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You know, I miss FE10

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FE10 has been a pretty fun game, for me. It's the game, that I've drafted through, many, many times. And it's always been fun. I mean, yeah, Part 2 has always been a bit boring- And Part 1 isn't exactly amazing, either. But don't you just love it when Part 3 comes around and half of your team can put the enemies to shame? Yeah, I miss that. And we all should, as well. Because that, ladies and gentlemanlies, is a true FE game.

I won't meddle with your "headcanons" and pairings through the FE13 forums, no!

Remember the time when the tier list thread in these boards was pretty darn active? That was around the time I was pretty "bad" at the game, at the time. And "effeciency" just ruled through it all. It was great, even if I wasn't quite up to par.

So, a few weeks ago, I was missing de olde' so much, that I began wanting to play it, again. And I did. I've been playing it, even if at a snail's pace (real life time, because my turncounts are excellent, at the moment).

You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to make a playthrough and log it right here, in these boards. I mean, not NOW, but soon. SOMETIME SOON. I garantee you, that if you still understand the game and appreciate good play, you'll be able to appreciate as well. Besides, you know you've always loved my 3-13 specials on having a different character take out Ike, in each draft.

EDIT: Another thing I just adorre, about FE10, is...well, laguz. ESPECIALLY their Mastery Skills. I mean, what's more mean than seeing some huge, red lion completely overkill an enemy they might as well 1HKO through normal means? And the answer, is nothing. Beor Masteries are fine, too.

I also happen to have access to recording, since I'll likely be playing it on Dolphin emulator. It may also allow for constant screen-capping, as to also portray a sort of "Let's Play" kind of run.

Edited by Big Boss
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yeah its one of my more liked FE's, i do miss all that tier stuff, i miss the old days where the biggest thing we'd fight about was this game's plot.

i miss much smaller and more active fandom then what we have now.

but i am looking forward to that, even if i might not post, we need more of that stuff.

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1. FERD is impossible to tier

Any attempt to tier FERD is really just worthless and means nothing

2. God FERD is written so poorly

The overwrought similes in the narrator intros make me cringe every time, as well as the attempt at folksy language some of the characters affect

3. The execution

You verge from everyone being worthless in Part 1 to everyone being god in Part 3, there's no balance whatsoever and the game has the most pronounced inverted difficulty curve in any FE by far

Man though, Part 4 is so good

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yeah its one of my more liked FE's, i do miss all that tier stuff, i miss the old days where the biggest thing we'd fight about was this game's plot.

i miss much smaller and more active fandom then what we have now.

but i am looking forward to that, even if i might not post, we need more of that stuff.

We still fight about the game's plot. Just not as often. I remember when we would fight about DB delegation. And that one chump who thought Leonardo was awesome

I miss seeing every debate come down to 3-6 in some way and half the arguments being about Mia.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is pretty much my favorite game ever.

loool 3-6. I remember that and never understood why that was a thing. 3-13, man! Aahahah the Mia...oh gods. Or how about the battles about how Ilyana was worth it just cuz Rexbolt? Man...

Im totally doing a run on this game actually. Makalov Smash! I love that cheesy Narrator too. Except when he pronounces Geoffrey's name like Joffrey and then my jimmies get all out of place.

FE10 is the ONLY reason, why I won't sell my Wii. Just because of this freaking epic game!

Its the primary reason (aside from my VC stuff on there) that i hang on to my old Wii that barely reads disks. Because TRANSFERS! My current Wii is one of those black ones that wasnt Cube compatible, so i couldnt do the transfers on it. My old Wii reads the disk just enough for me to do the transfer and put the file on an SD card and shift it to the other Wii. (cuz i dont trust it to run the whole game) I have to have my God!Soren. Oh yesss.

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loool 3-6. I remember that and never understood why that was a thing. 3-13, man! Aahahah the Mia...oh gods. Or how about the battles about how Ilyana was worth it just cuz Rexbolt? Man...

No one in the tier list discussions ever thought Ilyana was worth it just for Rexbolt lol.
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No one in the tier list discussions ever thought Ilyana was worth it just for Rexbolt lol.

Denial is hilarious. Someone seriously argued that. Still dont get why you have such a problem with owning up to stupid shit the forum used to argue.

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Denial is hilarious. Someone seriously argued that. Still dont get why you have such a problem with owning up to stupid shit the forum used to argue.

Wait what.

I mean, I'm sure there were a few random noobs who came in and made such an argument, but no one ever took it seriously. Ilyana was always considered to be a fairly bad unit. If anyone seriously gave her value for something, it was availability.

