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If everyone had children...

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I haven't conceived another fruit of love between me and my object of adoration (Cordelia), but really, is it that important that the classes follow the rules of the game? I don't think so. Headcanons are subversive by default. If Ana wants to make her character a troubadour/cleric/whatever, so be it.

Nice that people got so creative with the game BTW. :P I wish I could do it, but I'm not good with fan fiction. ^^

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Eh, if I'm allowed to say fuck you to gender limitations of the classes ana can do whatever she wants with the sets as long as it's still a limited set + the other parents stuff. I see no problem with it.

Maybe I'll design a kid for Gregor or Lon'qu or something later. I'll probably just do design sketches, though. If anyone wants to come up with personalities to my designs it'd be pretty great, since I'm not particularly good at coming up with personalities impromptu. Only when I'm inspired, or something. I dunno.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Eh, if I'm allowed to say fuck you to gender limitations of the classes ana can do whatever she wants with the sets as long as it's still a limited set + the other parents stuff. I see no problem with it.

Maybe I'll design a kid for Gregor or Lon'qu or something later. I'll probably just do design sketches, though. If anyone wants to come up with personalities to my designs it'd be pretty great, since I'm not particularly good at coming up with personalities impromptu. Only when I'm inspired, or something. I dunno.

Show me the sketch, lemme know if you want certain personality traits, and I'll see if I can turn it into something amusing.

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well there is this post for the minikhans but i kinda just bullshat their personalities

if you can spice them up that'd be great!

I haven't done gregorlite and lon'qulite yet, but i'll show you when I'm done

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Honestly, as long as cavalier and knight were replaced with cleric and pegasus knight, I think it would be fine. It wouldn't be the first time non-gender-specific classes were changed for opposite-gender children. I mean look at Yarne getting barbarian instead of wyvern rider.

But then again that would be altering Frederick's parenting rules and I think that's kinda not allowed.

Edit: Also, I'd be really curious to see what Inigo and Antionette would be like as siblings. Something tells me that would be hilarious.

Right, so I KINDA said that, not entirely...

Edited by Alastor15243
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Vash and I've been working on four children characters together. I'll post my half and she can post the other half later.

I guess I'm doing all four of them, fuck me.

Name: Rein

Gender: Male

Parent: Frederick

Default Class: Cavalier

Reclass Options: Frederick's classes+mother's classes

Summary: Rein is Frederick's son. He wears the generic cavalier outfit except it's completely black. He harbors deep resentment towards Frederick for "picking the exalted family over his own family". While he's just as dedicated towards Ylisse as his father had been, he feels far less duty towards the exalted family (and is resentful of Lucina) and he fights more for the people who still live in the bad future. When he travels back in past with the other children, he's torn between being happy to see his parents alive and having those negative feelings towards Frederick return at full force.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Frederick, his mother, his sibling, all female children, Owain, and Gerome.

Name: Yvonne

Gender: Female

Parent: Virion

Default Class: Mage

Reclass Options: Virion's classes+mother's classes

Summary: Yvonne is Virion's daughter. She wears the female archer outfit (minus the ridiculous boobs) except in Virion's color. On the surface, she appears to be just as fanciful and silver-tongued as her father, but she's actually making fun of the nobility and their "pompous" nature every time she does so. Yvonne is dedicated to Rosanne, although she still hasn't forgiven them for when they turned on Virion after he fled his lands to save them. She's not very physically strong, so she took up the ways of magic as opposed to the bow. Gets along well with both of her parents after traveling to the past.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Virion, her mother, her sibling, all male children, Kjelle, Severa

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Orsina: She inherited her father's strength, axe, and laid-back nature. To her, conflict was something to be deflected, usually via a few drinks at the local tavern, or perhaps a few jokes (usually at the expense of herself). Though it appeared to be weakness, this was her way of showing off her strength - physical violence was a last resort, and she's confident enough in herself that a few light jabs wouldn't be enough to shatter her self-image. Of course, a friendly sparring match or two fell outside of her definition of "physical violence". It's not uncommon for her friend Matilde to say something "witty", and for Orsina to cover for her. If her temper flares, she has been known to use the bladed side of her axe. . .

