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If everyone had children...

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Name: Brennus

Gender: Male

Parent: Gangrel

Class: Barbarian

Weapon: Tomahawk

The biological son of Gangrel. An aspiring leader who has dreams of restoring power to his bloodline. His knowledge of how to rule surpasses anyone else's but his father's history has made many skeptical of him. When he first encountered the risen, he immediately picked up his axe and led the charge to prove himself to his comrades, and hasn't put it down since. The most likely to volunteer as leader. Born July 7.


With Gangrel, Brennus tells of his aspirations to become king, and later sees how his father is not the man he thought he was, causing him to become hateful of his father for his past deeds. Gangrel only sees him as foolish, saying that you shouldn't judge someone by his past but by their resolve. This leads to Gangrel helping Brennus plan a coup for when the war is over. With his mother, Brennus expresses his sadness that she never got to officially become queen and decides to try to make her feel more like one by giving her a crown he made and treating her as if she was one. It ends with his mother telling him that she doesn't need to be a queen as long as Brennus promises her he'll treat his comrades with the same amount of kindness.

In all his supports he seems to have a rather dry sense of humor and is somewhat awkward when first meeting someone. He gradually changes though to become much more open but still acts defensively when accused of being like his father.

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Character: Jake

Class: Archer (Can reclass to thief, mage, and the father's classes)

Attached Parent: Anna

Personality: He tries to act normal to distance himself from the family business, but whenever he sees gold, he gets that itch.

Edited by The Geek
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Character: Jake

Class: Archer (Can reclass to thief, mage, and the father's classes)

Attached Parent: Anna

I had considered that before... but it struck me as a little uncomfortable... Considering Jake usually exists as Anna's boyfriend and has never shown up in any other capacity.

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Naw, Anna's kid would be like this:

Name: Anna

Gender: Female

Parent: Anna

Class: Thief

Appearance: Red hair and always holding one finger to her chin.

Personality: A merchant who loves money.

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Would it be okay to post OC children of another OC character? I made a mercenary OC with a thief daughter some time ago, and I would like to get people's reactions to them, but I don't know whether that wuld be against the thread's rules or not

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Would it be okay to post OC children of another OC character? I made a mercenary OC with a thief daughter some time ago, and I would like to get people's reactions to them, but I don't know whether that wuld be against the thread's rules or not

Yeah I'd rather we sticked with the existing parents. Sorry.

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If Tiki had a male child, she'd likely name it Marth.

He would say he gets embarrassed in the future every time she calls him "Mar-Mar."

That would be a little creepy, wouldn't it? Didn't Tiki have a crush on Marth?

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That would be a little creepy, wouldn't it? Didn't Tiki have a crush on Marth?

*If*. They leave it ambiguous.

But if she strictly loved him as an "onii-chan" without any fetishy connotation people attach to that way of calling someone, then it'd be okay.

If any of you have played Valkyria Chronicles, Welkin's daughter "Isara Gunther" named after his late adopted Darcsen sister comes to mind.

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Naw, Anna's kid would be like this:

Name: Anna

Gender: Female

Parent: Anna

Class: Thief

Appearance: Red hair and always holding one finger to her chin.

Personality: A merchant who loves money.

The truth. I cannot fight it.

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I can just see the confusion this would cause, since there already another character in the series named Dorothy...

Ah, shoot, didn't realize/remember. It was mostly a little tongue-in-cheek joke regarding Donnel's country boy nature and parenting utility. Y'know, Dorothy Galeforce?

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FE has several examples (granted, they mostly involve Gaiden) of characters that share a name with someone else in the series for no reason (or might as well, depending on how you translate them), so I wouldn't sweat it.

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I'd love to see Tiki having a son if only to give us another playable male manakete in the series aside from Bantu. Though coming to think of it any OC child of a father can be a manakete too if the married Nowi or Tiki...so everyone here gets a lolli dress.

I also thought of another one. Ares, Walhart's Son. Base classes is Conquer too. Default reclasses include Dark Mage and Troubadour (and since he inherits Walhart's Wyvern Rider and knight classes, his options are quite diverse in terms of style). Strives to be as strong as the legendary father he never knew but worries he isn't physically strong enough as he is (and indeed his growths in defense and strength are quite lacking while he excels in magic and skill). Que Walhart giving lectures on inner strength and strength of will being more important than strength of body. Proud of him no matter who he is, all that cliched jazz. He also inherits the ability to use Wolf Berg.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I've also written a few conversations for Antoinette. Namely her recruitment (with Frederick talking to her), her support with Frederick, and her sibling support with Morgan. Enjoy. :)


Frederick: Excuse me, but why is a young girl carrying nothing but a staff traveling all alone?

