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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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What kind of a response WOULD be alignment indicative?

I don't like how you said you wanted a reaction and then don't even say you got nothing out of it, it looks more like an excuse than anything else.

I'd expect him to try and justify his vote as scum. As town well, him saying it was a reaction test of some sort is what I'd see town!Prims saying.

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Don't really get why Shinori's so scummy, his posts seemed fine to me on first glance. Guess I'll have to reread him.

Feeling better about eclipse overall since she's posted more reads and interacted with more players outside of FFM/me.

Didn't get the Terrador scum reads, but it's a moot point now that he's subbed out; agree that he wouldn't do that as scum. bladeescape's first post seemed townie to me as well, although honestly I didn't really look at it that closely because wall posts.

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Euklyd's reaction to Manix's message doesn't really affect my read on him; I can see him being genuinely mad or scum faking emotion (don't know why that'd make him mad as scum). Also;

In a totally unrelated matter, if you're telling the truth about being an SK who can joint with mafia, you should message me and leave your name so that we know not to nightkill you.

This looks like a scumslip.

FFM's scumread on me is really forced. Like reading his post it makes me out to be Leaning Town, but somehow I'm Leaning Scum. He also has way too many filler reads and his BBM townread is inconsistent with his past suspicions.

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Towny points - Also the person you're looking for is Doned. In real life he's stuck in a wheelchair.

I assume part of the thing you quoted is why you're leaning town on BBM; could you elaborate? also +1 joke.



Scum points - Reads minor lean on SB/Euklyd/GP team. Though the meta defense I won't read much into. The biggest issue for me is two things.

First, Hard defends GP and then quantifies it with a 'But idk I might be on her as well if I hadn't just seen exactly that sort of play in my previous game(s)'.

Second, Jumps on Refa, then admits doing the same thing. Handwaves with 'The SB vote is weird though'. (SB/Euk team lean is stronger than very minor Euk/GP team)


Ritz fights the MCs multiple times during the course of the game, hence the hated tag. Marche, meanwhile, is basically the MC so yeah. Also he was proven right in the end anyhow.

How was that

a) hard defense

b) anything different than SB's defense?

Agreed on the dithering though.

Also sidenote: Refa and I go after each other in basically every game, especially (so far) when we're both scum - see also: Almost OC. Not that it's relevant here since I'm town. :newyears:

A few of your "I like/dislike this" could use to be better supported ("I both like AND dislike his throw at Pascal. I think I'm going to go with Townish Lean but I'm really tentative on that." for example) but other than what I've mentioned this feels like a pretty solid post.

Sidenote: Also it would help readers a lot if you could organize the quotes by person; if you need to copy/paste quotes to move them around, switch to the plaintext editor (click the top-left button, looks like a lightswitch) and copy/paste the plaintext.

[spoiler=irrelevant flavor sidenote]


Ritz fights the MCs multiple times during the course of the game, hence the hated tag. Marche, meanwhile, is basically the MC so yeah. Also he was proven right in the end anyhow.

Just realised I didn't clarify this. I meant verbal arguments since the maps she appears in usually she's helping the MC but refusing to actually join up with him because Marche is trying to take away the world she has already fallen in love with.

The joke is that Marche is actively trying to completely destroy a world that the vast majority of its inhabitants are Very Very Happy With for a reason that isn't explained super well.

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FFM: how did Manix jump to null/town? Your vote has been on him this entire time. I don't buy it and pmuch agree with SB on your post.

Euklyd do something, if you're a town........

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FFM: how did Manix jump to null/town? Your vote has been on him this entire time. I don't buy it and pmuch agree with SB on your post.

Euklyd do something, if you're a town........

At that time there really wasn't much to go on apart from the Refa wagon that I didn't want to sheep due to getting shit for that in the last game I played and Manix was the only one that really stood out to me as potential scum.

Now that there's more content with more people posting I have a better view of the situation and of the players.

