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Let's just talk about Fire Emblem


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I'd definitely play a Fire Emblem Mario Party style spinoff. That would be amazing and would go perfectly with Fire Emblem Snap.

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"The console FEs sold badly because they were released late in the system's lifespan"

"In order to sell well, a Wii U FE shouldn't be released until late in the system's lifespan"

Did I say "late in the system's lifespan"? No. The Wii U has only been out for little more than a year. It still has several more left in its life. In maybe three years time, we could see its sales picking up and its lifespan made even longer, perhaps. The DS lasted more than half a decade, I believe and still got releases even after the 3DS came out (such as Pokemon Black 2/White 2).

Also, people saying that the Wii U's future looks bad: The Wii and 3DS struggled in the beginning too, you know. And look at them now.

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Another thing you have to remember is that the 3ds is pretty powerful. The main reasons you'd want a console FE in '05 is the graphics and possibly holding more data (which the respectively 1 and 3 gig Tellius games didn't take too much advantage of.) The big thing with Tellius was that it was in 3D for the first time ever and that was really special and cool. But now we have Awakening that's done it too. Heck we could probably port PoR to the 3DS and only a few things would be missing. Really the only reason I'd see a Wii U or console FE is after we escape the niche and have people really really want to see it return, like a huge outcry for it. And I think the way to get FE back into limelight is through the handheld games. After we build up sales, then we can have a return to consoles. You gotta have a status quo before you can shake up your status quo.

tldr: Console FE is cool but only when IS is sure they have the money for it not to doom the franchise again, and with handheld installments still existing to reel in Awakening level cash.

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I guess, but I just really want to see home console FE again eventually. I mean just imagine how AMAZING it would look and play with those HD graphics and updated smooth animations. And on TOP of top notch gameplay, characters, and storytelling!

Edited by Anacybele
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Games take time to make, especially if you want to make them big. If you don't start working on the game until Wii U's sales spike, it probably wouldn't come out for a couple of years. It'd be much safer and easier to make another 3DS game, refining the engine like the later GBA games did.

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Another thing you have to remember is that the 3ds is pretty powerful. The main reasons you'd want a console FE in '05 is the graphics and possibly holding more data (which the respectively 1 and 3 gig Tellius games didn't take too much advantage of.) The big thing with Tellius was that it was in 3D for the first time ever and that was really special and cool. But now we have Awakening that's done it too. Heck we could probably port PoR to the 3DS and only a few things would be missing. Really the only reason I'd see a Wii U or console FE is after we escape the niche and have people really really want to see it return, like a huge outcry for it. And I think the way to get FE back into limelight is through the handheld games. After we build up sales, then we can have a return to consoles. You gotta have a status quo before you can shake up your status quo.
tldr: Console FE is cool but only when IS is sure they have the money for it not to doom the franchise again, and with handheld installments still existing to reel in Awakening level cash.

I got the idea of releasing a pack of old FE games on a console with redone graphics and better game design(I'm looking at you FE5) with a similar, unlimited, support system for each of them. Preferably the unreleased FE games for non-emulator fans to play(which may or may not be a minority).

I guess, but I just really want to see home console FE again eventually. I mean just imagine how AMAZING it would look and play with those HD graphics and updated smooth animations. And on TOP of top notch gameplay, characters, and storytelling!

One day, we shall. Hopefully within my lifespan.

Um, your point? I was talking about the Wii U, not the 3DS. The 3DS doesn't have HD graphics. :/

Frick, my bad. Things were being dumb and not working, I didn't mean for that to happen. Geez, I'm so embarrassed right now.

Edited by Fargo294
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I'd think you also can't carry your car with a tv in it inside a building either

Well I guess you could but there'd be a giant hole in the wall that you'll have to pay for

Console will never reach the level of portability of handheld

Hell, PC doesn't have the level of portability of handheld even though it's pretty close with laptops

I vote PC FE (alongside nintendo system, not exclusively PC that is) but like hell nintendo does that :c

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'd think you also can't carry your car with a tv in it inside a building either

Well I guess you could but there'd be a giant hole in the wall that you'll have to pay for

Console will never reach the level of portability of handheld

Hell, PC doesn't have the level of portability of handheld even though it's pretty close with laptops

I vote PC FE (alongside nintendo system, not exclusively PC that is) but like hell nintendo does that :c

Get out of my dome, brother. :P:

Mobile phone FE! Wave of the future~~

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I'd definitely play a Fire Emblem Mario Party style spinoff. That would be amazing and would go perfectly with Fire Emblem Snap.

It's been revealed that Jaffar is extremely rare and you must take any photo of him immeditately. He's like Mew or that one yellow Central American frog.

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Reasons, why I like the FE series:

- you need logical thought

- " " mathematics

- permadeath

- interesting story

- interesting and funny support conversations

- huge number of different character types

- " " " " classes

- classic mode (no battle save in during the chapters)

- you can create an avatar

- many tactical capabilities especially in the SNES- and Tellius-ones

What should be changed in the future?

- back to the roots / back to the classical FE games

- realistic class caps

- the classes of FE4, 5, 10 and 13 should be brought together

- tactical capabilities like shove, rescue etc.

