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Love changing classes so much?

I really prefer the original classes for some characters, the storyline classes they were given. (with exceptions.)

I see a lot of people prefer Beserker Gerome and Sorcerer Morgan, and I don't see why.

I prefer to keep Gerome in Wyvern Lord class, as it feels so WRONG getting rid of Minerva like that, and I prefer Grandmaster Morgan(both M&F) over anything else, but I will sometimes switch F!Morgan to Hero or Bride simply because I like the strength cap, and I decided to experiment and go +STR -MAG on my MU when I married Cherche.

do you guys just prefer the other classes? or is it just because you think you can't take on tson without switching? I honestly think using the original classes + no limit breaker and beating tson is still entirely possible-- if you're going on the normal path, you'll need limit break for the secret-- but that's me and some people don't care about the characters that much.

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I like swapping classes because why the hell not? It nets me slightly modified growth rates, different skills/weapon proficiencies/pair-up bonuses, and some amusing face/body combinations (Morgan the Berserker comes to mind).

The last paragraph makes me a bit uneasy - please don't assume that people do things just for one reason.

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Quite simply because class changing is really strong and people like having strong units. Secret Apo is the norm, by the way.

Nothing against aesthetics, but challenge runs have no room for them (unless original classes are part of the challenge).

As for Gerome, Wyvern Lord has 4 less base Str and gives -1 Str and -5 Spd when supporting compared to Berserker. That's a pretty big difference.

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Having played 10+ FEs already, I like changing classes because it freshens up the experience and, yes, because it makes your characters super strong. Besides, we've already had the option in the previous two games, so it shouldn't be too unusual at this stage.

While it does take away from some of the characters' uniqueness, I think the pros outweight the cons. Plus, at least with this game, they tried to base the class selections off the characters themselves. Like there's a reason why Lissa can be a Pegasus Knight... probably.

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I like to think that when characters like Minverva or Gerome are in a different class, the mount that always talk about is just gettinga break or something. Wyverns are probably a lot more valuable as mounts than horses.

But then they keep talking as if the mount was involved in combat too so yeah.

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Changing classes gives you access to more skills, more exp points and levels, more stats, and as said above, it freshens the experience. I love Dread Fighter Freddy not just because of how friggin SEXY he looks (only made me love him more... :wub:), but also because it gives him skills and stats that he needs. DREAD FRED. ^^

Some characters are also actually better in other classes than they are in their base classes too. I've heard that Owain is usually better as a magic user than with his "sword hand" for example, probably because his mom cuts his strength and adds to his magic. :P

And don't get me started on Donnel. He was practically made to be reclassed. His Villager class has low caps and only two skills, one of which would eventually become useless because it only affects growth rates. Donny just NEEDS to be reclassed. I have him use the Mercenary line.

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I think swapping classes freshens things up, for one. And then there's Donnel, who, as stated earlier, NEEDS a reclassing because Villager has low caps. Also, some characters *coughNoirehack* are better off not being in their default class.

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I do reclass a lot, sometimes it's a must, even, but I wish that everyone had at least their unique colors instead of that ugly generic blue.

Some don't even have a unique palette in their standard class evolutions O_o like Gregor or Vaike.

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Some don't even have a unique palette in their standard class evolutions O_o like Gregor or Vaike.

You have no idea how disappointed I felt when they just gave him a default Hero suit. They probably were lazy or just figured no one would use him which is a pretty stupid thing to assume.

I class change Donnel, Frederick, Cherche, Owain, Noire, and all my supporting units ONLY. I really love to optimize while staying in the class the game gave me.

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Love changing classes so much?

I do it out of necessity on higher difficulties, not out of preference.


Makes it kinda difficult when your MU can barely dish out 5 damage with both Quick Slash/Aggressor and Limit Breaker on.

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No offense, because I don't really mean to, but, I think that sort of mentality is silly. You know, the whole, "I don't change classes because it doesn't go with their role", or something like that. I can sort of agree with that, to an extent, though. Like, I'm not going to change a character to something completely unfitting (i.e Cordelia & LIBRA as Dark Mages/Sorecerers, Knight Tharja or Sumia, Thief Vaike or Kellam, etc.).

Changing classes is just part of the fun, if you see it the way I do. True, I sometimes think about the classes...but, that isn't my priority. I enjoy the way they look, the stats, different weapon types and some beneficial stuff.

I prefer to keep Gerome in Wyvern Lord class, as it feels so WRONG getting rid of Minerva like that, and I prefer Grandmaster Morgan(both M&F) over anything else, but I will sometimes switch F!Morgan to Hero or Bride simply because I like the strength cap, and I decided to experiment and go +STR -MAG on my MU when I married Cherche.

I don't think of it as "getting rid of Minerva". I used to think that way, but now, I like to think of it as them (Cherche and him) as simply not taking her to battle or something along those lines. Otherwise, how'd you expect they get her back, once they reclass back to Wyvern? I kind of prefer making Cherche a Griffon Rider, now. The sprite just looks so cute and stylish and she seems to suit the outfit pretty nicely.

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No offense, because I don't really mean to, but, I think that sort of mentality is silly. You know, the whole, "I don't change classes because it doesn't go with their role", or something like that. I can sort of agree with that, to an extent, though. Like, I'm not going to change a character to something completely unfitting (i.e Cordelia & LIBRA as Dark Mages/Sorecerers, Knight Tharja or Sumia, Thief Vaike or Kellam, etc.).

It's completely true that I'm limiting myself to story portrait classes. THAT is detrimental because most of them are unpromoted.

However, staying within the class tree promotions or even the STRICT class promotions (which I do) set by previous FEs and the Future of Despair (Future Past) is just like any other gameplay restriction run.

