being biased). I just think a lot of people ignore Tharja's good qualities, you know? She's really not that bad.

This right here. I won't make excuses for her using Noire as a guinea pig, and her obsession with Robin is a little creepy at best. But she's amusing and has quite a few redeeming qualities. I can't help but like her.

But if I did say Robin, I would have to specify Male Robin, because Female Robin... no, just no at many of her supports.

Really? I actually like f!Robin a little more than m!Robin. Sure, some of her gender-exclusive supports can be a little grating (namely her A-rank with Chrom), but the way she sometimes doesn't think things through (like in her supports with Lon'qu) or misjudges people (her supports with Inigo, and she later apologized) or is a little catty (supports with Aversa) gives her believable character flaws that m!Robin either doesn't have or has to a much lesser extent. I guess I just have a preference for flawed characters.

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THANK you! :3 I'm glad someone else can see Tharja's good qualities.

OMG, Maribelle. That gal has to be the one who had the biggest turnaround for me. I HATED Maribelle when I first encountered her, just... everything about her-- her looks, her attitude, everything. But you know? She actually turns out to be quite the stand-up gal, and an astoundingly brave and gutsy person. I still don't find her attractive in the least, but she's A-OK in my book, haha.

Eeee, Tiki~ >w< Itotallyagree...

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Really? That's kinda surprising to me. I mean, from a gameplay perspective alone, he's a total beast. :huh:

Well, firstly, there's the fact that he's a Jagen and some people will go "ew, he must suck later" and stuff, so they ignore him. >.>

And, people don't really seem to like or dislike Freddy in general. His popularity is rather average at best.

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