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Most peer pressure exists to make people act in a socially acceptable fashion. It is, to a reasonable extent, a good thing. Fact.

Yeah, it should be the aim, but it can also affect a single person negatively. A dependence emerges and you have to do things, you don't want to, just to be a member of the group.

To be honest when I was younger, I had most bad experience with peer pressure.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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It is interesting that a :Germany: is "Footballer of the year in 2014" (Johnny Waren Medal) in the "A-league".

A football season for the teams from Perth and Wellington must be very exhausting because of the very VERY long journeys every week.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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Why are Western Sydney Wanderers the best team in the A-League

Because they balanced strong competition domestically with punching above their weight in continental competition, while sticking to a firm philosophy under a long-term manager and a sensible marquee whose legs haven't gone. All counts, incidentally, on which my own team, Sydney FC, fails.

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How do you two get along so well?

fuck if i know, friends just do things like that lol

EVERY question?!

every question

I also would like to extend this question to Ike

What is your favorite type of rabbit

i know nothing about rabbits types. my favorite rabbit, therefore, is this wild dude who hangs out by my garage some days. i say hi to him in the morning and he runs away. we have a working relationship, me and him.

Alright you two. . .I've got a hunk of prime rib in the fridge, what's the best way to eat it?

with gusto

how is your day?

every day of mine is a great day

freakin' baka! it's not like I wanted you to ask me anything anyway!

oh by the way I thought of a couple of really simple questions that actually surprisingly haven't been asked yet (as far as I know):

What is/are your favorite color(s)?

What are some smells that you find most enjoyable/pleasant?

Favorite plant?

1: purple

2: freohr

3: probably some kind of lily, i like flowers

Do you submit or do you resist any kind of peer pressure?

What is your favourite sort of tea?

Are you please with the :Australia: government and do you know any main difference(s) to :GreatBritain: or other European countries?

i resist peer pressure that sounds like a bad idea to follow, and submit to peer pressure that seems like it would be best to follow. yay, nonanswer.

apple cinnamon tea.

i have no feelings on the australian government (note how i used the word australian rather than a flag) but they're automatically cool by me being essentially the Island of Texas

Both of you can answer this question if you feel like it.

What's the first thing you think to do when you are bored?

i honestly don't really get bored, i always have shit that needs to get done or shit that i've been wanting to do but have had too much shit i needed to do to get to it but now i can.

Why are Western Sydney Wanderers the best team in the A-League

because what the fuck other team is it going to be, perth?

It is interesting that a :Germany: is "Footballer of the year in 2014" (Johnny Waren Medal) in the "A-league".

that is Not, in fact, interesting

Edited by Michael Hurst
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i honestly don't really get bored, i always have shit that needs to get done or shit that i've been wanting to do but have had too much shit i needed to do to get to it but now i can.


Just a day or two ago you were telling me to entertain you while you were waiting for your next class

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You became bored to have to ask me though =<

And you've certainly complained about boredom more than once

So your true answer is when you're bored you talk to me~!

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the demon's seed?

that's pretty lewd, man

I don't think they're comfortable answering questions like that

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Hmm... I did not find it in the German Wiki. Maybe Parrhesia knows it.

In 2014:

Player: Thomas Broich (Germany)

Trainer: Mike Mulvey (Australia)

Goalkeeper: Eugene Galekovic (Australia)

Young player: Adam Taggart (Australia)

Eugene Galekovic is dogshit. You will note I have cropped out the flags from your post. Perhaps you could do that in future to save me the trouble.

What is... the name of your dream team?


isn't that Australia's national plant?

I believe so.

the killer's breed or the demon's seed?

I am all about 'the seed game' so to speak.

What is love ? How do we save it ?

Love is the ability to be alone with someone else. It doesn't need to be saved, as it thrives naturally.

You edited, just to put a period?

Also, what's with that title?

I edited to change the title.

Because you are now asking THE DREAM TEAM questions instead of just me.

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I...I see, Have you, either of you, drifted before?

Is it an actual team...or just you?

Parrhesia and Integrity, The Dream Team-- no wait, THE DREAM TEAM... there is a difference, you see...

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I...I see, Have you, either of you, drifted before?

The reason that THE DREAM TEAM were not in fact riding YOLO #420 through Pacific Rim is we would have been too powerful for the film. There wouldn't need to be a plot. There would only need to be us.

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