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petition to delete serious discussion


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Seriously though, the holier-than-thou attitude some users (hai dondon) have in that board are the reasons why people loathe it to begin with. Theres always "those guys" in an SD forum who think they know everything and come off as pretty goddamn insufferable. So people stop posting reasonably. Cuz seriously, if everyone who posted in that forum were Rehab (in terms of how to argue), more people would be willing to go in there and post. Instead we get Chiki.

So yeah, theres one reason why people dont like that forum. Like i said, its peanuts compared to the SD forums ive seen where shit gets legit disgusting.

Holier-than-thou attidude, I heard?

Masturbation is selfish and sinful, so I almost never do it. But back when I used to masturbate a whole lot, I had an unorthodox way of doing it: I drag myself across the floor, thus creating friction and stimulating my you-know-what. Doing it with your pants and underwear on was the only way to do it, since otherwise my penis would both start to hurt and the orgasm wouldn't be nearly as good. I did it in front of my brother all the time, he knew what I was doing and told me to stop, but I didn't.

That was by me from when I was more pathetic than I am now. Revived for you, Parrhesia.

Also, just don't delete Serious Discussion. If you do it'd be like letting loose a zoo.

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all i see here are words with no reasoning. i don't think there is a problem with people promulgating unpopular opinions as long as they're well-reasoned.

I think he meant people were giving off more of an "I'm going to try to show everybody that I'm right" sort of thing, which is sort of missing the entire point of serious discussions, BUT I'm not Makaze, so this may not be what he meant of course. The point is to debate and come to a logical conclusion, regardless if one is right or wrong. If you're simply trying to get everyone else to know "I'm right and you're wrong," then it's not serious at all; it's immature and doesn't belong there.

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The reason why Serious Discussion is so controversial on this forum is because the vast majority of the people on this forum aren't mature enough to handle serious discussions. Even people like Florina Stark who are in their 30s can't do it. It's so much fun to see people get angry for having perfectly normal, serious discussions.

Pahahahahahah. You really dont see people putting me as the butt of their jokes about how bad SF is or or its SD board, do you? I often dont choose to engage in those threads, but i do lurk them and i see your idiocy. I see it. The forum i mod at has a much more serious Serious Discussion forum with a lot of really....icky opinions that get posted here and there. The thing is, they do it better than you could ever do so therefore the discussions wind up being actually pretty solid. Here, theres just not a lot in the way of effort to curb shit posting and you, friend, are the biggest offender.

. This thread has reached a magnitude of chaos, to the point that people are genuinely being offended/insulted.

I know. Isnt it fun?

what happened to my thread overnight

But look at all the fun we are having!

I enjoy intellectually stimulating conversation AND be baited by trolls into stupid infinite loop "no u" arguments, so SD seems fine.



You totally went there. Im...kinda watching the giant elephant in the room just walk past. Hey, i really think if you do wanna discuss that, its to the SD board with ye.


Theres a New Thread button a-callin'.

I think he meant people were giving off more of an "I'm going to try to show everybody that I'm right" sort of thing, which is sort of missing the entire point of serious discussions, BUT I'm not Makaze, so this may not be what he meant of course. The point is to debate and come to a logical conclusion, regardless if one is right or wrong. If you're simply trying to get everyone else to know "I'm right and you're wrong," then it's not serious at all; it's immature and doesn't belong there.

The point of Serious Discussion is to discuss varying viewpoints and gain wisdom in doing so. So yes, you are correct. At least, ideally thats what SD is supposed to do. To inform, not to degrade.

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all i see here are words with no reasoning. i don't think there is a problem with people promulgating unpopular opinions as long as they're well-reasoned.

Please don't beat up straw men. Expressing an opinion has nothing to do with the way you express it. The popularity of said opinion is even more irrelevant to the point.

Edited by Makaze
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You totally went there. Im...kinda watching the giant elephant in the room just walk past. Hey, i really think if you do wanna discuss that, its to the SD board with ye.

genuinely sorry for even bringing it up, don't know what I was thinking

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Probably said the last part a little awkwardly.

"The fact that you expressed an opinion is separate from the way you expressed said opinion."

Edited by Makaze
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glorious worms!

Om nom nom!


genuinely sorry for even bringing it up, don't know what I was thinking

Hey not even mad. #wecool

Please don't beat up straw men. Expressing an opinion has nothing to do with the way you express it. The popularity of said opinion is even more irrelevant to the point.

Yeah, see like, having a shitty opinion is really just...well a person's business. Its expressing that shitty opinion. Hell, you can have a pretty cool opinion but really shit at expressing it to the point where it makes you look like an arse. I see that a lot too. Acting like an elitist is actually one of the worst ways to get someone to pay attention to your point.