Antoinette: Hm? Oh, some warriors have come to my aid! I wasn't alone at first, but--OH!

Frederick: What? What's the matter?

Antoinette: You... Your armor...

Frederick: ...I beg your pardon? What about my armor?

Antoinette: Father! Oh, Father, it IS you! I've found you at last! *sniff*

Frederick: Huh?! F-Father?!

Antoinette: I've missed you so much and I've been so lonely since I came from the future! And we look so much alike, I notice! Well, aside from my hair color...

Frederick: H-Hold on now, let's back up here for a moment. You say you're my daughter, but how do I know you're telling the truth? I will admit that you bear a striking resemblance to me, but for all I know, you're an enemy that's merely trying to get me to lower my guard.

Antoinette: Hehe, yep, you're my father alright! This is why they called you Frederick the Wary!

Frederick: What?! Only milord Chrom ever called me that! How do you know of that title? Might you even be an enemy spy?!

Antoinette: Oh for heaven's sake... Just as paranoid as I remember. But I'll have to show you my proof later! We need to protect Sir Kieran or those bandits will take him! If you or any of your comrades need injuries to be healed, just give the word!

Frederick: H-Hey, wait a second! ...Sir Kieran?!

After the Paralogue Battle

After the Battle

Frederick: Alright now, miss, if you want me to believe you're my daughter, now's the time to prove it. Starting with your horse. Did you call him Sir Kieran?

Antoinette: Oh, yes, I certainly did! Because that was the name you gave him when you first got him. He's such a lovely horse, isn't he? I've taken good care of him for you just like I promised!

Frederick: ...H-He looks exactly like my own horse! But that doesn't mean anything! Lots of horses look alike and can have the same name! How do I know that ours are really one in the same?

Antoinette: Well, that, unfortunately, I can't exactly prove now that I've already traveled back in time. But I have other proof that I'm your daughter. Such as this.

Frederick: What?! I-It can't be! That piece of metal looks just like...

Antoinette: The bottom left corner of one of your shoulder guards, yes. I took it after you were killed in my future...

Frederick: ...So it is. But...couldn't anyone have walked up to my corpse and taken it?

Antoinette: Well, yes, I suppose. But I have one more thing. Look at this scarf and read the words on it. My father made it especially for me when I was little...

Frederick: ..."Daddy's Little Girl" ...I...I...I don't believe this. This is...something I would most certainly do if I had a daughter. Please, tell me your name.

Antoinette: My name's Antoinette, Father. You picked it out when I was born.

Frederick: Antoinette... That is such a lovely name. I had good taste. There is no question about it now, you're definitely my daughter.

Antoinette: See, I told you! Is milady Lucina here too? I was separated from her when we left home in disguise, and then I tossed out the icky mercenary outfit because I didn't need it.

Frederick: Yes, she's here too. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you!

Antoinette: Oh, thank the gods! But Father...*sniff* I'm most glad to see you! *hugs Frederick*

Frederick: *returns hug* Antoinette...*sniff* Oh, stop it, you're making me cry too! But...I'm happy you're safe! Young lady, don't get into such trouble ever again!

Antoinette: Oh, Daddy! *sniff* I won't! I won't! We'll just cry tears of joy together, like we used to!

Frederick: *sniff* Y-Yes, we will!

Chrom: Gods, I think I've seen more drama in the past ten seconds than I have in my entire life.

Antoinette/Frederick Support

C Support

Antoinette: Ah, Father, there you are.

Frederick: Oh, hello, Antoinette. What's on your mind?

Antoinette: Well um...since I’ve found you again, can I ask you a favor?

Frederick: Sure. I'd help you with anything you need.

Antoinette: Great! Thanks! Could you possibly...teach me everything you know about being a retainer to Ylisse's royalty? I learned how exceptional a knight captain you were and I want to be just like that!

Frederick: Really? But didn't I train you in the future?

Antoinette: Well, yes, but... Unfortunately, you never got to finish because...well, you know.