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hello am i here but i have nothing exciting to say except that i agree with stuff said about FFM

re euklyd: I thought his reaction to my message was overblown and i actually think it could have come from scum more than town. his last post didn't do anything much at all either. what happened to the reread that you promised euklyd???

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ffm: here's the problem. i haven't actually done ~that~ much since you voted me way back when. i've made not much content and a reasonably sized defense. it just seems really weird that you'd change your mind, considering those sorts of reasons would be a good way to keep parking your vote on me.

and that's why my vote is staying.

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SF is loading really slowly for me. It may take a while before I can make a post that I'm happy with, but it should come before I go to bed.

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Okay, done reading.

WRT FoS: It's here, though not used very often.

This would look awkward if I quoted it. Kinda didn't pay too much attention regarding SB not talking about Prims, since I felt the latter was being his usual reaction-testy self (in other words, not really worth bringing up). Otherwise, I like that explanation.


Allocative reads help me define my opinions. At this stage they are weak at best, but it's better to start analysing early than just to go 'no one's dead you can't read much at all!', it's true that one or two flips could completely change how I read but that's mafia. *Rambles in explanation*

And no, it's not that you defend people, because quite frankly there's been a ton of defending going on, it's who you defend, why, and what else the rest of your post makes me think. And even then, these are leans at best. I should put a disclaimer. Day one reads not to be assumed to be anything concrete yet.

And understandable, as I said earlier I don't know meta well so I could easily take something that is a null read for that particular person as a scum read. I'm just trying as best I can with the knowledge I have. In time I'll learn the general meta of various people and the site in general. Then I'll exploit it. :Pent:

Alright, fair enough. I'll have associative reads noted down elsewhere (usually in my role PM), but I won't say much about them until there's flips. Oh speaking of role PMs, you can copypasta the clock link into your role PM so you'll never lose it.

EURY WHY? Like, that's some contribution, but I'm more interested in your conclusions, not a recap!

BEARCLAW WHY? You only had enough for one read? ASD;FKLJA;FKLDJFKALJDFLJDJA!!!

also anyone else concerned that refa hasn't shown for like, almost 24 hours now? idk if he's been around (i think so) but even then, disappearing once the pressure starts relieving a bit is concerning

He answered something in the Awakening forum earlier (as in, after his last mafia post and before this post).

No. Not another list post. If you're going to make any sort of assertions, back 'em up with linked quotes. Don't care for a lot of the reads, due to lack of source (therefore I have no idea how FFM drew those conclusions), as well as that self-conscious sheeping statement in Refa's read. Also, why are there so many inactives in there?



(alright, I'll stop spamming the thread)

The problem with this post is that Euklyd is responding to none of the suspicion against him. . .which is scummy. Didn't have a problem with him until then.

I feel a bit better about Refa after his latest string of posts, even if I'm not too happy with his non-existence yesterday. Not too happy with FFM's sourceless wall, feeling worse about Euklyd for aforementioned reasons, and. . .feeling a bit worse about Eury since she posted a lot of Things with no Ends. Requesting votals because I'll be here all night if I try to figure out where the last set went, and whose vote changed. For now. . .


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So first off, ##Unvote

I read the thread and I STILL do not have a strong read so far which is bad because I'm usually supposed to get decent reads by now. >_> Well strong scumreads anyway.

Tbh when I was observing the thread before subbing in, I had a town read on FFM because of his effort posting (and if you compare what ever posts he has today to like, the ones in Almost OC Mafia, you'd know that this is much better play). The 180 on his Manix and Prims scumreads is bad though.

CUT ok I didn't see the part where he talks about BBM's hated claim. Yeah that's scummy.

IMO FFM's first listpost wasn't scummy but his second list post is due to the 180 on a few of his reads.

Yeah Fuck it, ##Vote: FFM

Tbh Euk's claim sounds like a fake claim. I mean I can't see plain numbers in this setup considering we have complicated roles, and even if Numbers is in conjunction with a PR its PROBABLY going to be with anti-town. Euk's content is also bad because he says the GP and FFM wagons are shit without making a case on any of the voters and he tunnels and Refa because???