A khan is more than brute strength, and Orsina has learned that lesson well.

Matilde: What her friend Orsina had in physical strength, Matilde had in mental prowess. As the daughter of a khan, she grew up learning both the blade and the intrigues of politics. This has led her to be naturally suspicious of strangers, and to find out-of-the-way places to observe people (like a rooftop). Her sharp tongue has made her (in)famous, but when it's time for business, she'll turn her wit towards compromise. . .though she has been known to slip on occasion. . .

(I had a MUCH easier time writing Matilde than Orsina)

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Name: Warrant

Gender: Male
Parent: Walhart
Default Class: Great Knight
Reclass Options: Dark Knight, Knight, General, Great Knight, Mercenary, Hero + MU classes

Summary: The son of Walhart who was neglected most of his life. He, just like his father, wished of being a conqueror. He would wake up before sunrise and train until the end of the night. He however had a soft heart, and unlike most conquerors, allowed the people to disobey him so as long as it's in within the laws. However, because of his lack of heart, he ended up having his empire overthrow him.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Walhart, Tiki (A, B, C), Chrom, Lucina, Chrom's other child.

May need some improvement.

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Name: Warrant

Gender: Male

Parent: Walhart

Default Class: Great Knight

Reclass Options: Dark Knight, Knight, General, Great Knight, Mercenary, Hero + MU classes

Summary: The son of Walhart who was neglected most of his life. He, just like his father, wished of being a conqueror. He would wake up before sunrise and train until the end of the night. He however had a soft heart, and unlike most conquerors, allowed the people to disobey him so as long as it's in within the laws. However, because of his lack of heart, he ended up having his empire overthrow him.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Walhart, Tiki (A, B, C), Chrom, Lucina, Chrom's other child.

May need some improvement.

Have a look at the very end of the second page (just in time for a spill over cutting the number of people who would see it) for what I did with a Walhart kid.

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you say Say'ri's son?? I'm on the way.

Name: Len'wa
Gender: Male
Default Parent: Say'ri
Starting Class: Archer
Reclass Options: Myrmidon, Wyvern Rider, +Father's classes

Background: Following the death of Say'ri and suspected disappearance of Len'wa's father, Len'wa is found on the streets of Chon'sin and placed in a special Valmese orphanage, one that surrounded him with pro-Conqueror propaganda and helped train him to be a valuable part of the Valmese army. He joins the invasion of Ylisse as a talented young archer and is eager to show his promise as a member of the empire, but things begin to go downhill when Grima rises. He is identified during a border conflict by Lucina and convinced to join Ylisse's side when he finds out that his mother was actually a member of the resistance.

Roster: Say'ri's son from the future. A bewildered young man with some rather questionable morals. The most gullible. Born on September 18th.

Say'ri - Len'wa attempts to make up for his past mistakes by emulating nearly everything Say'ri does, culminating in him taking a sword to the stomach while covering her, believing his death could avenge his name and country. He doesn't die, obviously, but it manages to scare Say'ri enough to force her to sit him down and seriously talk to him about his past.

Father - What begins as an awkward forced-bonding session between Len'wa and his father ends in the usually-calm archer blowing up at the fact that when Say'ri's body was discovered, her husband was nowhere to be found. It takes time for Len'wa's father to explain that he wouldn't have just abandoned his wife and something must have happened to him to prevent them from being together in the end.

Sibling - Len'wa will almost (if not always) be considered the older sibling in his sibling supports, wherein he tells his sibling that joining the army was the only way he could think of providing food and shelter for them, especially as next-in-line for Chon'sin's throne. He explains that though he is ashamed by his presence in the army, it was worth it to keep him/her safe.

