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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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Except regular Sceptile doesn't have Lightningrod... so for you to switch in Mega Sceptile, you have to have had it in before, which means the opponent knows you have it. Unless they're dumb, they're not going to just throw around electric moves after that. And even if getting it was easy, +1 Sp. Atk is still markedly inferior to +1 Spd at the end of every turn and 2x Spd in rain. It'll depend on how much of a Spd boost Mega Sceptile gets, but going by their current Spd stats, Swift Swim Swampert is faster than Sceptile (by quite a bit). So odds are, Mega Swampert will outspeed and OHKO Mega Sceptile under rain with some Ice move.

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I didn't play Ruby or Emerald so I have no idea who Tabitha is.

Also Pirates of the Caribbean Team Aqua is best.

Holy crap Shelly looks pro now (even with her soon to be dislocated neck)

for the record, I don't get how one chooses not to buy a game based on the physical appearance of an NPC who has about 10 lines in the whole game but that's not my problem

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I knew he was a guy because I watched the anime. xP

But I still don't believe that fat ugly guy is Tabitha. If it is, I'm not getting the game. They utterly RUINED one of the only Hoenn characters I ever liked.

Not to sound critical, but why would the appearance of a character who only talks 4 times at the most deter you from getting the game? I mean the anime and games are in their own different continuities so just think of him as a different character. I, personally prefer this, as he doesn't look just like a smiley grunt anymore.

Edited by Kamina
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Hahahalllllright, who else was on the side of the MegaGroudon/Kyogre debate that knew that AlphaOgre and OmegaDon weren't Megas? C'mon, up top, Team IToldjaSo. *holds hand up for highfives*

I'm thrilled with basically everything except Brendan and May's designs. I prefer 100% of May's old design, her OG Ruby/Sapphire shirt and bandana were my favorite look for her, and... heck, I don't even know what I don't like about Brendan. o___o I just don't like how he looks. Maybe it's the tan, maybe it's the goofy expression... *shrug* EDIT: Also, they don't have gloves. This makes me sad.

Grass/Dragon Lightning Rodding Mega Sceptile makes it all worthwhile, though. *3* I don't even care that Grass/Dragon is incredibly suboptimal defensive typing, it's just cool as shit.

And with any luck, we'll get customization in this game too so that we don't have to worry if we don't like the silly protag appearances.

Edited by BANRYU
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I'm kinda doubting we'll get trainer customization, that seems to be a Kalos thing. While previous remakes did add in newer things. They did try to keep the spirit and feel of the remakes similar.

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Well, it would be very in-line with Game Freak's design traditions to implement this great new feature, then leave it out of their next game. *shrug* I certainly won't be surprised if that's the case.

Edited by BANRYU
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Well, it would be very in-line with Game Freak's design traditions to implement this great new feature, then leave it out of their next game. *shrug* I certainly won't be surprised if that's the case.

We shall certainly see though, I'm no future seer or anything xD.

Also I find this awesome I can finally get my Blaziken Mega stone. I got X way too late for the event in X/Y so this will be my chance to rectify my error

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Hahahalllllright, who else was on the side of the MegaGroudon/Kyogre debate that knew that AlphaOgre and OmegaDon weren't Megas? C'mon, up top, Team IToldjaSo. *holds hand up for highfives*

*Leave hanging*

I don't high five people, even if they have the same theory as me.

And given that I was the first to bring it up...

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That's fine, I was mostly just being smug because I was right.

It doesn't really matter to me who was first because I came to that conclusion on my own anyway.

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Except regular Sceptile doesn't have Lightningrod... so for you to switch in Mega Sceptile, you have to have had it in before, which means the opponent knows you have it. Unless they're dumb, they're not going to just throw around electric moves after that. And even if getting it was easy, +1 Sp. Atk is still markedly inferior to +1 Spd at the end of every turn and 2x Spd in rain. It'll depend on how much of a Spd boost Mega Sceptile gets, but going by their current Spd stats, Swift Swim Swampert is faster than Sceptile (by quite a bit). So odds are, Mega Swampert will outspeed and OHKO Mega Sceptile under rain with some Ice move.

lightening rod is still useful for forcing your opponent to guess what you'll do. it's like having a scarfed electric type when your opponent has a gyrados and a landorus: hidden power ice or your electric attack of choice?

mega blaziken is kinda banned to ubers...

swampert is still going to be outsped by neutral positive base 100's with choice scarf and faster, and requires that the rain be set up for him.

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I have worries about customization not coming back... but how is it a "Kalos thing"?

Because thus far its only been in Kalos. That is subject to change of course, I'm just making guesses on observation

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We're disappointed a character isn't aesthetically pleasing anymore. Nothing "shallow" about that, really.