Frederick: ...Oh, right. I'm sorry about that. I'd be more than happy to teach you what I know. But you must work hard every day and put in as much effort as you can in every task.

Antoinette: I will, Father, don't worry! I intend to do the best I can for Lady Lucina!

Frederick: Excellent! We can get started right now. A retainer and knight captain to Ylisse's royal family performs many duties. And they vary greatly in difficulty, importance, and simplicity. They include basic tasks like scouting paths in the mornings during outings, polishing armor, and cleaning weapons to more complicated duties like checking weapons and armor, attending meetings, and training and teaching new recruits. When we're away from the palace, I also build campfires and keep the paths clear of any rocks or such that someone could trip over.

Antoinette: Oh, uh, wow... I see, but that's quite a lot. Must I learn all of this right now?

Frederick: Antoinette, if you want to properly serve and protect the Ylisse royal family in my stead, you have to be hard-working and perform all of these duties and more. Not just ensuring their safety and satisfaction on the battlefield, but also within the palace and on the road.

Antoinette: I know, Father, but are you sure all of this is really necessary? I want to be as good as you are and serve Lady Lucina at my finest, but I'm not sure if I could handle all of this or if I'm suited to be a captain or lieutenant. I can't even fight, and I seem to recall Prince Chrom and Princess Lissa needing to tell you to just chill sometimes.

Frederick: Er...well, yes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep doing our best. Everyone makes mistakes, you know. Even I do still, as much as I hate to admit to it. And there's more to being a leader than merely having combat skills.

Antoinette: I suppose that's true. But you're still trying to teach me an awful lot here at once.

Frederick: Well, I only seek to bring out the best in my daughter. You can't properly perform your duty if you don't learn everything there is to know about it.

Antoinette: Yes, I know, "knowledge and history are your most basic tools for success." You only told me a hundred times.

Frederick: Well, I did good then. That's exactly what I was about to say.

Antoinette: But of course it was. And I understand it, but can't we take it a little slower? I wish to learn more, Father, but I also wish to do so at a reasonable pace.

Frederick: I'm sure you can manage. If you don't learn quickly and efficiently, you can’t do your best as soon as you can. What if there came a time where Lucina was in a certain situation in which she needed your help, but you hadn't yet learned what you need to do in such an event? You'd both be in quite a predicament.

Antoinette: Sigh... You always were so paranoid. I guess I can give it a try, though.

Frederick: Not exactly the word I would use to describe myself, but good. Let's get started then.

Antoinette: Yes, Father...

B Support

Antoinette: *angrily* FATHER!

Frederick: Aaah! Antoinette, don't scare me like that! What's the matter?

Antoinette: Father, how could you?! You've totally ruined my life!

Frederick: Wait, what? What are you talking ab--?

Antoinette: I'm talking about that boy I'd made friends with the other day! When you stuck your nose into my business and spied on us!

Frederick: Oh, that? I did what I did for your own good. I wanted to make sure you were meeting good people. But no daughter of mine is going to be taken advantage of by a boy like that. I saw the way he was trying to touch you and then he took you into a tavern for way too long! You're too young for that kind of business and I did not want him getting you into it. That boy is not right for you.

Antoinette: Ugh! You thought he was trying to get me drunk or something?! How shallow are you?! We went to that tavern because his older brother works there and he had needed to run an errand for him! I tagged along because he needed to let him know he was finished! And he wasn't touching me in any way that made me feel uncomfortable!

Frederick: W-What? But...then...why didn't you come out for several minutes?

Antoinette: The boy decided to talk with his brother for a little while. Is that such a crime?! And now he won't talk to me, nor will his brother or any of the other people I met! They're all scared of you! I'm not as stupid and untrustworthy as you think I am! I can take care of myself! So just butt out!

Frederick: But I... I'm really sorry! I honestly thought--!

Antoinette: You THOUGHT?! You never THOUGHT at all! You're just a paranoid, nosy, annoying jerk! And you don't think I can take care of myself! You think I'm weak and naïve!

Frederick: What?! That's not true! Please, just listen to me! I'm truly sorry!

Antoinette: NO! I hate you and I hate your lessons! I wouldn't follow in your footsteps if someone paid me a thousand gold! So just LEAVE ME ALONE! *runs off crying*

Frederick: Antoinette, wait! Please! I swear I didn't mean to--! ...Damn it all! What in the name of the gods is wrong with me?!

