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whats with the Emmeryn hate i keep hearing about?

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A general overview of earlygame stuff that's Emmeryn-related:

Between Cht.1-2: She allows Avatar into her throne room, even though he's a) armed and b) wearing Grimleal robes, before checking if it's safe. She notices him after a while, Fred says he's suspicious, Chrom says he's cool. She takes Chrom's word over Fred's. In light of the Risen and possibly the Plegian bandits, she sends Chrom and all his goons to Ferox to request reinforcements, leaving the capital defended by Pegasus Knights.

Around Cht.5: She walks to the border to meet with Gangrel, despite the facts that a) he's armed, and b) Avatar, Chrom, Fred and Phila all say no. Gangrel then demands the Fire Emblem and Emmeryn is confused when he says he wants to use it to obliterate Ylisse. Chrom gets in a tussle with the Plegians, stomps them and saves Maribelle, and everyone retreats to the capital.

Around Cht.6: Chrom gives Avatar a long speech about Emmeryn's goodness that Marth likes. Emmeryn is then beset by assassins, and Chrom and co. come to save her. If Chrom talks to Emmeryn, she tells him to take Lissa and run, even though he's armed and she's not. After the battle, Emmeryn is unaware of the fate of the Taguel. Chrom then tells her to run before more assassins come, and she refuses, but Fred then talks her into it.

Around Cht.7: Emmeryn is betrayed by an adviser who didn't exist previously, and decided to turn around and return to the capital even though her finest forces bar Chrom just got roflstomped by Plegia. To make matters worse, she's not taking Chrom, only the captain of the incompetent Pegasi. Additionally, she announces her plan to leave before convincing Phila to come with her, indicating that she may have been prepared to hike back to Ylisstol alone. There's also a much larger army than the one Chrom just spanked half a day behind them, which she'd walk directly into. Chrom, Lissa and Phila all say no, but Emmeryn quickly talks Phila into it. For some reason, Frederick agrees with Emmeryn. She tells Chrom to take the Fire Emblem to safety in Ferox (of course, he doesn't leave it there) and get reinforcements... Despite just getting them 3 chapters ago. She is immediately kidnapped upon separation from Chrom, on which Frederick has no comment.

Around Cht.9: Emmeryn is silent before the battle, you know what happens afterword.

In short, most of the "Emmeryn is a great ruler" stuff comes from two paragraphs Chrom said in Cht.6. She never actually makes any decisions on behalf of her nation. Chrom is actually the one in charge even when Emmeryn is alive, as he forges a diplomatic alliance with Ferox (remember, they respect the strong and have no need for courtesy, and neither of the Khan ever even meets Emmeryn), officially starts the war with Plegia by killing a soldier, and furthermore every battle Ylisse wins has him leading the charge, and in every battle they lose he's nowhere to be seen. Chrom can use Falchion and wears the Fire Emblem on his arm, to boot, and he still has time to run around the countryside protecting villages from bandits and Risen. Who are the villagers going to respect more, the Queen who sits in a castle and doesn't do anything, or the Prince who runs around with a sword trashing bozos (hint: Emmeryn doesn't even get a funeral, but Chrom's coronation is attended by cheering masses)? Peasants throw rocks at Emmeryn and feasts for Chrom.

Of note, Frederick is the only person who's ever changed Emmeryn's mind about something.

Thankyou. Now anything I post won't be full of little holes and whatnot.

chapter 1-2: At worst, a really bad decision that could've made the land go into turmoil. At best, she has absolute trust that Chrom and Frederick are making good decisions bringing the avatar with. Somewhere in between is that everyone in Ylisse has really poor judgment skills and nobody has any idea what they're doing because everyone seems stupid.

Chapter 6: Could've been ok assuming they planned it better, but probably would ultimately not work knowing Gangrel.

Chapter 7: She had wanted to stay originally right? This seems like the best plan to me to stay in the foritified capital with all her troops. Of course, going back too late was stupid. (and not bringing the dream team)

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alright your arguement makes sense and yes i do agree thats what they should've done.

i disagree on the opinion of how good DoR is but thats not the subject and we can all have different opinions, thanks for explaining it though.

if you do want to hear out my side, pm me, otherwise nvm and i'll keep it out of the topic, it no big deal

i think you can probably just say so here, i don't think people will mind. :)

With the exception of Awakening, FE in general has a pretty decent track record with this, so I'd also assume it was at least intended to be serious.

i agree.

and i shit on fe:a out of love. i truly love this series, but i feel insulted when intelligent sys. thinks they can haphzardly put together an extremely crappy story with lots of crappy characters (not all of them are bad) and call it a day. getting something that's of much lower quality than what we players are used to is like a best friend punching you in the face. obviously not all will agree with me, but i feel like fe7 is the series' story peak (not necessarily gameplay, though it is my favorite), and i'd like something at least as good as that in this day and age.

aside from the inflated stats, i love the gameplay mechanics and overall gameplay of the game. it's almost exactly what i want out of a fe game.