Other Female Children - //insert cool custom supports that i cant write because im a lazy girl with the creativity of a bell pepper

Yarne - The two end up talking about Yarne's position as the sole survivor of the taguel race and Len'wa likens it to his being the next-in-line for Chon'sin. The two hit it off rather well, though it becomes obvious that Len'wa is judging him for being such a coward. After all, if a prince can fight in a war for the enemy, why can't a taguel do the same? Yarne argues that his extinction is much more important than a system based on honor, and the two eventually reconcile and continue being friendly.

Yen'fay* - Len'wa questions his uncle's honor, citing his betrayal of their country. Yen'fay quickly point out that he's being hypocritical, as Len did exactly the same thing, though on a much smaller scale. The two, despite their feud, eventually realize they aren't so different after all, and Len comes to tolerate him. Barely.

Walhart* - It's all about politics and Len trying to get into Walhart's mind and strategy. He probably gets a few wounds for his trouble, but at least some answers finally come to light.

Avatar (M)(F) - Most likely begins as an evaluation of Walhart's strategy by someone who is more willing to share information than the Conqueror himself.

(*) Assuming they are present/recruited of course

((feel free to correct my reclasses/etc. because I've just been using FE13 to support grind for the past month or so and my memory of the plot is getting a lot more loose aah))

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The ideas that come to my mind is if guys like Gaius, Vaike, Henry, Donnel, and Gregor had daughters of their own. Even if it's only to show how the inheritance system works in further detail. I don't know what their starting classes, personalities, or names would be, though.

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I'm going to modify Ana's template a little bit, mostly just omitting some sections.

Name: Aaron

Parent: Vaike

Base class: Barbarian

Reclass: Fighter, Thief + mother's classes


To Aaron, fighting exists for fighting's sake, and he relishes it. He enjoys arena fighting, both participating and spectating. Oddly, he isn't fazed much by things others would deem important, such as the impending end of the world. On the other hand, he has a somewhat short temper and little patience for people who don't agree with what he sees as what is "correct". His fighting style is fast and deadly, but he still has a penchant for putting on a show. He definitely inherited his father's cocky attitude. He studies arena and sport fighting, memorising names, stats, strengths, weaknesses, and, most importantly, tactics of famous fighters and using them to develop his own fighting style, heavily based on his own father's moves. His motto is "look out for number one", an ideology which doesn't earn him much respect from his fellow travellers from the future.


Tan skin. His face is smooth, save for an intricate tattoo over his left eye (Mike Tyson-esque). His head is shaved except for what I can best describe as a sort of mohawk-ponytail combo. His portrait shows him shirtless save for the fur that Barbarians wear, and sporting a cocky sneer (not jovial like Vaike, more condescending).


Vaike (C/B/A)- in which the two discuss their different opinions on camaraderie and teamwork.

Aaron's Mother (C/B/A)- in which she is upset that Aaron seems unaffected by the deaths of his parents in the future. Aaron eventually admits and comes to terms with the fact that he hides his pain behind his hubris.

The Avatar (M/F) (C/B/A/S [Female Avatar])- in which the Avatar tries to convince Aaron of the importance of not only personal skill and tactics, but squad tactics and co-operation.

Owain (C/B/A)- in which Owain persistently tries to befriend Aaron and learn his "secret battle arts".

Laurent (C/B/A)- in which Aaron and Laurent discuss the problem with most people: that they don't, as Aaron puts it, "fight smart". They eventually learn that they have more in common than they think.

Inigo (C/B/A)- in which Inigo tries to get Aaron to spend a night on the town with him, which Aaron rudely refuses. Inigo eventually has enough of Aaron's demeanor, and blows up at him, prompting Aaron to rethink his attitude.

Lucina (C/B/A/S)- in which Lucina tries to make Aaron see good in people, and find something worthy of fighting for.

Kjelle (C/B/A/S)- in which Aaron, seeing Kjelle's potential, tries to get her to think more about how she fights.

Severa (C/B/A/S)- in which Aaron is strangely drawn to Severa's off-putting nature, seeing it as a challenge, and tries to have a conversation with her.

