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What if Nintendo releases a HD remake of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn for Wii U?


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Maybe, I don't know. I still have working copies of both games. Although I'd say hot damn, take my money if the remakes also fixed the games' few flaws. :P

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Funny. I was just thinking about this yesterday. I would probably buy both games, though not right away.

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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They'd probably both sell worse than Radiant Dawn did on Wii. I'd imagine a WiiU entry would have to be a new entry, but even with it's install base I'd wager a new entry on WiiU could probably sell more than either of them did(since they sold poorly despite PoR launching when the GC had already gained most of it's audience and RD despite the fact it was on Nintendo's best selling console).

Provided it appears impressive enough of course, PoR and RD had the issue of looking a bit too low tech for the systems next to other Nintendo games especially considering how late Path of Radiance was released.

Edited by arvilino
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please for the love of fuck no more remakes

the last thing ANY nintendo platform or series needs right now is another goddamn remake, and this goes double for fire emblem given that the last two pre-fe13 games were remakes. seriously, it's sad enough that a remake/upscale of a zelda game that didn't really need it is still one of the few things propping up the wii u. let's not fuel that with more games which don't really need it, okay?

try again in a few years once the wii u has a vaguely competent library and there's a few more non-remake fe games between us and fe12, then we'll talk

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nintendo is in their dark hour currently

either they rise or fall forever..

and yea, not the good time of wii remake for me ~.~

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I could imagine a PoR/RD hybrid remake could do okay, mainly as a result of Brawl/SSB4 and Awakening. I personally would rather see a new game, as would a lot of people I suspect, but a remake wouldn't be absolutely dire, if it improved a lot of weaker features and made the games better overall.

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I am not sure if it would even be that much of a bad idea. It depends on how expensive these kind of rereleases are. I would imagine that most of the development costs have already been paid for.

Either way, obviously I would buy it. Along with the console while I am at it.

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If it was a collection of the two, sure. Nintendo said it wasn't hard to port Wind Waker to the Wii U and those games are kind of dated graphics-wise.

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Tbh id rather see remakes of fe9/10 mixed into one game. I think that would bump sales up more, too.

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Added features like Jave mentioned would probably increase sales too. Better support conversations, trial maps, fixing certain characters' screen time (I'm looking at you, Tormod and co., Tauroneo, and Geoffrey), and more options for paired endings would make lots of fans happier. One of my friends neglected to get RD because it "decanonized" most of his favorite pairings. He's a big pairing nut, so yeah. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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As much as I liked PoR/RD, I wouldn't be interested in a remake. I've gotten the most I can out of those games, and I don't think a remake could add enough value to the Tellius world to justify purchasing it. I mean, I already know the characters and have a good gauge of how they'd think. Sure, a remake could canonize some aspects of their personalities and make them more interesting, but I already have fanfiction and an imagination for that.

Gameplay would only be a hook if they totally upped the difficulty and made it super-exciting frequently with tons of options for strategy. I've gotta say I loved using cliffs/bows in RD. It just felt so tactical.

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If Nintendo were to remake these, I'd want:

Making them a single game would be nice I guess. Though imagine Second Tier Level 20 Greil Mercs haha. And then stuff like capped Marcia, wow.

Giving more chapters to the DB.

Extended script.

Actual support convos.

1-2 range nerfed to DS/Awakening levels.

Caps adjusted in Radiant Dawn.

Mages to not be completely awful in Radiant Dawn.

Maniac Mode for FE9.

RD's Maniac Mode to not have the range and Weapon triangle bull.

The LEA to not be forgotten til the game is over.

Mastery nerf.

3x effectiveness in POR.

Bows made useful in POR.

I would buy it in an instant.

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If on wiiU, yes, it would sell like crap. But maybe on 3DS it wouldnt, what with Awakening making people more aware of FE in general. And if thats the case, Im pretty sure it wouldnt get bad reviews either or any bad publicity, as Tellius is very high quality.

Edited by PKL
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Why should a remake version of FE10 come out for the Wii U, although you can play the Wii game on the Wii U already?

And FE9 + 10 and the Wii U had/have poor sales.

That may not be that important, the worst selling Fire Emblem games are on both of Nintendo's highest selling console(Wii) and handheld(DS) and the best is on currently what may be Nintendo's lowest selling handheld.

The size of the user base is not necessarily proportional to the sales the Fire Emblem series games,(unless way more people pirated Shadow Dragon than bought it) it doesn't appear the game's number of players are limited by the install base, I think it's more around the interest in the title itself.

Edited by arvilino
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