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Do you want the Avatar to stay?


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I just wanted to say wow, that's an amazing signature.

Also, this is a good point:

It's not like the series has never had something it improved on in later installments, though. IS doing player-customized characters wrong a couple times doesn't necessarily mean that player-customized characters are a bad fit for fire emblem as a rule. I don't think the series needs them, but I'd a good fire emblem game even more if it had a well-done customizable character. They'd just have to make all the things the player can do with the character make sense and be interesting.

Because making your own points is for people with time.

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mm i would be fine with an avatar character me self as long as it was a story about the actual avatar character and not poorly interwoven with the main plot. i mean fire emblem isn't a example of superb video game writing but it certainly holds up in the face of other games but in the case of fe12 and fe13 the avatar had no reason to be there. fe3's story was fine on its own with out a self insert fan fiction character with no life or goals of there own except to please there sempai and fe13's came of as even worse for me as the plot seemed to try to focus on chrom's problems not the avatar's who in story comes off like the fe12 one (you explain to me why robin didn't take over the world unless he/she was violently in love with chrom).

so yes I wouldn't mind another avatar but only if A) there problems were the focus of the story and B) the rest of the game was well written and the cast colorful yet subdued. C) The avatar was a blank slate with very concise supports that depend on a personality path the player chose A.K.A depending on who the avatar was suppose to act like the game would allow only supports that made sense for that character and D) the game had a steady tone.

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No, IS has not so far dine a good self insert character... if you even want to call it a self insert even though you have no control over said characters lines or choices (well, other than marrige in awakening).

Really, I would just have is focusing on a lord character than another self insert.

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What characters in the series have ever LOST screentime thanks to an MU? FE12 gave supports for everyone through MU when none of them had ANY screentime. Plus, in most games, only the Jeigan/Oifayes, advisors, and the lords get any real screentime consistently. FE8 had Seth as the only recurring character in cutscenes, and FE13 had only Frederick, Lissa and the khans.

Besides, I really want to read a good FE fanfic one of these days.

Marth and Hardin lost a lot of their screentime

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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Marth and Hardin lost a lot of their screentime

Wat. Hardin had the same number of lines he would have had otherwise in FE3.

The only one who REALLY got hit hard by that was Jagen during the "Fuck you General Lang" scene.

As for the whiners about bad fanfiction spawning from self-inserts? Uh, that doesn't stop people from doing that shit otherwise.

If you're gonna pan the avatar, don't do it for that reason.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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Wat. Hardin had the same number of lines he would have had otherwise in FE3.

The only one who REALLY got hit hard by that was Jagen during the "Fuck you General Lang" scene.

As for the whiners about bad fanfiction spawning from self-inserts? Uh, that doesn't stop people from doing that shit otherwise.

If you're gonna pan the avatar, don't do it for that reason.

Marth's character and personality suffer. Or rather, they keep the terrible FE3 version of him instead of the FE11 version while only increasing his insecurity by having him constantly seek reassurance from Avatar.

Avatar also comes up with plans that originally Marth came up with, further worsening Marth's character. Marth was the one who came up with the plan to move through Adria Pass. In FE12, Avatar does that.

Then there's small things. Compare these two scenes:


Your highness, please hurry. The pursuers have already arrived.


But, everybody is still fighting. I can’t just leave them.


Don’t worry, they will all escape safely. We will all meet up at Khadein. Well, your highness, please get onboard the ship!



Please hurry, sire. The enemy is closing in on us.


But everyone is still fighting. I can't just leave them behind.


Worry not, sire. I will remain here. I will regroup with everyone later.


Chris! But...


Sire, you of all people know that Chris is more than capable. As long as Chris is there, everyone will escape safely and reunite with you at once. Now sire, to the boat!

Kris is now the most special snowflake and is now the one who comes up with all the plans and is the sole person responsible for every victory and other bullshit. It's really annoying watching the game suck up to the player this much.

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I say kick him out of the story, but let him still exist, just like in FE7.

Yeah this. If Avatar is a playable unit, thats fine too, but keep him/her out of the story in terms of plot. Avatar creates plot issues apparently. Also if he/she is to remain in the story somehow, please, please can i have Silent Protagonist Mode for them?