FeMorgan (C/B/A/S)- in which Aaron is annoyed by Morgan's attitude, but she is determined to befriend him.

Noire (C/B/A/S)- in which Aaron meets the one person who he truly fears: Noire. Her unpredictability frightens, yet intrigues him.

MaMorgan (C/B/A) (if they are siblings)- MaMorgan's standard sibling conversation.

Recruitment chapter: "Paralogue WhateverNumberItIs: A Worthy Cause"

Chapter intro:

Vaike: C'mon! Just over this hill!

Chrom: Vaike, slow down! Where are we going?

Vaike: There! Ya see?

Chrom: Gods- a Risen attack?!

Vaike: Believe it! And there's someone down there! We've gotta do somethin'!

Chrom: There's so many of them! Gah... Robin! Ready the troops for battle! We've got a rescue to make!

Recruitment (Vaike):

Vaike: Hey! C'mon, we gotcha!

Aaron: (In three, two, one...)

Vaike: You! Kid! Argh those Risen didn't get to ya yet, did they? Answer m-

Aaron: Haah!

Risen: Grehh...

Vaike: Woah! You've got an axe to rival The Vaike! What's your name, kid?

Aaron: Later, okay? We've got work to do now.

Vaike: Okay, but don't hurt yourself tryin' to keep up with ol' Teach!

Aaron: Of course...

Recruitment (Chrom):

Chrom: You there! Come on!

Aaron: Oh, you're rescuing me?

Chrom: Yes...? Your attitude isn't making me any more eager to do so, though.

Aaron: I just figured, since- hiiyaa!

Risen: Grargh!...

Aaron: -Since YOU need a small army, and I was doing just fine on my- hraaah!

Risen: Gruuhhg...

Aaron: -Just fine on my own, maybe it's YOU who needs rescuing.

Chrom: I- are you coming, or not?

Aaron: Well, of course. I mean, what if you trip, and fall on a Risen's lance? I should be there to help you. Seyaaaah!

Risen: Hurhhhh...

Chrom: Gods, if he weren't so damned impressive with that axe...

Chapter outro:

Chrom: I think that's it. Is anyone injured? Hey... where'd he...?

Vaike: Oh, no ya don't! You ain't leavin', not without tellin' The Vaike your tricks! Hell, if The Vaike didn't know any better, The Vaike would think you WERE The Vaike!

Aaron: Would you stop calling yourself "The Vaike"?!

Vaike: Huh? But if The Vaike didn't call himself "The Vaike", then nobody'd know he was The Vaike!

Aaron: I already know who you are.

Vaike: Ya do? I mean- of course ya do! Uh... how, exactly?

Aaron: Same reason I know your moves.

Vaike: That DID look like my famed spinning backhand! But... I don't remember you. I'd know if I taught someone like you.

Aaron: Well, you haven't. Not yet, at least.

Vaike: Erm... hate to say it, but it looks like you've managed to stump ol' Teach.

Aaron: Gods above, you ARE thick-headed. Let's think, okay? I know all your moved, that you haven't taught me yet, but you will at some point... some point in the FUTURE... nothing?

Vaike: You're a fan of The Vaike's?

Aaron: No! Wha- no! I'm your KID, okay?! My name is Aaron!

Vaike: ...Ah.

Aaron: So...?

Vaike: Ha, ha! C'mon, kiddo! We've got a LOT of catchin' up to do! Let me tell you a story about your dear ol' dad. So it's me, and this wyvern, right? And the wyvern's ANGRY. Really angry, and...

Aaron: *sigh*

Chrom: They're so similar but so different. Gods, this time travel business is confusing. Say, did anyone see where Lucina ran off to?

Roster: Vaike's future child. He is a (rightfully) cocky arena fighter with little patience. Has the army's most extensive knowledge of sport fighting. Born September 28.

Edited by Rollertoaster
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Now how could I have forgotten the paralogue intro? Obviously both Antoinette and Frederick would have dialogue in it. I feel silly. :P

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  • 11 months later...