Err... No, it is definitely a shallow thing to say. I agree it's completely human nature, but Ana's original statement was shallow, as was your own post trying to justify your dislike for him being 'fat and ugly'. With that said, I also fall under the same category and dislike some character designs for being unattractive, regardless of how nice they are (ie. Gonzales, anything else like Quasimodo). It is definitely shallow, but should you feel bad for it? Well... that's relative to the person, in my personal opinion, you shouldn't. It's not like you'd go up to them in real life and shout 'Hey! You're ugly!'

With that said, not buying a game is a little on the extreme side, but hey, I'm not going to dictate how other people should make decisions.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I have similar feelings about Swampert's Mega Evolution! I dislike its design, but I'll still be using him!

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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I haven't read back, but have people been actively been trying to make Ana change her mind about not getting ORAS? It's not worth the time or effort. Buy yourself the game when it comes out and fuck what others think about it. We all know it's gonna be fucking amazing so just let Ana continue to play XY while the people have been begging for this remake tear it up. Just let it go that not everyone is pissing themselves with excitement about this.

Edited by Raven
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You people forget that Tabitha's horrible new design isn't the ONLY reason I probably won't be buying this. I never liked gen 3 to begin with, remember? So ruining a character I actually LIKED from it isn't going to help me change my mind.

Mega Sceptile and Mega Diancie almost did change my mind though. Let's see what other stuff GameFreak has planned for this before I decide for sure. It's not like this is the only info we'll be seeing.

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I actually want to get this game despite hating the idea of it initially, and I don't mind the redesigns. I don't even know the names of the Aqua admins. :P I mean, in Emerald there's a guy from Aqua you fight, like, once (I think it's the big one). Sure that doesn't merit an extensive redesign? (I've never played Sapphire so I don't know if he's more prominent there)

It's funny that people are going "oooh Shelly, oooh Tabitha" when, from what I remember, these characters weren't really developed at all. The only games with more or less developed admins are the Sinnoh games, and the Unova games.

That being said, I do remember Tabitha because you fight the bastard a lot in Emerald. I think they changed him because he was just a grunt on steroids, looks wise. But generally I like Team Magma's designs. Maxie looks boss, and the girl is so cute. <3 Reanalyzing the CoroCoro scans, I think Tabitha's new design is actually BETTER. He looks distinct from the rest of the team (as opposed to his original design), and his suit gives him the appearance of someone important. It's clear to me that these designs are a play on the teams' themes. The hot Team Magma actually consists of cold, calculating people, while Team Aqua's members are the hot-headed, all-out kind that is the opposite of water's cold nature.

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Err... No, it is definitely a shallow thing to say. I agree it's completely human nature, but Ana's original statement was shallow, as was your own post trying to justify your dislike for him being 'fat and ugly'. With that said, I also fall under the same category and dislike some character designs for being unattractive, regardless of how nice they are (ie. Gonzales, anything else like Quasimodo). It is definitely shallow, but should you feel bad for it? Well... that's relative to the person, in my personal opinion, you shouldn't. It's not like you'd go up to them in real life and shout 'Hey! You're ugly!'

With that said, not buying a game is a little on the extreme side, but hey, I'm not going to dictate how other people should make decisions.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I have similar feelings about Swampert's Mega Evolution! I dislike its design, but I'll still be using him!

*Shrugs* I don't find it that shallow, considering it's a fictional character. And even if it is, I don't think it's a huge deal. And I might add, it's not the fact that he's fat that was my issue in the first place. It was that I don't find him attractive anymore. Which, in the long run, has nothing to do with the build change. Characters can be chubby and attractive, as I've already said! And characters can be skinny and unattractive as well. Physical build and attractiveness aren't tied to each other in that way.

Regardless, I'm getting used to the design change anyway. I still prefer his old design better, but now I guess my biggest issue is just how much of a drastic change it was. It's jarring to say the least. I'm looking forward to seeing him in the actual game, in fact.

(Also, I gotta say, to be honest, in this case, it's hard to like the Magma/Aqua admins for something OTHER than their looks. As others have stated.. They honestly didn't have personalities to begin with. XP At least in the games.)

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I was actually kind of hoping that Mega Swampert would get Drizzle to match Megazard Y, but Swift Swim's not bad either; given the balance issues and blatant superiority of rain over sun, it seems reasonable to me. Megapert MUST be a monster in the rain with dat bulk and dat offense (can ONLY improve with the megaevo), comparable to Chlorophyll Venusaur in sun ONLY BETTER.

I'm excited for these guys .3. The character designs are nice (or not, depending on your opinion), but they're just a bonus to me.

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Also for the love of god Mega Salamence. <3

Keep it dragon, but change secondary type to steel. Now that would be awesome. Get some inspiration from it's previous evo's. It would be glorious.

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