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What is... the name of your dream team?


the killer's breed or the demon's seed?

gonna have to go with the demon's seed here, op

What is love ? How do we save it ?

baby don't hurt me

save it with any number of youtube to mp3 converters, i don't want to help you there

Also, what's with that title?


Is it an actual team...or just you?


I...I see, Have you, either of you, drifted before?

yes, but only with each other. anything else would be slutty.

THE DREAM TEAM, if you were to ride a tandem bicycle, who would be at the front and who would be at the back?

i would ride in the back, being taller. additionally i am the big spoon.

Edited by Michael Hurst
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Will THE DREAM TEAM ever take over the world, or SF at least?

silly fool

he already has

he's just too lazy to do anything with it

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re: tandem wouldn't it be

you BOTH sit at the front, Iketegrity holding up party rrhesia while he holds his arms out as if to fly, and I'm the one sitting in the back doing all the pedaling?

ooh make lumi draw a thing of that

Edited by Kaname
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is shaq a certified chiraq rapper

a cursory google says something about a dj named game and a guy named tyga but that was chiraq so i have no idea

Will THE DREAM TEAM ever take over the world, or SF at least?

nah i just want moneyzz$$

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I had a big cup of cactus juice the other day and it was incredibly refreshing. It tasted like a sweet celery/bell pepper hybrid.

Anyway, BIG BRO and Parrhesia, what are some unusual foods that you enjoy?

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such judgement

wat is luv



very australian

doge h8 buges tho

Edited by Esme
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When are you going to do more of Long Live the Queen


Anyway, BIG BRO and Parrhesia, what are some unusual foods that you enjoy?

my tastes are really conventional lil bro :( i'll answer this later if i think of more, i promise!

fried seaweed is awesome though

Where did Furet go? :(:

[18:12] |<-- Parrhesia has left irc.darkmyst.org (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)

[18:24] -->| Parrrrhesia (Parrhesia@417-978-33-142.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #Serenes_Forest

[18:29] |<-- Parrrhesia has left irc.darkmyst.org (Read error: Operation timed out)

[18:30] =-= Parrrrhesia is now known as Parhesia (tn: wow gj spelling dude)

what is the doge spelling for furet.


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the unconventional food i like most is ... uhhh i can't think of any

I like making kangaroo curry a lot but that's not really unconventional as such?

Where did Furet go? :(:

driving tests

[18:12] |<-- Parrhesia has left irc.darkmyst.org (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[18:24] -->| Parrrrhesia (Parrhesia@417-978-33-142.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #Serenes_Forest
[18:29] |<-- Parrrhesia has left irc.darkmyst.org (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:30] =-= Parrrrhesia is now known as Parhesia (tn: wow gj spelling dude)

after four fs it stops adding them every other time i disconnect

so i change it to just the one

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true fact SF dying was in fact our master plan for killing off interest in the other inferior threads gahahahahahahahahahaha

(also this one was nearly on the second page, shit)

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What's something you hate, but too convenient not to have around?

true fact SF dying was in fact our master plan for killing off interest in the other inferior threads gahahahahahahahahahaha

(also this one was nearly on the second page, shit)

So scheme, make me a pupil

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What's something you hate, but too convenient not to have around?

Shirt sponsors. People will give you free money to put 'wonga' on your shirt. Of course everyone has them these days. I still hate them.

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