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Have you guys finshed all the support logs?

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For me, seems like more work, and effort there?

and I'm, not sure if I'll have time to finsh it.. :c

I'm just training up some 1st gen units. there just there for me.. o-o;

How about you guy?

did you finsh all of the support logs, in Awakening? o:

Edited by Tide of Waves
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ain't nobody got the time for that.

and if i wanted too, i'd just look them up on this site or youtube.

Apparently, some people have the time for that:

Yes, I finished the entire support log.

And I've recently filled the whole support log as well

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You're lucky you don't have two copies of the frigging game to do that on.

(The Japanese digital copy can copy the one from the cartridge because I have a save dongle, even though I technically have three copies.)

Japanese, yes.

English, no. (I doubt I ever will.)

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You're lucky you don't have two copies of the frigging game to do that on.

(The Japanese digital copy can copy the one from the cartridge because I have a save dongle, even though I technically have three copies.)

Wow. o:

You, sure are lucky to know that method, for 2 Awakening copies.

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I just got the game, and while the character interactions are interesting I highly doubt I will put forth the effort required. Even right now I am dredging myself through Lunatic just so I can beat Lunatic+ and said I beat the game, fresh support is the only thing left to look forward to!

Although if there are steam achievements then my hands are forced...

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i kinda want to and i've roughly planned out how i'm gonna go about it in terms of what to do per save file

but then on the rare occasions i get around to actually sitting down and doing it all i can think is "why the fuck am i torturing myself like this"

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I've been working on them for a while now, though I'm nowhere near done (all 1st gen same gender supports done except Avatar-F, all of Chrom's (and Lucina's parent/sibling A's), and Sumia has A with all her possible husbands and Nowi and Miriel are more than halfway there (for using the quicksave -> load old file method). A couple of random S supports scattered about as well, mostly for the children. If I can be bothered, I'll get them all on my other copy of the game as well (I already have 199,998 Renown, might as well go all the way).

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How, long did it take you?

It personally took me 6 months, including the time I put Awakening aside to play other games, to complete the log. I think it took me around 200-250 hrs of in-game time though.

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You're lucky you don't have two copies of the frigging game to do that on.(The Japanese digital copy can copy the one from the cartridge because I have a save dongle, even though I technically have three copies.)Japanese, yes.English, no. (I doubt I ever will.)

Ooooh. So with the save dongle could backup a retail save and have the digital version recover it by putting it on the SD card?

I was just looking at thing after stumbling upon it. Seems nifty.

EDIT: But to stay on topic. I'm still on the first save just maxing out stuff post game. Probably will do the classic normal bookmark method to update the log.

Edited by Jacien
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I personally wouldn't bother, because if I want to read a support I can always look it up on the web, and I have my own headcanon I care about more than the completion of the supports.

Although, being exact, my headcanon would involve me marrying Lucina (because I think RobinxLucina is canon) and Stahl marrying Cordelia (my two favorite characters).

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It took me 3 months to finish it.

I don't want to repeat it on other carts anymore and gonna try the save dumping & duplicating method instead of it.

But I failed on decrypting my dumped save.

If I can't decrypt and re-encrypt the save, then the dumped save is unable to be restored on a different cart.

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Nearly. I have all supports for Male Avatar and Female Avatar (with the exception of female second gen convos) and all parental conversations for both Morgans, which is a pretty big chunk of the supports. I'm still working on first gen though, and well... It's gonna take a while.

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