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Have your opinion of awakeing changed?


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since it's getting closer to a year since awakening (I'm from europe so it's 19 april), have your opinion about awakening changed?

Mine really haven't, I still think it's below avarage fire emblem with bad story telling, really unbalaced combat, so little respect for the games it's supposed to be a sequel to it makes me want to cry and pretty much an overglorified waifu game.

What are your thoughts on the game now?

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Took my wallet, heart, and soul.

I love it, despite the story being crap by other people's standards.

It's good enough. The music and atmosphere in Chapter 10 made me cry.

I love the volume of support conversations despite how tropy the characters are.

It's a great game on the surface... as what they were aiming for.

...as for the fanbase? I hate the newcomers who are (read, being specific) so damn enthusastic for the game and the pairing simulator aspect. Especially about their absolute favorite characters and don't shut up about them. As well as hating on other characters so much so that they ignore the actual gameplay elements, speak about things they don't know crap about via "hearsay" of people who know what they're doing, and basically crapping all over a game I love. [/elitism]

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A little, but not that much. I always seem to remember flaws better in hindsight, instead of while I'm playing. Still I thought Awakening was great and can tolerate most of its imperfections.

I'm not too bothered by the fanbase either. We all started at some point and I tend to ignore the more character worshipping topics.

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Most of the problems it has are present in other FEs or are down to the fanbase being terrible, so shrug. I still like this game.

This basically sums up my feelings on it. I thought it was amazing when I first played it, then I allowed myself to be swayed by its critics for a period of time and wasn't fond of it. Now I accept that it has its flaws, but the gameplay is still a lot of fun and the characters are all charming in their own ways. And with its skill inheritance and large number of supports, it has a high replay value. The only thing I can say I truly dislike about the game at this point is its fanbase.

...as for the fanbase? I hate the newcomers who are (read, being specific) so damn enthusastic for the game and the pairing simulator aspect. Especially about their absolute favorite characters and don't shut up about them. As well as hating on other characters so much so that they ignore the actual gameplay elements, speak about things they don't know crap about via "hearsay" of people who know what they're doing, and basically crapping all over a game I love. [/elitism]

So basically, the entire Awakening fandom on Tumblr.

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To my mind in FE13 the support conversations have more importance than the strategical / tactical concept, which is the major downside. It is too much fanservice. The story is not very impressive, part 2 is almost a filler. Many tactical options are missing, which make this game kinda boring to play. And another important point is, that many features existed in FE12 (avatar, baracks). The only one really new feature is the "pair up".

FE13 is a great game for newcomers to this series. But for veterans like me, who likes the tactical part, it is a little disappointment.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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I used to like it a lot, but then I noticed the horrible writing in the story(maybe worse than FE10), so at that point it started to fall. Then I started to hate the unbalanced gameplay because of the Communist way my mind works. It's still pretty fun to change everyone's classes in a playthrough, though.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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It's changed, yeah. I nitpick a lot about the flaws, can't really take it seriously anymore, and my liking for many of the characters (especially the lords) has definitely cooled.

I still like the game and I still play it a lot, though.

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The only thing thats changed is that i just dont have a high opinion of the story itself. I still love the character interactions though, fuck the police.

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Oh, actually, one thing has changed for me. I hate Excellus even more now that I've actually encountered him in-game (at chapter 19 now, and going to continue later, maybe). Why? His voice and attitude are as ugly as he is. I previously hated him simply for his design and a screenshot or two that I saw of him. :P

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eh i was rather overly hyped before it came out, still on hype mode when i first played it, and now on reflection i realize just how mind numbing it all was. so my opinion has indeed changed. not even gonna bother pointing out what's wrong about it cause it's pretty much been covered why i don't like it over the course of the topic, only thing I'd like to point out is that awakening is very obviously manipulative in it's player game interaction.

on the flip side i have hated lissa before and after the game came out so there's something that stayed consistent. also

Oh, actually, one thing has changed for me. I hate Excellus even more now that I've actually encountered him in-game (at chapter 19 now, and going to continue later, maybe). Why? His voice and attitude are as ugly as he is. I previously hated him simply for his design and a screenshot or two that I saw of him. :P

whywouldyousaythatiloovehimexcellusisdabestexcellusforever-spirit of most tumbler posts in general.

Excellus is a hate sink so it's understandable why you hate him because he was designed to be hated. he and all his character basically sum up the obviously manipulative nature of the game to a tee.