FFM= Euk as far as priorities go atm.

This could be the first time I'm townreading BBM in like forever and I'm actually right.

The Terrascape slot is town IMO for reasons others have already stated. Like, scum!Terra wouldn't have given up imo.

I'm townreading Refa and didn't really feel the earlier cases on him. Don't see any advantage in making a prodvote on SB when he still had a vote down on Manix and was pressurising GP/Manix/Prims. In fact it would have been better for him to have left his vote on Manix and let someone else point out how the roleclaim was more townie.

Scum Refa likes keeping his options open for more convenient votes, but that SB vote is ANYTHING but convenient from scum's POV.

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Elieson's "not gonna get stabbed for putting out late" Votals

Pascal (5): SB., Prims, BBM, Curly Brace, bluedoom (L-3)
Euklyd (3): Refa, Shinori, bladescape
Shinori (3): Green Poet, Da Bear, Pascal
Refa (1): Euklyd
Prims (1): Polydeuces
bluedoom (1): Eury
Voteless (1): eclipse

Day 1 ends in 22 hours and 45 minutes, which is at 2200 GMT-5 on 5/3/14 (11PM EST, 10PM CST on 6/3/14), or if a player reaches the daily hammer requirement of 8 votes before then.

Edited by Elieson
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marf: euklyd actually claimed he had more than numbers in some previous post

take that however you will (i'm not reading into it too deeply because imo it's null)

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Votals are something like:

Pascal (5): SB., Prims, BBM, Curly Brace, Bluedoom

Euklyd (3): Refa, Shinori, bladescape

Shinori (3): Green Poet, bearclaw13, Pascal

kirsche (1): Eury

Prims (1): Polydeuces

Refa (1): Euklyd

Voteless (1): eclipse

@Bluedoom: I don't get your thought process on FFM. Why is his effort townie? Also why does the 180 undo your townread entirely? Given that you don't have anything positive to say about Euklyd why is FFM worse?

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Thanks you two.

Of the three wagons, I disagree with the Shinori one the most. I feel that between FFM/Euklyd, FFM is the scummier of the two, but he's already at deadline lynch numbers, and I'd rather not put him at L-2 ('cause it seems that there's a good chunk of the game that's not paying attention). Since consolidation is a thing, and "feeling slightly better about Refa" pushes Refa a bit further ahead. . .

##Vote: Euklyd

Not responding to people's suspicions is really scummy.

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FFM should claim. We're less than 24 hours to deadline, everybody seems to want him dead and I'd rather not deal with panic from LAST MINUTE DOCTOR CLAIMS and the like.

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I saw his effort as townie because I didn't think as scum he'd be capable of posting paragraphs for his reads. Usually I expect scum listposts from inexperienced players to be more like one-liners for their reads (like Eury's from P3 mafia).

The 180 changed it though because the justification for it was horrible. Like I can't see why he's town-reading you(Prims) or Manix when he also spec'd that both of you were bussing earlier. Also doubting BBM's alignment due to his role claim is something I can see newb scum doing ( I had missed that part earlier).

Nothing actually makes FFM worse than Euklyd, but I had no idea what votals were and I currently feel like I'm saying what has already been said. Nothing makes me feel one's worse than the other atm.

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FFM should claim. We're less than 24 hours to deadline, everybody seems to want him dead and I'd rather not deal with panic from LAST MINUTE DOCTOR CLAIMS and the like.

I was trying to keep this secret (seems like a pretty helpful role that I would rather scum not know) but I'm Ultima, the 1-Shot Town Global Roleblocker. Apparently I've got "crystals" inside me and when summoned by a "Nu Mou" lead by Marche I cause heavy MP damage to all enemies, hence the roleblock.

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That's a scumclaim

uhhh not really

imo we let FFM live but aim a vig at him so that if he's mafia buying time and he can't actually global roleblock then it goes off and he dies. Phase skip is super pro-town especially if the game is 11:3:1 instead of 11:4.


##Vote: Euklyd

Marf is probably scum.

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