To the edit: yeah i got your meaning, brahbrah.

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I think he meant people were giving off more of an "I'm going to try to show everybody that I'm right" sort of thing, which is sort of missing the entire point of serious discussions, BUT I'm not Makaze, so this may not be what he meant of course. The point is to debate and come to a logical conclusion, regardless if one is right or wrong. If you're simply trying to get everyone else to know "I'm right and you're wrong," then it's not serious at all; it's immature and doesn't belong there.

the point of discussion is not necessarily for the participants to come to an agreement. i would happily debate you and makaze on this point. so would phoenix wright and balcerzak, since it seems like people have trouble taking me seriously.

Please don't beat up straw men. Expressing an opinion has nothing to do with the way you express it. The popularity of said opinion is even more irrelevant to the point.

i'm not beating up strawmen. as far as i can tell, you haven't even made a valid assertion. let me show you what i mean:

Even the wisest and most knowledgeable people have no business behaving that way. In fact, they have less reason to behave that way than others.

why? rather than you shaming this kind of behavior, i would like a reason.

A shitty poster is someone who makes shitty posts with shitty intent behind them.

this is about as non-substantive as a statement could get.

that's essentially the entirety of your post. so when you say that people shouldn't start a discussion in order to dispel a popular opinion (i.e., show everyone else how wrong they are), my rejoinder is, why not? is there a reason for this, other than you don't like it?

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And there is the main issue, which is neither that you expressed an opinion or the way you expressed it, but why you expressed it. It is the why that is the most important factor in my judgment of the section.

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And there is the main issue, which is neither that you expressed an opinion or the way you expressed it, but why you expressed it. It is the why that is the most important factor in my judgment of the section.

i ask you again, why is that a problem?

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the point of discussion is not necessarily for the participants to come to an agreement. i would happily debate you and makaze on this point. so would phoenix wright and balcerzak, since it seems like people have trouble taking me seriously.

i'm not beating up strawmen. as far as i can tell, you haven't even made a valid assertion. let me show you what i mean:

why? rather than you shaming this kind of behavior, i would like a reason.

this is about as non-substantive as a statement could get.

that's essentially the entirety of your post. so when you say that people shouldn't start a discussion in order to dispel a popular opinion (i.e., show everyone else how wrong they are), my rejoinder is, why not? is there a reason for this, other than you don't like it?

You clearly thought I was picking on Chiki because they have unpopular opinions. That is not the case. If you attack that position, you will be beating up a straw man because it's not a the position I'm presenting.

If you can't even read my position as accurately as the others in this thread, how can you stride around as if you are better than them?

I'll address the point about wisdom because you made an example of yourself with that post. It is unwise to be elitist because shaming others is counterproductive to actual learning, and elitism does shame others. If you haven't learned that it shames others, or don't care, then you have not gained enough wisdom to hold a conversation worth my time.

I noticed that you seem to have a problem with me shaming Chiki, but not with Chiki shaming others. In fact, you yourself seem to be oblivious to the shaming you do.

Why are you so confident despite not even knowing what you do not know?

Edited by Makaze
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dondon, a person can have a pretty crappy opinion by a lot of people's standards, but be really good at wording it and discussing it without acting like a high and mighty putz. The fact theres not a lot of engaging discussion is SF's SD and these unpopular opinions are not really being expressed in an intelligent manner is what people are getting at.

I dont think deleting the forum is the solution. I think we just need to encourage more intelligent discussion of opinions. There will always be someone out there with a different opinion and thats what makes discussing stuff like that interesting. No (wisdom seeking) person wants to sit in an echo chamber. Thats lame. But if we dont have someone being articulate in expressing an unpopular opinion, and not acting like hes better than everyone else, it stops being interesting and fun. It stops being engaging and intelligent. Its just people posting shit and calling it debate.

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i ask you again, why is that a problem?

Because I want to gain something when I discuss things, and so do most people.

It's actually not my problem. It's yours. You're the one who wants people to argue with you. If you want them to, you need to understand what they are looking for when they go to the section and that they are not getting it.

Reread this thread if you still don't get what I mean.

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By now, my smush mitten was slobbering like a broken fridge freezer. The feeling of his Da Vinci load leaking down my throat got my spaff flowing quicker than greased shit off a shiny shovel. I awoke the next morning with my Quimcy, M.E. still frothing. I thought it was over but his washington monument had other ideas. The mixture of footlong fudge bullet and love piss in my mud flap created the delicious porthole pudding that he was so fond of. Some girls are happy just to dial the rotary phone when they're alone, but I can't get off without having a gerbil in my pink velvet sausage wallet and a 10 inch purple battery-operated monster up my old dirt road.

