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Persona 3 Mafia - Game Cancelled - Mass Destronktion


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If this game was going I was going to protect Green Poet for sure especially after Terraodr made that claim.

It's funny; I was trying so hard to come up with some way to tell you using insomnia to protect Wen instead (game ended before I came up with anything good though). Why can I only convince townies with my fakeclaims, gg me.

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Eurykins kills SB by being so fucking townie that SB couldn't believe it, and had a heart attack.

LOL. Sad part was that I was considering SB as a plausible night kill target, but then left him alone. IT'S OKAY SB.


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Also sorry, Eurykins. I don't feel TOO BAD about betraying Breezy and FFM (because they weren't doing much at the time), but you were like genuinely efforting. Hopefully we can be legit scumbuddies again, so I can teach you the ways of EVIL *ahem* I mean, I'm always town!

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@Refa: It's all good, lol. I just figured I'd TRY and make the best of the fact that FFM got shot before I could even get online to post in D1. xD T'was fun though~ and being seen as relatively solid townie in D1 (and appearing on possible NIGHT KILL TARGETS lists from MULTIPLE people [while being scum]? = Priceless. =P)

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I hope for my next mafia game I am chosen Sk. Teamwork hasn't really been my thing. I will try to get better at town but I could probably play much better as scum or sk.

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Actually, scum is way more about the teamwork than town. SK on the other hand is SK. Honestly, FMPOV it seems like a fun as fuck role but it's probably a lot harder to actually play than I give it credit for. Like Vigilante SOMEONE MAKE ME VIGILANTE/SK.

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I hope for my next mafia game I am chosen Sk. Teamwork hasn't really been my thing. I will try to get better at town but I could probably play much better as scum or sk.

Well, there's only one problem: YES, SK is out for themselves. But the goal is not to seem/play like you're out for your own good/safety. Your goal is to play like a townie/in the interests of town, in order to stay off of people's "Scum radar"/priority lists in order to survive to fulfill your own win con/goals.

Imo, playing as SK will be harder than the game you just played. Because you no longer are just making a townie effort to scum hunt, but you need to FAKE it. And a lot of times, faking claims/game styles (faking playing as a townie) is a lot harder than legitimately playing as one.

Edited by Eurykins
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SK is harder because if you start fucking up you have no way to cover your tracks or have other players fight for other lynches instead of yours.

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SK is harder because if you start fucking up you have no way to cover your tracks or have other players fight for other lynches instead of yours.

Well, you always townside as SK anyways, so it should be NBD for you.

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Well, there's only one problem: YES, SK is out for themselves. But the goal is not to seem/play like you're out for your own good/safety. Your goal is to play like a townie/in the interests of town, in order to stay off of people'sWon "Scum radar"/priority lists in order to survive to fulfill your own win con/goals.

Imo, playing as SK will be harder than the game you just played. Because you no longer are just making a townie effort to scum hunt, but you need to FAKE it. And a lot of times, faking claims/game styles (faking playing as a townie) is a lot harder than legitimately playing as one.

True. One thing I would do is post a lot less. The only thing I would be annoyed about is balancing the kills between mafia and scum. not posting much certainly worked for breezy heh. Won't post anymore on this because if I actually am chosen for SK ever people will figure out right away by looking at this post lol

Edited by Junko Enoshima
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SK is easier in the beginning when you can blend in with the town and when you can legitimately scum hunt. It gets harder when the game winds down, if you're still alive that late in the game.

Also, SB was pretty mad that his role PM basically lied to him.

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SK is easier in the beginning when you can blend in with the town and when you can legitimately scum hunt. It gets harder when the game winds down, if you're still alive that late in the game.

Also, SB was pretty mad that his role PM basically lied to him.

This is a rolling trend I've noticed a bit more often recently. I'd like this to not happen beyond this mafia game (but lack the influence to enforce it).

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I hope for my next mafia game I am chosen Sk. Teamwork hasn't really been my thing. I will try to get better at town but I could probably play much better as scum or sk.

I actually thought the same as well after my first game... but then ITTD happened and I learned to appreciate how hard it is to fake effort. I actually ended up clearing Eury and Terra in my mind all the way till mid-D2 mainly because of how many walls they posted.

No idea how I'm going to fake half the effort I showed in this game for if I roll scum next. Gonna get lynched D1 off meta alone for sure xD

Also, SB was pretty mad that his role PM basically lied to him.

Did it not include the bit about him dying in the case of targeting scum?

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@Boron: Yeah, I noticed the MOD-EDITS that happened in the game (and sadly, since the one who edited it chose to BOLD the text, that was also when a lot of speculation regarding the fact that SB may have killed himself on a townie-read [like me] started flying out. Q_Q;;

*Understandable why SB would be peeved. I assumed during the night phase that it came with the Mason role (implied in said role), but wasn't sure. Which is why I chose to leave him alone and not kill him myself.

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Did it not include the bit about him dying in the case of targeting scum?

Nope. He didn't know he was going to die targeting scum. He was never told while alive, and it wasn't in his role PM. So when he flipped it basically lied to the rest of the game, too.

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I see...

Might not be my place to say so, but this setup really could've used some more checking.

I think that was the general consensus, especially since the mod Elie (who took over the game from the original starter/owner) just ended the game due to the crazy nature of it.

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A note to future players who haven't yet hosted games but would like to: ALWAYS, ALWAYS tell your checker EXACTLY what your roles do, even if they do what they're traditionally supposed to. In the setup PM I was added to, I don't recall seeing any note of the mason recruiter being able to recruit a specific scum, or that the sniper was the only way for the mafia to kill, or any of that stuff. All that stuff would've really helped the balance of this game.

Role PMs should always be written before the game can be put on the queue as well. It's a requirement, and I have no idea how he lost the original role PMs or what they even said. =/

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Role PMs should always be written before the game can be put on the queue as well. It's a requirement, and I have no idea how he lost the original role PMs or what they even said. =/

This is exactly correct. Also, If this situation happens; Rebuild them and resubmit them for a secondary check to maintain your placement on the queue.

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The other thing is that roles are the point of the game, not flavour. Tempting as it is to make interesting roles based on a character, the game will be less breakable if you work out the setup/write role PMs (including fakeclaims; having poor fakeclaims can wreck scum) and then write the characters into the role PMs.

If you design the roles around flavour then you can't get mad at people for flavourspeccing.

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I feel like games where rules say rolespec is bad or flavourspec can result in modkill imply poor design because it means town can win if they did so.

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I dunno, all eclipse games say that but 1) they're not particularly strict and 2) I don't even see why they say that, after postgame I couldn't see how on Earth they'd be breakable by flavourspeccing.

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