A Support

Frederick: Antoinette? Are you here? Gods, where is that girl? I won't ever forgive myself if my own daughter hates me forever. And her mother will have my head. I've got to keep looking...

Antoinette: AAAAAAH!

Unknown: Graagh!

Frederick: *jumps* What the--?! Antoinette! I'm coming! *runs away from the camp and finds it came from the woods nearby*

Antoinette: Get away from me, you horrible things! Somebody, help me!

Frederick: *sees Antoinette getting grabbed by a Risen while two more move in for an attack* NO! She's being attacked by Risen! Antoinette! Hold on! Let go of her, you scum! *un-slings a silver lance and knocks away the Risen holding Antoinette captive*

Antoinette: Father?!

Frederick: *as he's being attacked* Gaah! I'll protect you! Run away!

Antoinette: What?! But these things are ganging up on you!

Frederick: I don't care! YAAA! Aagh! I just want you to be safe! Aaaaaugh! HAAA!

Antoinette: Father! No! I don't want them to kill you! I'm staying right here!

Frederick: But--GAAGH! *continues taking blows while dealing them*

*a bit later, Frederick finally having defeated all three Risen, though he's bruised and bloody*

Frederick: Ha...finally... You're safe...Antoinette... *collapses to his knees*

Antoinette: Oh no! Father! You're bleeding out! Let me heal you with my Mend staff!

Frederick: Ah... Thank you... *Antoinette's staff glows and soothes his wounds*

Antoinette: Father, what are you doing here anyway? I thought you'd be doing what you usually do for Chrom and Lissa, or maybe spending a bit of time with Mother!

Frederick: I was looking for you and I heard you scream. So naturally, I came to help you.

Antoinette: But...even after all those things I said? You still decided to risk your life for me?

Frederick: Of course. Antoinette, you're my daughter. And I love you, your brother, and your mother more than anything in the world. I spent hours looking for you after your mother gave me a scolding for that incident about the boy you met, and I even sacrificed doing some of my normal duties to find you. Regardless of what you say to me, it's still my duty to take care of you and I would never let any harm befall you. No matter what the cost.

Antoinette: Oh...Father... *sniff* I never thought...you cared so much...

Frederick: Of course I do. I would be a terrible father not to. And yet, I think I've been one to you already. I still feel horrible for what had happened before. I'm truly, very sorry.

Antoinette: I know... I'm really sorry too. I was too hard on you and I overreacted. I didn't really mean any of those things I said. I'm sorry! *hugs her father and starts crying*

Frederick: *returns the embrace* It's alright... I should take much of the blame myself. I should've spoken to you first about it instead of jumping to conclusions. And I caused you to lose potential friends.

Antoinette: Yeah, but some of them might not have been very nice to me anyway. And all you wanted to do was look out for me.

Frederick: That's right. Except next time, I'll be more careful and less nosy about that.

Antoinette: Thank you, Father... I don't hate you. I never really did. I love you...

Frederick: I'm glad. I love you too.

Antoinette: And you think maybe we could still do those lessons a teensy little bit slower? I just...I like a more free lifestyle... And Lady Lucina is a capable girl, I don't think she needs me around every hour of the day.

Frederick: *smiles* You know, I can go along with that. I should've paid more attention to your feelings and how you learn best as well. We'll move along at a pace that's just right for you.

Antoinette: Oh, thank you, Father! *hugs tighter*

Frederick: Heh, you're very welcome. I also have another idea. We should also spend some more father-daughter time together. So we can get to know one another even better. What do you say?

Antoinette: Oh, that would be wonderful! You really are the best father I could ask for!

Frederick: Antoinette, you don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. You're the best daughter I could ask for as well. But we should get back to camp. Your mother is probably worried about us both.

Antoinette: Oh, you're right! Let's go!

Antoinette/Morgan (Sibling) Support

C Support

Morgan: Oh, maybe this strategy would do the trick? Or Father might be able to parry that one too... Drats! How can strategy be so much harder against one opponent than an entire army?

Antoinette: ...Morgan? Is that you?

Morgan: Huh? Oh, you... Antoinette, was it?

Antoinette: Yes, though people sometimes call me Annie too. But you don't remember me at all? I'm your little sister. Or, well, I'm SUPPOSED to be.