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I am almost certain Avatar will reappear if Fire Emblem 4 ever gets a remake, the only question is whether they're killed later on or not. Similarly, if Fire Emblem 7 gets a remake, I wouldn't be surprised if Tactician becomes playable. With that note however, I'm not sure whether pair up will return, although I think most people don't want it to?

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I say kick him out of the story, but let him still exist, just like in FE7.

Yeah this. If Avatar is a playable unit, thats fine too, but keep him/her out of the story in terms of plot. Avatar creates plot issues apparently. Also if he/she is to remain in the story somehow, please, please can i have Silent Protagonist Mode for them?

^ I'm fine with this too.

Though again, like I mentioned earlier, I kind of like the idea of a Tactician as a battle units IF ONLY it functions like more of a support unit, like an actual tactician would. Maybe (s)he CAN fight, like how FE13 Dancer Olivia can, but is not strong and not an optimal fighter.

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I say kick him out of the story, but let him still exist, just like in FE7.

This right here. Let the unit be there like in Heroes or Awakening. Personally, I felt that the level of involvement you had in FE7 was perfect. They were mentioned, present, and they helped out More or less depending on if you yourself were terrible or not. Of course, there was a lack of choices back in FE7 Do you want to do Gaiden Chapter or no?, but at the same time, I felt more compelled to be a part of their group.

Edit: Hah. Everyone agreed with this quote.

I always thought the tactician would be a mage. Not some swords and sorcery OP person "I can do everything!" Or... Maybe like some certain knife wielding sages, as brilliant as putting knives on a mage is.

Edited by Maerk
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Marth's character and personality suffer. Or rather, they keep the terrible FE3 version of him instead of the FE11 version while only increasing his insecurity by having him constantly seek reassurance from Avatar.

Avatar also comes up with plans that originally Marth came up with, further worsening Marth's character. Marth was the one who came up with the plan to move through Adria Pass. In FE12, Avatar does that.

Then there's small things. Compare these two scenes:


Kris is now the most special snowflake and is now the one who comes up with all the plans and is the sole person responsible for every victory and other bullshit. It's really annoying watching the game suck up to the player this much.

OH NOES, MARTH NEEDS ADDITIONAL HELP. It's almost like he didn't admit that he alone is weak, but is stronger with others!

Granted, I'm not arguing Kris's special snowflake status. Far from it, actually.

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Yeah this. If Avatar is a playable unit, thats fine too, but keep him/her out of the story in terms of plot. Avatar creates plot issues apparently. Also if he/she is to remain in the story somehow, please, please can i have Silent Protagonist Mode for them?

Here to er... third... this point.

The idea behind the Avatar is fine, but can we PLEASE treat them like a normal, typical solider in the army and give them no extensive purpose in the plot, please?

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Here to er... third... this point.

The idea behind the Avatar is fine, but can we PLEASE treat them like a normal, typical solider in the army and give them no extensive purpose in the plot, please?

Endgame (FE13)

...And to think on why that she has Veteran which because she has the blood of the dragon of the fallen, Grima. Passing this on to her children as well. Einherjar only get this because...well...they are already dead and are phantoms.

Edited by Barbie
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OH NOES, MARTH NEEDS ADDITIONAL HELP. It's almost like he didn't admit that he alone is weak, but is stronger with others!

Granted, I'm not arguing Kris's special snowflake status. Far from it, actually.

He can't get anything done without constant reassurance from Avatar. He was able to just fine on his own in FE11. There is no excuse. There is not character development. There is only character derailment.

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How about introduce a my unit that goes against the main protagonist (or gives you the option to)? A My Unit that can make choices that influence the story and show development from the two opposing sides could be interesting, or just generally a My Unit with such a terribly bland personality? Also make the choices actually have meaning, not FE13 lol.

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How about introduce a my unit that goes against the main protagonist (or gives you the option to)? A My Unit that can make choices that influence the story and show development from the two opposing sides could be interesting, or just generally a My Unit with such a terribly bland personality? Also make the choices actually have meaning, not FE13 lol.

But the whole point of not having any meaning in the choices was to show the futile struggle against Fate, right?

I personally think any choices should be more of a "Well here's my opinion but you have the final choice, my lord"; depending on either your tactician ranking or your relationship with the person making the choice, they'll either listen to you or decide against it.

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