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Yeah, but I actually hate Excellus more than Oliver and Valtome from the Tellius series, and that's saying something since I really hate them too. :P

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Yeah, but I actually hate Excellus more than Oliver and Valtome from the Tellius series, and that's saying something since I really hate them too. :P

actually that's understandable. Excellus would practically be worse than valtome, as although valtome is surprisingly similar to excellus, valtome is much more bearable as he has oh say actual relationships with other characters that show his personality and at times is actually intimidating due to the power he has for the brief time he runs the central army, and though excellus has more of a generic cartoon villain feel to him, as he laughs manically, monologues to himself, reveals his plans to complete strangers for no real reason, and has a position of power that is completely unjustified and is never given proper explanation.

oliver on the other hand is just freaking hilarious and has some of the best interactions with main characters I have ever seen.

in short oliver and valtome have other aspects to there character that actually make them some what three dimensional characters, where as excellus is just a 2 bit minor villain that is in a position way above his head and is expected to be taken seriously, he would have done better as a minor one shot chapter villain in a single chapter and as an primary objective of giving him his just desert comes off as a disappointment.

eh I'm rambling now, my personal opinion is that excellus is that he's boring and unnecessary.

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Excellus is as far as I can tell, an attempt at a Manfroy-class villain [which, are, by FAR, the best type of video game villains. They're the jack asses who motivate the player the most. They become so hated that they become a drive to get farther in the game, just so you can end their ass.] But... he's too ineffectual to actually do that.

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The only thing I can say I truly dislike about the game at this point is its fanbase.

I honestly think the community has ruined the game for me. It's an okay game, but it seems like you can only love it or hate it to an extreme degree (with both sides citing features that are hardly exclusive to Awakening).

Edited by Alg
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I honestly think the community has ruined the game for me. It's an okay game, but it seems like you can only love it or hate it to an extreme degree.

no please go ahead and enjoy it to whatever extreme you want and give no shits what others think about it if that's what you want. though i do think there are some er positive points to it. for instance the environment designs look nice, the animation is realitvely crisp and smooth, and the music sounds well constructed (i find it unmemorable music myself but eh personal tastes.) though i just hold a negative opinion of it because of stuff i find more important in games that the game did wrong.

again rambling.

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It's been a while since I last played it but I always found it fun. When I got it, I played it non-stop, but what made me play less was the fact I restarted too much and replayed the first chapters a lot, so starting a new file always felt like a chore to me.

Also, I'm not very skilled at TRPGs so Hard is a bit too difficult for me and Normal is too easy. :P

About the story... It left a nice impression on me. It's not great or anything, it's actually very simple and has holes, but coming from a Lost fan (Lost is the series with most plotholes in history!), I like that it has holes. This means it's open to speculation. And speculation is fun! Back to the "nice impression", I didn't pay attention to its flaws when I was playing, and I feel this was the best course of action. The only thing that struck me as particularly cheesy was how Basilio came back from the "dead". Really, that could've been written A LOT better. If it was me, I would've gone with Walhart being invincible due to harnessing the power of the Emblem gemstone he has and Basilio knocking it off him when he strikes him. That would've been more predictable, but more interesting.

As for imbalanced gameplay... I tend to play without exploiting the game's imbalances like Nosfertanking (I use that in moderation) or overpowering the Avatar (which is why I decided to grind in my Hard run, everyone was being left behind except Robin and Chrom). Witty players find these imbalances, but a normal player could play through the game three timesand not bother with it.

The music and artwork are awesome. <3 My favorite part about the game.

I think it's a fun game. Worth at least 8/10, therefore, worth my time.

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I love it, despite the story being crap by other people's standards.

It's good enough. The music and atmosphere in Chapter 10 made me cry.

I love the volume of support conversations despite how tropy the characters are.

It's a great game on the surface... as what they were aiming for.

This is pretty much why I love the game. While its flaws become more glaring every time I replay through the game, I still really like the gameplay and presentation of the game. And even with the crappy story, I still get emotional when I reach Chapter 10 on a new playthrough.

Oh, actually, one thing has changed for me. I hate Excellus even more now that I've actually encountered him in-game (at chapter 19 now, and going to continue later, maybe). Why? His voice and attitude are as ugly as he is. I previously hated him simply for his design and a screenshot or two that I saw of him. :P

The problem I have with Excellus is that unlike the Senators, he's basically just a condensed bunch of the worst qualities someone can have with no redeeming factors. The senators at least had a bit of background and other character traits than just being evil.

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The game is still just as fun for me now as it was back when released. It's still been one of the most enjoyable FE experiences I've had (although basically all of them have anyways). The only thing that has changed is my experience with the fanbase (and this board in particular); starting out back during and even before release, I really liked talking about the game with other people in a friendly atmosphere and contributing to the Awakening part of the site by transcribing supports.

But most of it has now devolved into nothing but intolerant shipping wars and eternal bashing in regards to just about any aspect of the game (or vice versa where its declared to have no flaws whatsoever). It really pains and saddens me to see all this toxic hatred in the board I used to have many fun times and good conversations about a game I really liked. :(

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