Morgan: Whaaaat? That's impossible! You're clearly older than me!

Antoinette: That's the strange thing about this. At this point, I AM older. But I know for sure that in my time, you were born first. Hmm...

Morgan: Huh... This IS a puzzler.

Antoinette: Yeah... Oh! Wait a moment. I just remembered something that Lucina had told me just before we left our timearrow-10x10.png. She said some others had already gone back in time before us. I bet I arrived before you did and aged to the point where I'd actually be older than you.

Morgan: Ah! Yes, that must be it! But... I still don't remember you at all, Antoinette. In fact, I don't remember anyone except Mother.

Antoinette: Really? That's funny, I don't remember much about Mother, but I remember you and Father quite well. Speaking of which, I believe I overheard you trying to find a strategy to beat him? *smiles*

Morgan: Ah! Y-You heard that? It was supposed to be secret!

Antoinette: *chuckles* Sure did. You keep losing to Father's parrying skills, don't you?

Morgan: Er...well...

Antoinette: Heh, sorry to say, but you've got a long way to go before you'll be strong enough to best him.

Morgan: What?! Are you calling me weak?!

Antoinette: No, I'm calling Father one of the strongest warriors alive. In this time period, anyway. Mother is barely a match for him. And I've no doubt you've watched their spars too.

Morgan: ...W-Well, I'll still beat Father someday, Annie! Watch me!

Antoinette: Heh, I admire your determination. Well, it's time for Sir Kieran's daily grooming, so see you later! And good luck! You'll definitely need it.

Morgan: Huh?! Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!

B Support

Antoinette: Hey there, Morgan! Still trying to find a way to defeat Father in a spar?

Morgan: Huh? Oh, Antoinette. Yeah, but nothing I come up with seems perfect. Ugh...

Antoinette: *chuckles* Well, I told you it wouldn't be easy at all.

Morgan: Oh, shush! But I guess you're right. Father really IS a tough cookie. I can see why you want to follow in his footsteps now.

Antoinette: Well, not so much the combat part, but yes. I'd like to be as great a retainer as he is.

Morgan: Just like I'm working to be as great a tactician as Mother! ...Say, that reminds me. I've also been thinking about something else lately.

Antoinette: Oh? What would that be? Cute girls?

Morgan: Huh?! No, Miss Flirtypants! I was thinking about what you'd said about me being the older sibling in your timeline. I've been wondering... What was...I like? What were we like? I didn't annoy you or anything, did I?

Antoinette: Ah, that. Well, the truth is, you were a great big brother to me! I'm not kidding. I actually looked up to you as well as Father.

Morgan: ...Y-You did?

Antoinette: Definitely! After Mother and Father died... You and Lady Lucina were the only people that could put a genuine smile on my face. And whenever a bully started picking on me, you came to my defense. And if I began to cry over having lost our parents or other people we cared for, you were there to give me a hug.

Morgan: This... Is this true?

Antoinette: Morgan, of course it is! I wouldn't ever lie to you about something like this. You even made sure to protect me in every battle we engaged in. And I healed any injuries you sustained while doing so. And when you decided to follow in Mother's footsteps and I chose to take after Father, we continuously supported each other in reaching our goals.

Morgan: Wow... That's... That's amazing, Annie! I'm glad I have such an awesome sister! I have to admit, I was afraid that we might have bickered and fought a lot and hated each other's guts.

Antoinette: Oh, we did have little arguments every now and then, actually.

Morgan: Huh?!

Antoinette: And more than once, you called me a whiny crybaby and in return, I'd call you a big meanieface.

Morgan: W-What?! But...!

Antoinette: Oh, Morgan, for goodness' sake! We didn't actually MEAN any of those things. We were just being typical siblings! We honestly loved each other.

Morgan: We did? You're absolutely, positively sure about that?

Antoinette: Cross my heart!

A Support

Morgan: Annie! Annie! Guess what?!

Antoinette: Whoa, Morgan, slow down. What is it?

Morgan: I sparred with Father again a little while ago and he said I've gotten much better! And that if I keep this up, I'll best him in no time!

Antoinette: Ah, that's great! I'm happy for you, Morgan! How about your tactical skills? Has Mother said you've improved those too?

Morgan: Well... Sort of, I guess. She says I still need some more work on some tactics, though I'm coming along nicely on others. I must still have a long way to go...