I hope that strikethrough portion is struck through for a reason. If you actually want me to "own up" to stupid shit people used to believe, some are that Soren was considered almost a high tier character and Reyson was believed to be the best character in the game. And I kind of already made fun of the old days with my 3-6 reference.

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Every time someone brings up the darker pasts of tiering, you get overly defensive and weird. Its actually kinda irritating. Like you dont wanna admit that at one point, people around here acted like elitist jerks when it came to that stuff.

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Every time someone brings up the darker pasts of tiering, you get overly defensive and weird. Its actually kinda irritating. Like you dont wanna admit that at one point, people around here acted like elitist jerks when it came to that stuff.

...You are now making a completely different point.

How does "people thought Ilyana was good because Rexbolt" = "people used to be elitist jerks"?

Clearly you know my piece on how elitist or not we were, so I'm not going to bother defending any such allegation here, but at least say that if that's what you're saying.

On the other hand, in regards to what it seemed you were talking about, we definitely believed things that we see as stupid today, or at least not very smart.

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Whatever the problems may be, I sure hope it doesn't end with this topic closing. )x I think it's cool we're gathering people that still remember and love what a cool FE game, is. Even with it's tiny flaws.

On topic:

If tiering could be brought back to life, here. Do you think it would be more effeciency-based or LTC? Effeciency has always been rather fast, when it came to turncounts. But not as strict as LTC, was.

I didn't very much understand the reasoning, behind "effeciency", back in the day. But now that I do, I think it can be a pretty fun and interesting way to play the game. I've been all for LTC lately, but effeciency's pretty cool, too.

Another thing that has caught my intrigue during the late tier list discussion, was the use of Kyza and that he actually isn't as bad as people thought he was. And since I've never ever ever ever used him before, he's pretty much a candidate, on my run. Of course, being of my favorite color...

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...You are now making a completely different point.

How does "people thought Ilyana was good because Rexbolt" = "people used to be elitist jerks"?

Clearly you know my piece on how elitist or not we were, so I'm not going to bother defending any such allegation here, but at least say that if that's what you're saying.

On the other hand, in regards to what it seemed you were talking about, we definitely believed things that we see as stupid today, or at least not very smart.

...Heh...The first step is owning it. Nice job. I respect you a little more now. My point is you are overly defensive of criticism of tiering. You are coming so close to admitting it...so close...

Another thing that has caught my intrigue during the late tier list discussion, was the use of Kyza and that he actually isn't as bad as people thought he was.

I tried to use Kyza once. It didnt work out. He was just not getting the numbers in the right places and im one who can make Fiona work on a run.

What counts as efficiency in this game these days? Keeping the turn count low enough to get the BEXP?

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...Heh...The first step is owning it. Nice job. I respect you a little more now. My point is you are overly defensive of criticism of tiering. You are coming so close to admitting it...so close...

I think you're overly critical of it.

If you're talking about my last line...that is kind of a given unless you're Snowy. Opinions are going to change and thought processes will mature over time. And I always owned the RD tier list.

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Dont worry guys it was me, I was the one who argued ilyana was good just for rexbolt

now though my stance has changed i claim ilyana is good for bolting

Does she have the con to double with it? Besides Ilyana can be decent if some effort is put( the GMs are at good enough levels so it wouldn't hurt to give her some BEXP).

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Does she have the con to double with it? Besides Ilyana can be decent if some effort is put( the GMs are at good enough levels so it wouldn't hurt to give her some BEXP).

oh ho ho Ilyana has one of the best strength stats of all the mages

its all the protein she consumes

but no did i ever tell you guys about my final chapter Oliver solo in which he had blessed rexaura valaura purge and nosferatu and he got into epic long range duels with sephiran it was sooooo sick

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oh ho ho Ilyana has one of the best strength stats of all the mages

its all the protein she consumes

but no did i ever tell you guys about my final chapter Oliver solo in which he had blessed rexaura valaura purge and nosferatu and he got into epic long range duels with sephiran it was sooooo sick

Well true beauty is internal. Thats another thing, I miss people joking about Oliver.

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Dont worry guys it was me, I was the one who argued ilyana was good just for rexbolt

now though my stance has changed i claim ilyana is good for bolting

looooooooooooool i wouldnt be surprised if it really was you. :P:

Does she have the con to double with it? Besides Ilyana can be decent if some effort is put( the GMs are at good enough levels so it wouldn't hurt to give her some BEXP).

Even with transfers, its a lot of effort. Ive done it a couple of times and Ilyana could never match Calill or Soren on my runs with speed. She may be able to hoist that Rexbolt, but good gods, her speed! I once had an Ilyana slower than Micaiah. Yep.

We should talk about Makalov.

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