- sleep, silence, bezerk and restore staff should be back

- Thiefs can steal things from enemies

- captuaring like in FE5

- different missions

- light magic and bishops should return

- removable items like the spheres in FE12

- a final boss, you cannot kill in one turn

P.S. Most of the improvement suggestions I have mentioned in other threads, so I had to repeat.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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If IS did remake the earlier games for iOS I'd tell them to be quiet and receive my cash.

I mean, Square Enix did that with the older Final Fantasy games, so why not IS with Fire Emblem? I would pay good money for graphical upgrades (and official localization!) for FE2, FE4, and FE5 on mobile.
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You're saying thieves should be able to bring enemy units to their side? o_O

I don't mind if a thief can talk to another unit to recruit them, but that's a bit excessive as a standard skill, isn't it?

Edited by Anacybele
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You're saying thieves should be able to bring enemy units to their side? o_O

I don't mind if a thief can talk to another unit to recruit them, but that's a bit excessive as a standard skill, isn't it?

I meant, that thiefes can steal things from the enemies (vulnaries etc.) like in previous sections.

Ok, I will edit my posted comment, so there will be no misunderstanding.

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I mean, Square Enix did that with the older Final Fantasy games, so why not IS with Fire Emblem? I would pay good money for graphical upgrades (and official localization!) for FE2, FE4, and FE5 on mobile.

Square produces third party games and releases them on different systems and consoles made by lots of different companies. IS however is part of Nintendo, and with their attitude towards third partying their main franchises, they'd have to be in really deep shit before they'd even consider putting anything on an Apple or Android or etc device. (Mainly because exclusives are why Nintendo is still standing as one of the big 3 today)

Edited by Alertcircuit
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What should be changed in the future?

- back to the roots / back to the classical FE games

- realistic class caps

- the classes of FE4, 5, 10 and 13 should be brought together

- tactical capabilities like shove, rescue etc.

- sleep, silence, bezerk and restore staff should be back

- Thiefs can steal things from enemies

- captuaring like in FE5

- different missions

- light magic and bishops should return

- removable items like the spheres in FE12

- a final boss, you cannot kill in one turn

P.S. Most of the improvement suggestions I have mentioned in other threads, so I had to repeat.

I wish a lot all of those aspects would return, some of those being removed in 13 made it a little bland. I'd love to be able to steal things from enemies and accidentally kill enemies that have stat boosters again. I never thought about reintroducing the spheres, reimplementing them would kind of be the rings and scrolls from FE4 and 5. By different missions you mean different routes? I like that idea brought up earlier where you can pick sides of an army, I think it'd be nice to add onto that idea by picking routes mid-game that'll determine your ending. But ingame dialogue choices that have actual effect on the game is a ludicrous idea, right Awakening?

Square produces third party games and releases them on different systems and consoles made by lots of different companies. IS however is part of Nintendo, and with their attitude towards third partying their main franchises, they'd have to be in really deep shit before they'd even consider putting anything on an Apple or Android or etc device. (Mainly because exclusives are why Nintendo is still standing as one of the big 3 today)

I remember one of my friends saying that Nintendo's biggest shareholder is against releasing games on mobile, so Nintendo won't be going there for awhile until he kicks the bucket. It's a shame since I can imagine a lot of Nintendo franchises releasing good games for mobile.

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I mean, Square Enix did that with the older Final Fantasy games, so why not IS with Fire Emblem? I would pay good money for graphical upgrades (and official localization!) for FE2, FE4, and FE5 on mobile.

It would ruin Nintendo's selling point of their franchises being exclusively on their hardware. If Fire Emblem was put on mobile nowadays you'd have people refusing to buy the 3DS while demanding Pokémon, Mario, Zelda and new Fire Emblem games on mobile as well.

Plus it's bad for anyone who is a fan of the series. Square Enix went from making 3D versions of FFIII and FFIV(which was arguably an improvement on the original) for the DS while overhauling the game mechanics at the same time and making FFIV more challenging to making pretty horrid looking 2D versions of FFV and FFVI for iOS which are mechanically no different to the GBA ports of the games. The iOS versions are cheaper but would you really want this kind of quality as a result?


If IS were to re-do FE2 I would not want it on mobile and like the image above(perhaps even worse because FF5 already had a localized script) which is a possibility because the android/iOS audience aren't willing to pay much more than £10(if that for a less known RPG like Fire Emblem) for it.

Edited by arvilino
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I wish a lot all of those aspects would return, some of those being removed in 13 made it a little bland. I'd love to be able to steal things from enemies and accidentally kill enemies that have stat boosters again. I never thought about reintroducing the spheres, reimplementing them would kind of be the rings and scrolls from FE4 and 5. By different missions you mean different routes? I like that idea brought up earlier where you can pick sides of an army, I think it'd be nice to add onto that idea by picking routes mid-game that'll determine your ending. But ingame dialogue choices that have actual effect on the game is a ludicrous idea, right Awakening?

Different missions types should be defense, seize, escape like in the Tellius series. Especially defense missions are the most interesting and challenging chapters in FE. It is a shame, that they do not exist in the DS games. Escape missions should work like in FE5. Units, who did not espace, got captured (=death). Removable stat boosts and skills like the rings in FE4 or spheres in FE12 should return. It would be interesting to recruit members from a different party like in FE10. But I think, it is hard to implement storywise.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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