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What Would Fire Emblem Benefit from being on Wii U?


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Jesus, enough about the sales, we get it. Not only has everyone beat the topic into the ground, the OP explicitly asked about brainstorming potential upsides to being on the WiiU. If you don't think the sales would be good enough for the game or system to benefit from it, just don't list the sales numbers as a potential upside.

let yourselves dream, ya damn nerds

In the hypothetical event that they started caring about multiplayer, I think the form XCOM's multiplayer took, sparse though it was, is proof of concept for a form of strategy rpg multiplayer that doesn't use any units actually raised by the player, and still has enough to it to keep some people playing awhile. The potentially improved connections and functionality that a console could bring for such a thing would be nice.

I don't think there's anything that should prevent a game with Fire Emblem's mechanics from reaching past the length it usually takes. Being bigger, and offering more features and path divergences in the story would be nice. I'd love something that aped Total War's light strategic management and had Fire Emblem's combat, and I think something along the Mount&Blade series' setup of building a roving band of mercenaries and eventually pledging oneself to a cause could work pretty nicely too.

They might be able to do that on a handheld, but I'm assuming they could go a hell of a lot bigger on the WiiU, if they actually put the bulk of their available resources into creating meaty gameplay content.

Edited by Rehab
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Beh, it's not the most fun to talk about, but discussing sales is a valid way to address the topic at hand, I think... I chose not to discuss it personally, but Kai makes a solid point about the WiiU's bad sales and high price dragging down a lot of titles on the console. Personally, I can't afford a WiiU either.

I do really like the Xcom-esque multiplayer idea, though. (I don't know XCOM but I think I get the gist of what's being said)

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+1 for XCOM-like multiplayer in the next installment.

They might be able to do that. They already said once that they underestimated the hardware capabilities of the 3DS. Of course multiplayer on a home console would be grander but I'm crossing my fingers.

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Personally, I don't think a lack of funds is an excuse not to get a Wii U. It's about the same price the Wii was and lots of people bought that one.

A lack of funds is DEFINITELY an excuse to not get a Wii U. I'm not going to buy a game console that I'm barely going to use now when I need money for more important things like apartment rent, tuition, and food.

Also, you have to take into consideration just how long it was when the Wii U was released and when the Wii was released. When the Wii was released, I was a kid, probably a teenager, and I asked my parents to buy me one when the price was reasonable. As a 24 year old trying to graduate from higher education and too old to ask my parents for game stuff and not making the funds to just buy whatever I want, I'm not going to buy a Wii U.

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Personally, I don't think a lack of funds is an excuse not to get a Wii U. It's about the same price the Wii was and lots of people bought that one.

However, if you didn't have a money for a Wii, you're not really going to get a Wii U. Boron's already raised pretty much all of the main issues with that. People aren't necessarily going to buy a console for one game. On the flipside, a cheaper handheld with a wide array of games is far more tempting, especially if a lot of people already have said handheld.

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There are a few games on the Wii U I'll be grabbing but I have priorities namely my life.

I like the console and the games I've played on it though from the friends and family I know who have the console

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Is there any reason why the Wii U would be able to have better multiplayer than the 3DS? SD had (admittedly simple) multiplayer capabilities. Maybe do more with height?

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You'd be able to play the game on a TV with people you know and one copy of the game, I suppose. I can see the appeal in that, although it's probably a stretch to claim that it's better until we know how good the WIFI BATTLES are.

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Hmmm... since Wii U can access Miiverse content from within the game...

User-created sparkly tiles!

The lord will have a special command they can use 1 time per map that creates a sparkly tile like those in Awakening. This sparkly tile will appear in the game of another player. The player will be able to attach a Miiverse post and choose what kind of bonus it will give. Maybe it will even allow generous players to give one of their own items.

Of course, the system will be used badly.

You go to a sparkly tile in some far out-of-the-way corner only to find a message with sloppy handwriting that says "u r dum [story spoiler inserted here]" and you get a Slim Sword with 1/35 uses. Or you'll see a lot of horrendous artwork of the game's popular characters.

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Personally, I don't think a lack of funds is an excuse not to get a Wii U. It's about the same price the Wii was and lots of people bought that one.

Lack of funds is a valid excuse to not get anything, specially a luxury item such as a video game console.
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They could have some more dynamic or complex maps with moving terrain and other features, it'd be interesting for a futuristic Fire Emblem if they really do decide a "Fire Emblem on Mars" kind of game with mechanical maps.

On the topic of affording a WiiU it's not particularly expensive if you're buying it refurbished or pre-owned(if you're concerned about finances you shouldn't be buying things new), about £150 or $200 with a game included. I was able to save up to buy the WiiU new upon release even with car insurance, rent for student accommodation just by saving some money each month by spending less on other luxuries. Less drinks on nights out, making my own lunches, less take away meals and not going to coffee shops.(and to clarify this from my student loan alone, no other financial support).

Even if the WiiU got a Fire Emblem game it would be quite a ways off so even saving £10 a month could be sufficient for anyone who isn't in poverty but thinks they don't have enough money.

Edited by arvilino
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