Antoinette: Oh, don't worry! You'll be as good as Mother someday! Just keep at it and don't give up. That's something Father always told me, you know.

Morgan: Yeah, both he and Mother said the same to me. In fact, they used the same wording. "If you succumb to this frustration, you might as well die here. You won't survive long on the battlefield."

Antoinette: Hee hee, that figures! They once said almost the same thing to each other!

Morgan: I thought it sounded familiar.

Antoinette: But Morgan, you know, if there's anything I've learned now, though, it's that we need to keep supporting each other just like we did before! We'd do even better to reach our goals that way. And hopefully when we're born in this timeline, our younger selves will do the same!

Morgan: Ah! You're absolutely right, Sis! We'll cheer each other on all the way! And I'd love to influence our younger selves! I want the Morgan in this timeline to be just as good a big brother to his awesome little sister as I was!

Antoinette: Aw, Morgan, you are too kind. But speaking of which... I'd like to do something else for them too. To help make sure they have better lives than we did.

Morgan: Oh, that's a good idea! But how can we do that?

Antoinette: Hmm... Oh, I know! Let's ask Mother or Father if they can get a pet after we're born in this timeline! An adorable little kitten!

Morgan: Ooh, I like that! But I'd want a puppy instead. They're way more fun!

Antoinette: What? No way! Dogs are so filthy and slobbery. I want my younger self to have a kitty!

Morgan: They are not! They should get a puppy!

Antoinette: No! A KITTY!

Morgan: PUPPY!

Antoinette: KITTY!!

Morgan: PUPPY!!

Frederick: WHOA! Both of you, stop this ridiculous behavior right now.

Antoinette: Ah! Daddy!

Morgan: Oh, heh. Heya, Dad.

Frederick: Would either of you like to explain why you were yelling about puppies and kitties at each other?

Antoinette: Oh, Daddy, we were just trying to decide what pet to ask you and Mother to get when we're born in this timeline! For little Annie and Morgan! I want a kitten!

Morgan: Yeah, but I want a puppy!

Frederick: ...You two were arguing about THAT? Oh good grief... It's not a bad idea, though. But if your mother and I are to even consider it, you will not argue about it like this again. Do I make myself clear?

Morgan and Antoinette: Yes, Father...

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Vash and I've been working on four children characters together. I'll post my half and she can post the other half later.

Name: Cian
Gender: Male
Parent: Henry
Default Class: Dark mage
Reclass Options: Henry's classes+mother's classes

Summary: Cian is Henry's son. He's on generally okay terms with most people, but he's extremely awkward and always worried about saying something "wrong", making people think he's weird. He prefers books over people because "books don't judge". The reason he's a dark mage is because he feels that he can "prove" that people who use dark magic aren't screwed up, and that dark magic in itself isn't any more "evil" than the person who uses it. Cian looked up to future Henry, but he finds present Henry to be more than a little scary and doesn't really know what to think of him.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Henry, his mother, his sibling, all female children, Inigo, and Laurent.

Name: Auriga
Gender: Female
Parent: Libra
Default Class: Dark mage
Reclass Options: Libra's classes+mother's classes (Libra your reclass options are boring =/)

Summary: Auriga is Libra's daughter. Once, she embraced Libra's peaceful nature, but after seeing the world around her go to hell she took up dark magic because she wanted power to be able to fight back against her enemies. While she does care about others, she chooses to distance herself because she's afraid of letting herself grow attached to anything in a world where nothing is guaranteed. She's strangely charismatic and can hold an audience by speaking, even if the people listening to her don't agree, and she's more than happy to have Libra and her mother back in the present.

Supports: Avatar (M and F), Libra, her mother, her sibling, all male children, Cynthia, Noire

EDIT: I forgot to describe them, apparently. I'll do that later.

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Name: Adelina
Gender: Female
Parent: Virion
Default Class: Archer
Reclass Options: Pegasus Knight, Mage + Mother's classes

Summary: Adelina wants her homeland back and hates Walhart for taking it away from her family. She claims to be the Archest of Archers, exactly like her father. The only thing she has left of her father is his old bowstring and broken bow. Adelina is very suave and enjoys the finer things in life. Also, she flounders after every man she meets but she is never successful with any of them. She is the most likely to profess her love. Born on February 13.