With his huge penis slamming deep into my spunk dungeon, the sensation of his clunger smashing my cervix made me quake like jelly. The feeling of his cock snot foaming down my throat got my flange custard flowing quicker than snot off a whip. The unrelenting orgasms from his disco stick pounding my kipper dinghy made me come so hard, I began sweating like Joseph Fritzel on Cribs. After having my sperm socket hammered, he then proceeded to fuck my tradesman's entrance. There was cock custard slobbering from his mutton dagger and I was wetter than an otter's pocket. We were ready for more.

My gashtray was trembling like Vanessa Feltz's diesel-powered vibrator. Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his all-beef thermometer shoved deeper into my cocoa channel. Hours of thrusting like this would leave any girl's spam castanets looking like a manatee in yoga pants, and I was no different! With his purple-headed trouser snake thrusting deep into my sperm socket, the sensation of his ramrod smashing my cervix made me quiver like jelly. The plowing of my puckered brown eye was so vigorous, he soon found his hairy walnuts joining his stilton spear deep in my tradesman's entrance.

I can't wait to consume the man fat from his cunt stretcher. The seemingly never-ending streams of baby gravy emanating from his wensleydale wand soon had me coated like a plasterer's radio. Some girls are happy just to tune the tuna when they're alone, but I can't get off without having an egg timer in my quim and a barbie doll up my brown mile. The thrusting of my turd cutter was so vigorous, he soon found his man marbles joining his sperminator deep in my fart valve. The thrusting makes me flood my fallopian fish stock all over his skeleton king.

With his Ocean's 11 Inches fucking deep into my frilling pink golf bag, the sensation of his giggle stick smashing my cervix made me quake like Micheal J. Fox licking a car battery. By now, my fuck trench was frothing like Adele waiting for Greggs to open. My vibration station was trembling like Vanessa Feltz's diesel-powered vibrator. It was bliss having his chubstep shoved inside me again; stuffing my sperm socket with a number of chillies just didn't get my oyster ditch gushing like it used to. Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his Ocean's 11 Inches plunged deeper into my puckered brown eye.

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You clearly thought I was picking on Chiki because they have unpopular opinions. That is not the case. If you attack that position, you will be beating up a straw man because it's not a the position I'm presenting.

i actually don't think this; in fact, i thought you were talking about that topic that i made because i disagreed with what eclipse said about hatred being a choice. i made it pretty clear in that case that i wasn't interested in coming to some compromised conclusion.

If you can't even read my position as accurately as the others in this thread, how can you stride around as if you are better than them?

I'll address the point about wisdom because you made an example of yourself with that post. It is unwise to be elitist because shaming others is counterproductive to actual learning, and elitism does shame others. If you haven't learned that it shames others, or don't care, then you have not gained enough wisdom to hold a conversation worth my time.

people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

i can't read your position because your position is utterly incomprehensible. or rather, i can read your position, but i am totally unconvinced. you think that starting a discussion for the sake of promoting one's opinion is not "wise." why is it not wise? i think it's perfectly acceptable to start a discussion for this purpose, because not only are you informing others about a contrary opinion and challenging their beliefs, but you also might learn more about what you're arguing against.

(i'm glad to know that at least i am consistent in this position: i stated this viewpoint previously in http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=47156&page=4#entry3030399)

i can just as easily claim that you lack the wisdom to understand the value of expressing opinions purely for the sake of engaging other people - it appears that i don't need any evidence to prove this assertion. but i am not actually making it, because it's a poor claim.

you didn't answer the question. rather, you accused me of several things that i'm not terribly guilty of while acting in the exact same manner that you claim to abhor. i don't doubt that i come off as elitist (god forbid i act like i know what i'm talking about!), but i challenge you to find evidence in SD that i regularly engage in shaming my opponents.

the issue that i have with this chiki pillorying is that even when he is not being an overt asshole, people seem to think that he is purely because he is being blunt. (see http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=47156&page=3#entry3028596)

Edited by dondon151
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Not gonna lie, I thought Florina Stark was getting some genuinely russled jimmies for a little bit.

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Not gonna lie, I thought Florina Stark was getting some genuinely russled jimmies for a little bit.

My jimmies got kidnapped and shipped off to an undisclosed location in Africa over the UCSB shooting, not anyone in this thread. :P:

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i like how this thread is divided about evenly of people who are seriously talking and those talking about...other things lol.

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