Meh, here's an idea I came up with a while back. It's an idea for Say'ri's son.

Name: Quen'li

Parent: Say'ri

Default Class: Myrmidon

Reclasses: Barbarian (Berserker, Warrior), Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider), and Father's classes

Physical Appearance: His hair color is in halves. The right half of his hair is Say'ri's hair color, the left half is his father's hair color. He wears his hair similarly to Yen'fay, but has shorter hair. He has glowing, emerald eyes and wears an orange headband. His robes as a Myrmidon and Swordmaster are orange. He wears an orange scarf as an Assassin.

Starting Items: Killing Edge, Concoction

Quen'li is the future prince of Chon'sin, and takes vastly after his mother. However, he is calm, collected, and is very serious. He will do anything in his will, and heard about Lucina heading to the past, and eventually tagged along. I've also written his supports with Say'ri, his father, and Morgan as his sister.

Support C, Morgan (Sister)

Morgan: Let's see here... Birthday? May 5th... Favorite colors? Blue and purple... Favorite food? Probably bear meat...

Quen'li: What are you doing there, Morgan?

Morgan: Least favorite food? Veggies, apparently. Don't seem to mind them now, though...

Quen'li: Morgan, pardon?

Morgan: Oh! Rey'nus?! Guess I was pretty out of it to miss my own brother paying a visit! Did you need something?

Rey'nus: I was becoming curious of your current actions... Are you attempting to practice new magic spells?

Morgan: Nope! Just going back over my notes on what you told me about myself. I was hoping they'd hold some clue that might help spark my memory. Heh. It's kind of crazy how much you know about me, huh? Like, I really once got five nosebleeds in the same day? I have no memory of that at all. AT ALL! Ha ha ha! I can just imagine...

Quen'li: The good part is that you're still cheerful. Not to mention how talkative you are...

Morgan: I am? I mean, I was?! Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound...right, somehow. ...Heh. Everything still feels funny. Even you being my brother hasn't really clicked.

Quen'li: If you've been pondering the oddity about you, imagine my place- My younger sister begins asking me mountains of questions about herself as if I was a stranger...

Morgan: Heh, yeah... Sorry about that. But that's just another reason why I'm working hard to get my memories back. Once I do, nobody will have to feel weird or awkward around me again. Pretty noble, huh? I'm such a sweet, selfless girl!

Rey'nus: I can only hope that you get your memories back soon... I wish to laugh about the old days, like this moment.

Morgan: Heh, right!

Support C, Say'ri

Quen'li: UuuuRAAAH! -destroys a training dummy during sword practice-

Say'ri: Your sword skills are near peerless... I'm most impressed, Quen'li.

Quen'li: Oh, hello, Mother.

Say'ri: Say, Quen'li? Could you tell me what the future was like?

Quen'li: Sure, what would you like to know?

Say'ri: Were your father and I good parents to you? Had you lived well during your childhood?

Quen'li: Well, my mother and father both treated me very well. You taught me that I should go with what I want, and in this case, I started wearing orange clothes, due to it being my favorite color. My childhood was very happy. You'd constantly bring me to Ylisstol to play with Lucina and the others... I loved having such memories. Until our castle was sieged by Risen, and I was forced to escape. Then I'd ended up here.

Say'ri: I'm sorry you had to go through such pain...

Quen'li: All is not lost, right?

Support C, Father (Male avatar in this case)

Avatar: Quen'li, nice job in that battle back there. You were very calm the entire way through.

Quen'li: I learned my calmness from my father.

Avatar: Good to know, you really DO take after me a bit.

Quen'li: I only strive for peace, but your teachings helped me a lot in the future. In the future, Lucina was about to be assassinated by a lurking Risen, and I knew what was coming. I could have yelled to her, but then I knew that would rush things. So, I ran forward and slaughtered the Risen.

Avatar: I'm proud. You saved Lucina's life. She should be grateful.

Quen'li: Her safety is thanks enough.

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