Supports: Avatar (M/F), Virion, her mother, sibling, all male children, Severa, and Lucina.

Writing these are fun. :D I also have an idea for Tiki's kid but i will post it later.

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Name: Cael
Gender: Male
Parent: Stahl
Default Class: Cavalier

Starting Items: Steel Sword, Vulnerary
Reclass Options: Archer, Myrmidon, Mother's Classes

Summary: Feeling rather disheartened by his so-called 'averageness' he inherited from his father, Cael feels like he doesn't contribute anything to the group, and occupied the 'spare seat' on Lucina's journey to the past. He struggles with depression, and however hard he trains, he finds himself unable to excel in any attribute. He views his fresh chance in the past as an opportunity to train himself, and holds a rather shocking lack of respect for his enemies.


Stahl's son from the future. A depressed individual, he struggles with his own shortcomings, and blames himself for his parents' deaths. The biggest brooder. Born on March 22nd.


Stahl: He blames his father for his lack of martial prowess, and tries (and fails) to ignore him. However, Stahl reminds him that being a Jack of all trades is an attribute in itself, meaning that he can plug any gap in the army if needs be.

Mother: Cael at first attempts to avoid his mother, hinting to her that it would dredge up bad memories. His mother eventually drags the truth out him, that Cael's mother died in the future rescuing him, and he blames himself for it. His mother reassures him that she wont be leaving him again, and that the future version of her would not resent him for what had happened.

Every Female Child




Avatar (M) and Avatar (F)

Critical/Skill Activation:

"Get out of my way."


"You've forced my hand."

"You're pathetic."

I may come back and update this later with quotes and things, and possibly find a picture (I'm no good with art.)

Edited by Bloo
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I'm not sure if I should post mine since these OCs are way better but maybe I'll post it later, but yeah like I said all of these OCs are nice. Um pretty much all I gotta say for now since I'm pretty bad at talking to people....

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Name: Adelina

Gender: Female

Parent: Virion

Default Class: Archer

Reclass Options: Pegasus Knight, Mage + Mother's classes

Summary: Adelina wants her homeland back and hates Walhart for taking it away from her family. She claims to be the Archest of Archers, exactly like her father. The only thing she has left of her father is his old bowstring and broken bow. Adelina is very suave and enjoys the finer things in life. Also, she flounders after every man she meets but she is never successful with any of them. She is the most likely to profess her love. Born on February 13.

Supports: Avatar (M/F), Virion, her mother, sibling, all male children, Severa, and Lucina.

Writing these are fun. :D I also have an idea for Tiki's kid but i will post it later.

I want to see her support conversations with Inigo. That would be absolutely amazing.

One more thing I forgot to mention about Migeena: she has a habit of making ridiculously dramatic entrances whenever she wants to be noticed.

Anyway, let's see if I can try my hand at some supports for Migeena and Dorothy. I'll start with one with Migeena. Hopefully I've got male Morgan in character.

Migeena and Morgan(M) Sibling support:


Morgan: ♪Shanty Pete fought the Riverstone Pirates at sea, yardihardika-lardika-lardika-lo!♪

Migeena: Mooooooooorgaaaaaaaaaan...

Morgan: ♪...For where else would a piratey fight ever be? Yardihardika-lardika-yolie-yo-ho!♪

Migeena: Mooooooooooooooorrrrrgaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Morgan: Migeena? Is that you? I was wondering where you-


Morgan: (His closed-eyed smile portrait) Oh, so that WAS you! I thought so! Everyone was like "Ye gods, who stole all of the shoes!? They were here literally three seconds ago!" And I was all "It's probably my big sis, I'll go check." And I was right! Yay Morgan! Woo! (Back to normal smiling portrait) So anyway, uh, can we have them back?

Migeena: (normal portrait) When I'm done with them.

Morgan: And... when exactly will that be?

Migeena: When and IF I'm done with them.

Morgan: (Normal portrait) Well, see, that could potentially be a problem. We kind of need them to, uh, do stuff. We've got drills to run through, fights to fight, and places to be. (Nervous portrait) And all of these would... um... generally... be... aided... by... having...

Migeena: (Blushing portrait) *Snnnnnniffffff* Ahhhhh...

Morgan: (Nervous portrait) Uh...

Migeena: (Normal portrait) Yes, my dear younger brother? Do you need something?