It's not exactly one that is popular...

But you have to admit, having Marc/Mark/Morgan in a class other than tactician when she/he is super tactics obsessed with that portrait is a LITTLE jarring. Same with Tiamo/Cordelia and Serena/Severa having a discussion why she didn't become a pegasus knight like her mother on the B Support when their classes are switched (Mercenary Mother and Pegasus Knight Daughter).

This is obviously subjective.

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But you have to admit, having Marc/Mark/Morgan in a class other than tactician when she/he is super tactics obsessed with that portrait is a LITTLE jarring. Same with Tiamo/Cordelia and Serena/Severa having a discussion why she didn't become a pegasus knight like her mother on the B Support when their classes are switched (Mercenary Mother and Pegasus Knight Daughter).

This is obviously subjective.

Then again, you can do clever stuff like reclassing Kjelle to a mounted class after A support with Sully where they deal with her not riding a horse.

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Then again, you can do clever stuff like reclassing Kjelle to a mounted class after A support with Sully where they deal with her not riding a horse.

So that means you have to take care of all the supports ever BEFORE reclassing characters?

But in all honesty, it looks a lot better with regular story classes in the animations. Because I care about that.

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I reclass because it's awesome.

Lucina as a Cavalier. Morgan as a Wyvern->Griffon. Panne as Wyvern. Lon'qu as Wyvern. Ricken as Cavalier.

I'm like, totally not obsessed with movement. No, sir. Not at all.

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No offense, because I don't really mean to, but, I think that sort of mentality is silly. You know, the whole, "I don't change classes because it doesn't go with their role", or something like that. I can sort of agree with that, to an extent, though. Like, I'm not going to change a character to something completely unfitting (i.e Cordelia & LIBRA as Dark Mages/Sorecerers, Knight Tharja or Sumia, Thief Vaike or Kellam, etc.).

While I can think of nothing at the moment to explain why Tharja or Sumia can become Knight, I always thought that Cordelia and Libra having access to Dark Mage came from some dark emotions in their heart, since Libra had a very rough childhood and Cordelia has the feelings that come with unrequited love. As for the thief Kellam and Vaike, I think it's a stealth joke when it concerns Kellam and for Vaike, it could be related to him growing in the slums. I do think that it would be unfitting for the boisterous Vaike to act as a stealthy assassin, so while they're might be a backstory reason, I do agree that these are unfitting with some of the character's personality.

On topic:

I like reclassing for the variety it adds to the gameplay for me. The slight growth rates alteration were also useful at times. And depending on the character, their original class might not be their best, this being especially true for 2nd gen character. For example, Owain has great a magic mod, but it's not that useful on Swordmaster outside of Levin Sword and would be put to better use as a magic centric class, which is why I leave him as a Dread Fighter so that he can use his magic stat while still being able to put his sword hand to use (the design of the class also fit his large ham personality IMO).

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While I can think of nothing at the moment to explain why Tharja or Sumia can become Knight, I always thought that Cordelia and Libra having access to Dark Mage came from some dark emotions in their heart, since Libra had a very rough childhood and Cordelia has the feelings that come with unrequited love. As for the thief Kellam and Vaike, I think it's a stealth joke when it concerns Kellam and for Vaike, it could be related to him growing in the slums. I do think that it would be unfitting for the boisterous Vaike to act as a stealthy assassin, so while they're might be a backstory reason, I do agree that these are unfitting with some of the character's personality.

I was mostly referring to the way they fit their respective outfits, as silly as it sounds. Thief Kellam looks ridiculously thin while his head looks rather large, for that body. LIBRA and Cordelia as Dark Mages/Sorcerers- Just.........no. On the other hand, Dark Knigh LIBRA looks almost as badass as Dread Fighter LIBRA. I think Cordelia can fit the Mercenary outfit nicely, as well.

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I don't care for it, because I don't care to meta-game, but I can see the appeal. The game has a FFT vibe to it with grinding and class-based skills, so it works; as opposed to FE11/12 where it felt tacked on. I suppose what it comes down to is how much strategy or RPG you want in your game.

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LIBRA as Dark Mages/Sorecerers

Have him support with Tharja. This explains why he can be a Sorc in an interesting way.

I like reclassing cuz i like to get the most out of my guys and to see what they can do. If i want Sumia to be a War Cleric and delegated to axing things in the face and healing people, shes gonna do it. If i want Tharja to be a melee unit, its gonna happen. If i want my Aesir Avatar Team, its gonna bloody happen. Next run is likely to be Sif or Freyja. I havent done a female Avatar run in hella days.

Gerome has Lance, Sword, and Bow Breaker on him right now. Hes Hero right now to get..Axe Breaker. That means he will only be vulnerable to tomes on this run. Thats fucking broken and awesome. Thats why i reclass. That and having as much Galeforce as humanly possible.

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I was mostly referring to the way they fit their respective outfits, as silly as it sounds. Thief Kellam looks ridiculously thin while his head looks rather large, for that body. LIBRA and Cordelia as Dark Mages/Sorcerers- Just.........no. On the other hand, Dark Knigh LIBRA looks almost as badass as Dread Fighter LIBRA. I think Cordelia can fit the Mercenary outfit nicely, as well.

That's because they simply just swap the head onto a generic model, without any care as to whether or not the body types are appropriate. So you get some really funny shit like the females' busts suddenly filling out instantly when they change into a thief class or the skin tone of Gregor's head not matching the rest of his skin as a myrmidon.

I often hear people say that the game has a lot of production values and honestly, I can see why people would say that, especially in regards to the 3d backdrops. But it's funny how the game looks like it actually had a graphics budget and yet it still looks really cheap.

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