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Chapter 7: She had wanted to stay originally right? This seems like the best plan to me to stay in the foritified capital with all her troops. Of course, going back too late was stupid. (and not bringing the dream team)

Emmeryn has no troops, just a handful of Pegasi, and Phila openly admits in Cht.6 that she's clueless about how the assassins got in. Even with Chrom on duty, the assassins were barely foiled, they'd grab her the moment Chrom turns his back. The point of moving her was to keep her safe until Chrom brought back reinforcements, at which time it would be safe to stay in the castle.

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Emmeryn has no troops, just a handful of Pegasi, and Phila openly admits in Cht.6 that she's clueless about how the assassins got in. Even with Chrom on duty, the assassins were barely foiled, they'd grab her the moment Chrom turns his back. The point of moving her was to keep her safe until Chrom brought back reinforcements, at which time it would be safe to stay in the castle.

oops there goes me assuming there's an army again. It would make sense if she had an army, but nothing in this wacky country of Ylisse makes sense honestly it boggles my mind. Clearly the main character should be Flavia and Basilio and their wonderful exploits running a country that seems pretty decent from what I know, and not this wonderful place that has survived with 8 people and some bird horses for many years and is only getting invaded now.

Edited by Fluorspar
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Flavia and Basilio are probably the only good examples of solid leadership in the game, who actually do lead their nations. There's still some issues with that (like wtf do they need to have to switch Khans every year instead of i dunno, sharing the duty overall?) but they sure do a better damn job that Emmeryn. They follow Chrom to Valm for fear that Walhart will invade Ferox. Even if our lord and Avatar tend to think of Regna Ferox as Ylisse's bodyguards. Ylisse pretty much is screwed militarily.

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oops there goes me assuming there's an army again. It would make sense if she had an army, but nothing in this wacky country of Ylisse makes sense honestly it boggles my mind. Clearly the main character should be Flavia and Basilio and their wonderful exploits running a country that seems pretty decent from what I know, and not this wonderful place that has survived with 8 people and some bird horses for many years and is only getting invaded now.


For future reference.

Flavia and Basilio are probably the only good examples of solid leadership in the game, who actually do lead their nations. There's still some issues with that (like wtf do they need to have to switch Khans every year instead of i dunno, sharing the duty overall?) but they sure do a better damn job that Emmeryn. They follow Chrom to Valm for fear that Walhart will invade Ferox. Even if our lord and Avatar tend to think of Regna Ferox as Ylisse's bodyguards. Ylisse pretty much is screwed militarily.

Leadership changing hands every few years isn't so strange in real life. Their system of choosing new leaders is a little bizarre, but there's nothing glaringly wrong with it that couldn't be solved by a little more exposition.

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Flavia and Basilio are probably the only good examples of solid leadership in the game, who actually do lead their nations. There's still some issues with that (like wtf do they need to have to switch Khans every year instead of i dunno, sharing the duty overall?) but they sure do a better damn job that Emmeryn. They follow Chrom to Valm for fear that Walhart will invade Ferox. Even if our lord and Avatar tend to think of Regna Ferox as Ylisse's bodyguards. Ylisse pretty much is screwed militarily.

Co Rulership is not easily done. Flavia and Basillo are nice and from what we see in game they practically do co rule the country but they're only one generation of Khans. People in power can be vain, greedy, irresponsible and unlikely to share what they have. A system that fairly chooses which one if the two should lead is not a bad idea in the slightest. So long as one has the power to veto the other they won't get into conflict with each other and won't weaken the power of their nation while the non leading party seemingly has enough power to advise and make independent decisions. The only thing that seems strange to be about feroxi leadership is that they change roles every year. Seems like a pretty short term in office and they admit themselves they have trouble getting foreigners to have a death battle for them.

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You're telling me that

Avatar explodes precisely 400 warships and 100 transports into the Valmese fleet.

Has just enough room to house all the soldiers/captains onto the remaining 500 boats.

And that 96+% of those are Feroxi? (With what, 16 or so in Chrom's little army)

I find that hard to believe. Just because a massive military hasn't been shown on screen does not make it nonexistent. Cordelia got criticized by her co-Pegasus Knights, and I'm pretty sure Sully mentions whooping the butts of her various soldier comrades.

And I guess it's a stretch, but the cutscene where Lucina described the future, and says "I believe the woman you're looking for, is me!", that could be the remnants of the Ylissean army. We are given no explanation as to where that scene is held, but it could make sense as being Ylisstol.

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You're telling me that

Avatar explodes precisely 400 warships and 100 transports into the Valmese fleet.

Has just enough room to house all the soldiers/captains onto the remaining 500 boats.

And that 96+% of those are Feroxi? (With what, 16 or so in Chrom's little army)


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