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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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Elieson's "Day 1 Ends with a White Mage lynch, right?" Votals

Euklyd (7): Refa, Shinori, bladescape, eclipse, Prims, Green Poet, BBM (L-1)

Refa (2): Euklyd, Curly Brace
Shinori (2): bearclaw13, Pascal
Bluedoom (2): Eurykins, SB.
Prims (1): Polydeuces

Pascal (1): Bluedoom

Voteless (0):

Clan Dip and Clan Marble duked it out, while the Gran Grimoire clan watched. All the low levels clanmates battled out ferociously, with their Long Bows and Short Swords and uhh, I forget; do they even have armor better than a simple Leather Curaiss? One rogue arrow came flying from Clan Marble's archer, and it flew right towards Euklyd, hitting him in the back.

4 Damage!

Hey! That wasn't nice! shouted Euklyd, as he threw the arrow back, enraged that he'd be targeted by such a mediocre clan. It enraged him so much, that Euklyd grew larger, unleashing his Totema form upon the unsuspecting clans. As he filled up his watery cannon, and aimed it at the poor victims, the ants beneath his feet, he heard a whistle blow in the background...

Red Card! Euklyd! Violating the law of Target All.

Fine: Lynching, effective immediately.

Euklyd has been lynched. He was...

Dear Euklyd, you are Famfrit.

You are the Totema of the Moogle species. Your special ability, when summoned, fires a giant water-based cannon that doesn't do water based damage. Since you're the first Totema acquired in the story, you're used more than expected.

Due to the nature of your role, you cannot submit an action. However, your omnipresence throughout the nature of Ivalice informs you as to the setup of the game. You are aware that there are four threats to the Gran Grimoire Clan.

You may also communicate with your other Totema partner, Adrammalech at any point during this event, in this quicktopic.

Furthermore, if a certain Totema is to no longer exist, the balance of Ivalice will tip in your favor, giving you the ability to remove one potential threat from Ivalice by your own hand.

In short, you are the Town Numbers Neighbor.

You are aligned with the Gran Grimoire Clan , and win when those who stand against your clan are brought down.

Sorry man...we were just...having a Turf War...

Night 1 has begun, and ends in 24 hours, or at 2200 GMT -6 (10pm CST on 06/04/14). Night 1 may end up to 8 hours early, if all actions are submitted and accounted for. There is no Night talking allowed.

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I actually had all actions in a several hours ago, I just got stuck in traffic.

Night 1 End. Results being distributed

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As the days of Bardmoon passed, the clan took on many missions. Turf Wars, dispatch, you name it, we did it. Everything had gone flawlessly! It was incredible; your clan was earning tons of respect and gold, and so many rare treasures, too. Much to your surprise, the Gran Grimoire clan entered Huntmoon with one less member...

And on the second day of the Huntmoon, a scream was heard from Cyril Pub, that sent chills down the spines of all the clanmates.

This body...i-it just, fell from the ceiling!

eclipse examined the corpse. It had been dead for days. Who could've done this?

Look there said Refa, pointing towards the lump underneath Shinori's bloodstained cloak. What...what is that?

Pascal walked over, brushed the ragged fabric from Shinori's cold body, and revealed a knife, solid black and with a golden hilt. Attached, was a note.

...Only fools bargain with their lives.

Shinori has been killed. He was...

Dear Shinori, you are Mateus.

You are the Totema of the Human species. Your special ability, when summoned, distorts the battlefield into a strange revolving sphere, before you shatter it with your mighty lance. This attack does huge amounts of damage!

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Protect [uSER]. You will prevent [uSER] from being lynched during the next day, should they be hammered, by taking the lynch yourself instead.

Also, due to the nature of your role, and the benefits of abilities learned through your race, you will cause any non-killing action that targets you to fail instantly. Hostile actions may still affect you.

In short, you are the Town Reflexive Safeguard + Lynch Bodyguard.

You are aligned with the Gran Grimoire Clan , and win when those who stand against your clan are brought down.

Day 2 has begun. Day 2 ends in 72 hours (+30 minutes), at 2200 GMT-6 (11 PM EST, 10 PM CST, etc) on 6/7/14. With 13 alive, 7 votes equals a phase-ending hammer.

Edited by Elieson
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i was redirected last night.

also #usualmanix and didn't read overnight

##Vote: Refa

sticking to this 4 now, will potentially revise later

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Boohoo, Shinori died, did so much for our cause, whatever.

More importantly, I got redirected to myself, and can now OC every other player in the game. This is awesome.

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More importantly, I got redirected to myself, and can now OC every other player in the game. This is awesome.

unlimited OC messages?
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unlimited OC messages?

Yes. Partial claim here- I'm Cid, and provided all of my posts for the day don't exceed 500 characters each, I can make an existing player a Judge. This gives them OC with every other player for a 24 hour period. I got redirected to myself, so I have the power!

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here lies my problem refa. your role really partly overlaps with mine, or at least makes my role completely useless/worthless. and i don't like that

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How so? Yes, full on OC. For 24 hours.

Anyways, targeted Marth and FFM they can confirm that I'm speaking the truth.

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