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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

Book of Ereshkigal

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Well IMO MOST (Re: Not all) are fan catering

Why else would Mewtwo/Charizard have two?

Yeah, that's true.

I don't think any fans were demanding Mega Lopunny...

Also, if the fans get what they want, they will buy it. If not, they won't. GameFreak wants sales, so they give the fans what they want to get sales.

I don't think anyone even cared about Lopunny too much until yesterday, aha.

It's Pokemon. People are gonna buy it regardless or not they'll get the megas they want. Even if Mega Luxray will never be a thing, I'll still get the game no matter what. I'd just be more hyped for it.

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I missed it because my post was meant to be a response to ZM, not you. :/

Oh my bad

Sorry about that xD

But yeah

Even if I don't get what Megas I want (TBH Megawile and Meganette are all I could ask for)

It's Pokemon

That's all they need for it to sell

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Banette and Mawile already have Megas...

I don't think anyone even cared about Lopunny too much until yesterday, aha.

I did... I was always sad that I was the only person that ever loved that bunny. It's so cute and fanart makes it even cuter! And even better, it uses that cuteness to mess up opponents and kick the shit out of them (Cute Charm and Jump Kick ftw! Glad that it's getting Hi Jump Kick too)!




Of course, I love Buneary too! I just love Lopunny even more. XD I will love that bunny forever!

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh okay, my bad then. lol

I just want Mega Rapidash and Mega Infernape really. I would also say Mega Keldeo as well, but he's already got his Resolute form, so I'm satisfied there, haha.

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I think what I'm taking most out of the existence of Mega Lopunny outside of it meaning that all of the new Megas won't just be Gen III Pokemon (Diancie doesn't count, IMHO) (which I figured would be the case earlier on, given X/Y's distribution) is that this possibly/probably means that Buneary and Lopunny have been added to the Hoenn Regional Dex...

I mean, with the note in last month's CoroCoro that the Dex would be updated (and was showcased with Dusknoir), we knew that we'd most likely be getting the related forms of Hoenn Pokedex Pokemon [Gallade, Probopass, Roserade, Chingling, Froslass], but this is the first sign that Pokemon outside of that net are going to be available. And, it's worth noting that Buneary is also one of the species that's not available at all in X/Y without someone bringing it up from Gen V and distributing it. As I've mentioned previously, I get the feeling that the other Pokemon (and evolutions) that meet that criteria (Rattata, Meowth, Koffing, Porygon, Misdreavus, Unown, Stantler, Kricketot, Cherubi, Glameow, Finneon, Cottonee, Darumaka, Yamask, Frillish, Tynamo, Elgyem, and Bouffalant) are prime real estate for inclusion in some form - We all know that Game Freak loves to use the 'second series' of the generation to help fill up missing Dex spots left from the first set of games (see: FRLG to complement RSE, HGSS for DPPt, etc.)...


EDIT - Also, is it just me, or, depending on what Mega Altaria's stat boosts end up being along with if we get Move Tutors in OR/AS, could Mega Altaria have a handful of different possible roles and movesets for it? I tried to consider all of the different moves that you could use on it and I can't even come close to narrowing it down to one succinct set of four moves.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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More news:


Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire- CoroCoro Reveals

The next batch of CoroCoro information has been posted to Japanese forums and this batch showcases more information about the upcoming game Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. This image furthers yesterdays and showcases more about Pokémon Contests. It shows the in-game images of the Contest Hall, details how Feebas's evolution is based on contests, and confirms that you can Mega Evolve during the contests, which boosts the Excite Meter & Appeal in the Contests, but can only be done when the Excite Meter is full.

Edited by Quintessence
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All previous gens allowed trading with other games within the same gen, so I don't see why not. You might have to wait until postgame, but it's possible that once you get a second 'mon you're allowed to trade and stuff, like in X and Y iirc.

Edited by Konnor97
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I think what I'm taking most out of the existence of Mega Lopunny outside of it meaning that all of the new Megas won't just be Gen III Pokemon (Diancie doesn't count, IMHO) (which I figured would be the case earlier on, given X/Y's distribution) is that this possibly/probably means that Buneary and Lopunny have been added to the Hoenn Regional Dex...

I mean, with the note in last month's CoroCoro that the Dex would be updated (and was showcased with Dusknoir), we knew that we'd most likely be getting the related forms of Hoenn Pokedex Pokemon [Gallade, Probopass, Roserade, Chingling, Froslass], but this is the first sign that Pokemon outside of that net are going to be available. And, it's worth noting that Buneary is also one of the species that's not available at all in X/Y without someone bringing it up from Gen V and distributing it. As I've mentioned previously, I get the feeling that the other Pokemon (and evolutions) that meet that criteria (Rattata, Meowth, Koffing, Porygon, Misdreavus, Unown, Stantler, Kricketot, Cherubi, Glameow, Finneon, Cottonee, Darumaka, Yamask, Frillish, Tynamo, Elgyem, and Bouffalant) are prime real estate for inclusion in some form - We all know that Game Freak loves to use the 'second series' of the generation to help fill up missing Dex spots left from the first set of games (see: FRLG to complement RSE, HGSS for DPPt, etc.)...


EDIT - Also, is it just me, or, depending on what Mega Altaria's stat boosts end up being along with if we get Move Tutors in OR/AS, could Mega Altaria have a handful of different possible roles and movesets for it? I tried to consider all of the different moves that you could use on it and I can't even come close to narrowing it down to one succinct set of four moves.

I'd hate to be that guy but...

Gen IV remakes incoming?

More news:


Mega-Evolving for contests actually sounds pretty cool. Honestly contests were kind of cool other than the mixing berries/poffins things. I'm kind of disappointed they removed them in 5 and 6 and had those other options and stuff available which weren't that cool. On the other hand, the wifi from the 3DS might mean you can mix berries a whole lot easier with people so it should be less of a hassle.

Edited by Psych
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The video from the English Pokemon channel showing off the Corocoro stuff.

And to quote Serebii, "The Pokémon Company International has sent out a release detailing more about the news that has come this past week. It has also confirmed that the west is to get the Shiny Beldum event from game launch. Mega Lopunny gets increased Attack & Speed, Mega Salamence gets increased Defense and Mega Altaria gets increased Attack & Special Attack, with a smaller Defense boost.

Hordes have also been confirmed to return to the game, with an added bit against trainers. Cosplay Pikachu is confirmed to be separate to normal Pikachu and is the only one that can be dressed up.
Contest Spectacular has also got a brand new feature where you can use the 3DS's camera to implant yourself into the Pokémon Contest stage. Like before, you can gain various fans as your contest successes mount, and these fans can give you various items such as berries and more. Also, this confirms that the creation of PokéBlocks to improve your contest stat makes a return."
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Pics are from the official site:



Oh man. Horde trainer battles lol

(Ugh, the trainer art looks alright by itself, but the copy-paste just looks stupid here lol)

So Cosplay pikachu is ORAS's Notched Ear Pichu, huh. ....another special one off pikachu with a special marking that you get after doing an event your first contest, idk if you can trade it or not. Oh boi.

Edited by L95
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Brendan looks like he's trying to appeal to some boring biker gang. :/

But May looks SO FREAKING CUUUTE! I love her new default design already, but this is even BETTER. :D

Also, shiny Beldum distirbution upon release? That's awesome, I DO actually like Metagross's shiny coloration. ^^ I might've just been convinced to buy this! Don't know for sure yet though, as I would still wish to make Lopunny my Mega instead, not Metagross. xP

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