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Did this series affect your vocabulary?


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Really random question, but it came to mind when I remembered I learned the word "boon" from this series.

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I guess it must have significantly contributed to my English vocabulary since back then I would usually set games with a significant amount of text to English on repeated playthroughs in order to get a different take on the script.

But if nothing else, I at least learned the word dastard.

Edited by BrightBow
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Fire emblem was the only reason for me to learn english back when I didn't used internet so yeah, pretty much it teached me a lot of words

^I know your pain

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I think I learned what the word "coup d'etat" meant when I first played FE6.

lol I got that from Naruto of all things.

Pretty much what everyone else said (craven, boon, dastard). FE13 taught me prescience. In terms of affecting my practical, day-to-day vocab... I'll say Gods a lot instead of God now.

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Only word I can think of is apotheosis, and even then I could've figured that one out if I stared at it hard enough.

Usually I get by words I don't know solidly (and while lacking a dictionary) using the combination of Latin and context clues so my vocab is already pretty flexible as it is.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yeah, I never would've learnt the term "sexy bitch" had it not been for Fire Emblem. Thanks, Fire Emblem!

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Agreed on the knight cavalier thing. Also, lance. I used to always think of lances as the big jousting things; now I think of them more generally.

As for specific words, apotheosis and repatriation.

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Yeah that i think is the one that i found that i first really saw used from FE. Also the context of the word capitulation. (ive heard that word before but didnt realize what exactly it meant until FE10.)

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A few things, I looked up some of the mythological names of weapons and stuff. One odd example was with Ragnell, I actually knew what it meant before, but only after playing FE10 did I remember it was the wife of Sir Gawain.

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I sometimes write things like Spd instead of Speed, even if I'm not writing things about Fire Emblem.

I learned Tome and Mage from FE. Is that weird?

Also, I already knew what a Coup d'etat was...

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It affected my speech pattern very much, in particular FE 9 and 10.

I think the only word I've been taught was repatriation, because when I first saw it, I said "re-what?"

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for the most part no, with one exception


learning the existence of this word alone justifies the entirety of fe13; i'm always on the lookout for more pretentious ways to refer to underwear!

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My first exposure to "quintessence", "vulnerary", "ger", "cur", and "shamshir" was through Fire Emblem. I'm sure I learned a few other words from the series, but those are the only ones that come to mind. I can't recall any specific instances of quotes affecting my active vocabulary either, but I'd be surprised if there were no influences. I'm skimming through the English script for FE7 specifically now though and I quite like the style of writing. Makes me want to play it again....

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There have been some complex or seldom used words in Awakening of which I was not familiar with prior to seeing them (not being a native speaker). But other than that there aren't all that many, although I remember learning "coup d'etat" on my initial Gaiden playthrough.

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