Morgan: Okay, you know what? I think I'll just tell Robin we need to buy some more shoes in town.

Migeena: (Creepy smile portrait) Yesss... and in the meantime the boys' precious morning exercises will need be done NUDE-FOOTED! (Normal portrait) Kindly inform me when they start. You may find me again by seeking out the willow tree in the middle of camp and asking it for a chisel. Now begone. I have much to do.

Morgan: (Normal smile portrait) Oh actually, no worries about that. The guys' shoes are fine.

Migeena: ...What?

Morgan: Those shoes you stole are the decoy shoes. I replace the real shoes with the decoy shoes every night in case somebody tries to steal them. And then every morning if all goes well I put the real shoes back. I only asked if you'd give the decoy shoes back because, well... it would be nice to have the decoys back. I mean we could use the real shoes as the decoy shoes, but the thing about decoy shoes is that they're supposed to get stolen so the real ones aren't, so using the real shoes would kind of defeat the point.

Migeena: ...So these shoes have never touched a man's foot? Not one of them?

Morgan: I knew that contingency plan would come in handy!

Migeena: (Nervous portrait) You... you have a contingency plan... for shoe thieves?

Morgan: (Closed-eyed happy portrait) Well, sure! Not having shoes would be a major blow to our fighting potential!

Migeena: ...

Morgan: ...What? It would!

Migeena: ...

Morgan: (Nervous portrait) ...Okay, Mother already tackled all of the obvious, "sensible" contingency plans. I thought there was nothing left for me to do, but I still wanted to help, so Mother told me to "get creative".

Migeena: ...

Morgan: (Closed-eyed happy portrait) And now thanks to my out-of-the-box thinking, the Shepherds are safe from shoe thieves, projectile turnips, and rabid Plegian wolverines smuggled into our laundry! Take that, weird enemies! Anyway, see you later, sis! Bye!

Migeena: (Mortified portrait) ...Curse... you... Morgan!

Edited by Alastor15243
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Those supports would fantastic. But there could be a lot of humor if one of them did not like the other. Or the supports would be her asking him for tips on how to be successful.(which would be hilarious)

Why shoes? That is so cruel!
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I know Flavia´s child has been done already, but I already had this idea when the "make a FE character"-thread appeared two months ago. Now I could finally motivate myself to write it down.

Name: Plutarch

Gender: Male

Parent: Flavia

Possible secondary Parents: Vaike, Lon´qu, Gaius, Gregor, Libra, Henry, Basilio, Male Avatar

Appearance: Average size, muscular build. He keeps his hair short, in a military style. His default facial expression is serious, but in a non-aggressive way. He has a small X-shaped scar on the left side of his face. In his portrait, his right hand is resting on an axe.

Default Class: Barbarian

Reclass Options: Mercanary, Thief, Knight, Father´s classes

Summary: Plutarch learned about the grim reality of war early in his life. His father fell during the Valmese War, and the day he heard about his death, he swore to become an excellent warrior and protect those who can´t defend themselves, just like his father and many others who fought in Valm protected their home from Walhart´s army. He trains every day, and often challenges others to duels in order to test his and his opponent´s strength. Most of the time, he seems to be a no-nonsense person and only focuses on his training, but when he´s around his friends, he becomes much more sociable. He also is very cold to most people initially, but quickly warms up to them if they are willing to improve themselves and risk their lives for the greater good, just like a good soldier should be.

Despite his focus on becoming stronger and proving himself in duels (and his starting class being Barbarian), he actually isn´t a savage fighter like one would expect him to be on first glance. He is calm and collected in battle, prefers tactics over brute strength, and he actually hates war and fights to end it faster. Most of his hobbies (other than training) are also very peaceful ones, such as drinking tea or meditation, though he is quite embarrassed about them due to growing up in feroxian culture, and claims he´s only doing such things because it helps him being a better warrior (“The water could be polluted, it´s healthier to boil it before drinking” or “I only meditate because it helps me not to lose my temper and do something reckless in battle”), but pretty much everyone knows he actually enjoys such things.

Roster: Flavia’s son from the future. A skilled young warrior from the north who wants to put this war to an end. Has the biggest collection of whetstones. Born on April 19th

Supports: Flavia, Father, sibling, all female children, Brady, Yarne, Basilio (separate conversation if they aren´t related), Avatar

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