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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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I'm also sending BBM claims because if he's scum he already know most of them lol (I have a lot more potential loss sending them to Manix)

guys that was hammer

Marth Unvoted

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bearclaw: are you sure you have every claim bar refa/eury/bladescape?

Well Eclipse has a few details she left out (or that she hasn't clarified on because she said she would explain more tomorrow (in game) but that could mean extrapolation on what she claimed).

Otherwise all I have to say is that Prims has a really vanilla role compared to the rest of the game and GP seems really weak.

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Prims decided to play the role of chef and take St. Ivalice down a road of tasteful bliss. He started boiling his pot of Modkill stew, but dropped his ladle in it, and it was too hot to continue stirring. It boiled over, all over the place. What a mess.

Refa, come over here. I need you to clean up a mess.

Refa ran over, but BBM snapped his fingers, getting everyone's attention. We kick him into the pot of boiling oil and food in 3....2....1....


Refa was boiled alive. He was...

Dear Refa, you are Queen Remedi.

You are the reincarnation of Mewt's dead mother from St. Ivalice. In the newly created world of Ivalice, you seek to maintain the existence of everything that has been created. Screw St. Ivalice! You're actually a Totema, and a powerful one at that, but don't tell anyone that!

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Sending a Judge to check [uSER]. The Judge you send to watch over [uSER] will return to you with information regarding their role, as well as present a report with who visited [uSER].

During the night, you may also respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Recruiting [Z] as a new Judge. You may enlist one non-player/non-IO/non-sub/non-host to engage in a 24 hour OC with, and this "Non-Player" may attempt to acquire information from any player on the player list regarding actions and roles and alignments, including dead players, and relay the info to you via a private quicktopic in which only you have access to. Because it may look suspicious that you are pulling in new Judges, you may only comfortably perform this action twice during the game. [Z] may be the same person on both occasions, or may be a different person on each occasion. This action must be deemed successful before information can be gathered from [Z].

Communicate with your team here.

In short, you are the Mafia Role Cop/Watcher + Manipulator .

You are aligned with The Law of Ivalice, and win when The Law of Ivalice strikes down any opposition!

The law....isn't feeling too confident.

Night 2 has begun, and ends in 24 hours, or at 2200 GMT -6 (10pm CST on 06/04/14). Night 2 may end up to 8 hours early, if all actions are submitted and accounted for. There is no Night talking allowed.

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(LOL @ lynching the subbed out guy)

Eli may also have rigged scum!Refa because he hates him or something too, so there's that.

Anyways, thank god that ordeal was over. No offense to Elieson, but I don't think I've ever had less fun playing a Mafia game. I never want to roll scum ever again. Kind of burnt out on Mafia as a whole, really.

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St. Ivalice was in turmoil. The deceased Totema that held the strings of the world together were falling, and dimensional ripples were occurring all over the continent. The only place that didn't have anything strange happening at it...was the castle.

It had to be him. The entire Clan laid siege to the castle. It was time to end this. We all knew that Mewt was responsible for this, and he had to be stopped.

But someone beat you to it.

Prims has been killed. He was...

Dear Prims, you are Mewt Randell.

You are the shy friend of Marche and Ritz in St. Ivalice. You're picked on for being a quiet bookworm, and your dad is a loser. This fills you with rage; so much rage that when you get transported to Ivalice, you become a prince and make your dad into the Judgemaster, so that way you can spend more time with him. Sadly, it doesn't work out too well for you.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Read a book with [uSER]. You will spend personal time with [uSER] and prevent [uSER] from performing their nightly action.

Also, because you are cared for by the likes of Ritz and Marche, and know them in St. Ivalice, you can convince anyone who checks you out that you are actually Town Hooker.

Furthermore, if you are to be lynched, you may select one [uSER] with your dying breath, and post in thread ##I won't let [uSER] take my world from me! [uSER] will have their role disabled for the upcoming night, and the next two nights after that as well. Nothing can stop this, or cure it.

Communicate with your team here.

In short, you are the Mafia Godfather Hooker + Vengeful Temporary Vanillizer .

You are aligned with The Law of Ivalice, and win when The Law of Ivalice strikes down any opposition!


Day 3 has begun. Day 3 ends in 71 hours , at 2200 GMT-6 (11 PM EST, 10 PM CST, etc) on 6/10/14. With 10 alive, 6 votes equals a phase-ending hammer.

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so there's only one antitown left. if someone took that shot, claim it.

i've asked elie a question about something but everything i said last phase still applies. i did not see eclipse send a message to bearclaw

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