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Mario Kart 8


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Link is a cruiserweight. He has the same stats as Rosalina, DK, Waluigi and Roy.

Cat Peach and Tanooki Mario have their own weight classes. Cat Peach has +0.25 accel and -0.25 weight when compared to Peach, Daisy and Yoshi. Tanooki Mario has the same +0.25 accel -0.25 weight when compared to Mario, Ludwig, Luigi and Iggy.

Blue Falcon is completely unique. +0.25 speed, +0.25 accel, -0.25 weight and -0.5 traction.

Tanooki Kart is also unique. -0.25 accel, +0.25 weight, -0.25 handling, +0.25 traction. Essentially a less extreme Badwagon.

B Dasher is a Mach 8 clone.

Master Cycle is a unique in-drift bike. +0.25 speed, +0.5 handling, -0.75 traction

Triforce tires are slim tire clones.

Hylian Kite is a Parafoil clone.

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Ahh, the new DLC is wonderful!

I'm really enjoying the new characters and courses. Out of the characters, I mainly use Cat Peach, then Link, and then Tanooki Mario. I use the Blue Falcon + Slick Tires. The Master Cycle + Triforce Tires is okay... but I've only ever used it with Link, and I'm not quite used to the heavyweights.

I was a bit disappointed to find out that Ice Ice Outpost actually has no main racing areas on ice (only shortcuts being ice), but it's still a fun stage overall. I love how you can switch between the green and yellow sides each time. I just wish the side you chose actually affected more. Like, one side has a glider, and then one is underwater or whatever. It would've been nice to see more from that stage, but it's still my favorite DLC course overall. Excitebike seems a bit bland to me, but I like the many ramps and tricks I can do. Yoshi Circuit, Wario's Gold Mine, and SNES Rainbow Road were so beautifully remade, I just kept racing on those. Mute City & Hyrule Circuit were nice references to their main games, and I race on Hyrule Circuit more often than Mute City. And then lastly, Dragon Driftway just seems too plain to me. Nice music though, wasn't it from SM3DW?

And one thing I noticed about the DLC tracks, is that they seem to be lacking underwater / gliding parts. None have an underwater racing area, and only Ice Ice Outpost & Hyrule Circuit have gliding areas.

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I got home like an hour and a half ago and I've already 3-starred both cups on 150cc and mirror lol

Anways, DLC impressions:

Link is the same weight as Rosalina, therefore I can use him without sucking! I'm disappointed that the Blue Falcon isn't a Mach 8 clone tho, was really wanting to use it. Hyrule Circuit is alright, I guess, but it definitely wasn't as hype as I wanted it to be. The new ice course is shit imo. The real attraction of this DLC is Dragon Driftway (because Chinese bias). Oh yeah that stage is based on China not Japan btw

Can't wait to firehop past your sorry asses on Saturday, just like old times.


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So the updates for the tournaments have provided us with these three settings.

1st one is every single courses are available for the tournament

2nd one is original courses only

3rd is DLC only.

Which one do you guys want to do for Saturday. 1 or 3?

After this tournament ends, which setting do you guys want to keep?


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Option 1, of course!

Ice Ice Outpost became my favorite track (and then Gaia hating it), and Dragon Driftway became my least favorite (and then Gaia loving it). I love the DLC tracks! And it'd be good to keep all the original ones too.

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Well I mean, this is a DLC meet-up so I was gonna be all, "Do 3 on Saturday and keep it at 1 after that," but it looks like my vote doesn't matter ;_;


Sadly, Jazzah will not be joining us, as she is broke af

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My husband and I downloaded the DLC last night, but sadly after all the updates and downloading, etc. we didn't have all too much time to play.

I really loved the aesthetics of the the Hylian Circuit, though: rupees instead of coins, Deku Babas instead of Petey Piranhas, the little arrow-target-things to get boosts on the gliding portion, etc. Sure, they're all rather minor things, but I got a kick out of it. I've only played that one cup so far, but that's definitely my favourite track so far.

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I've seen things you wouldn't believe


I don't think you have to BUY the DLC, Gaia. Just update the game so it can read the DLC content from another player.


"These options will also be available when you create a tournament. Players without the DLC will be unable to join tournaments using all 40 tracks"

You have to own the DLC in order to play option 1 tournaments. If you don't have the DLC you can see other players DLC content, costumes and characters but you cannot play the tracks.

Also updated: I have set the tournaments to be All 40 Courses (Aka option 1) because democracy.

Edited by kingddd
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I finally took a crack at the DLC today. For some reason, even though its stats aren't much different from the Flame Rider, the Master Cycle felt a lot different. o.O But I got the hang of it and I'm gonna stick with it when I use Link because it's cool. lol

I like the new tracks, though I'm not sure which is my favorite. Hyrule Circuit is pretty damn neat though, what with the coins becoming rupees and the Pirahnas becoming Deku Babas and all.

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My favourite DLC tracks are Hyrule Circuit and the SNES Rainbow Road, but then again I really like almost all of the new courses (The only one I don't really like is the Excitebike one. I just find it boring, and that comes from someone who loves the turnpike D: )

Also its kinda sad that Jazzah won't be able to have fun with us.. I will miss her, after all she's my archenemy..

Edited by SakuraFish
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I finally took a crack at the DLC today. For some reason, even though its stats aren't much different from the Flame Rider, the Master Cycle felt a lot different. o.O But I got the hang of it and I'm gonna stick with it when I use Link because it's cool. lol

The Flame Rider is outside drift, Master Cycle is inside.

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What Gaia means is that the difference between the Flame Rider and the Hyrule Bike asides from its minor stat difference is that the former performs outward drifts and the latter performs inward drifts (like the Jet/Yoshi/Sport/Comet Bike).

Tried the DLC on these days, and I have to say I prefer the Egg Cup much more than the Triforce Cup, its tracks are much better: Yoshi Circuit brings back some nostalgia with it, plus it's fun; Exciteback isn't really dynamic at all but it is ok as the pattern of the hills change; Dragon Driftway is pretty nice despite being a bit plain; and Mute City is awesome, it is so much better than Hyrule Circuit which I found pretty meh asides the ToZ details they included. Wario's Gold Mine and Ice Ice Outpost are the only passable tracks on the Triforce Cup.

Regarding characters, Link looks awfully awkward there lol, Tanooki Mario is my fave specially when doing the trick where he petrifies himself and appears with a red scarf :3

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Huh? I don't get it.


  • Inside drifting - the bike will shift (sharply) in the direction you are drifting. In some cases you will slide as far as 1/4* of width of the track.
  • Outside drifting - the bike will turn in the direction you are drifting, but the center of gravity (like a real car) is near the rear, so the car will lurch "outward" in the opposite direction your are drifting. Generally outside drifting is more slippery than inside drifting, and a bike or kart may lurch as much as 1/2* of the width of the track.

Outside drifting = the usual drift mechanics from most cars and bikes.

This has been a feature since Mario Kart Wii. It was slightly nerfed in 8.


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