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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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dunno I feel like this is a SK role- gains items based off the role of people it kills. And Eclipse just feels very passive to me right now- I feel like she's kind of given up but doesn't want to actually surrender. I think if she was town she'd be trying to actually question people, instead of just answering the questions of others. Her defence also consists of talking about why she isn't mafia when the fact that nobody has claimed the Prims shot clearly points to an SK.

Eclipse, who do you think is scum?

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There's two votes total? ;/

Since this game is dead, and I don't care for rolespec, and because universal loss is worse than me being lynched. . .

##Vote: eclipse

Yes, that's a self-vote, and no, I don't care what you guys think of it. It'll extend the game, which is better than what I can do as a functional vanilla tonight. Quite frankly, if this'll boot things out of the dead zone that is massclaim, it'll be worth it.

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Can everyone stack votes/ do something so that we don't end up in universal loss?


Yeah, guess we should.

Someone said that the only ones that aren't cleared, or considered highly likely to be town, due to roles are myself and eclipse, was that it?

As BBM's alive, I'm still unlychable today. I'll be defaulting my vote to eclipse if there're no other preferences for today's lynch.

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That doesn't sound like a last-ditch SK gambit, but. . . eh, I suppose it's still more advantageous to self-vote than to allow a universal loss to happen, regardless of one's alignment.

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If I held out, alignment regardless, and allowed everyone to lose, I wouldn't blame you all for being upset with me. I can't force people to come on and do something, and I really don't like rolespec, so in my eyes, this is the best move. Unless everyone suddenly wagons elsewhere, which given the state of things, doesn't seem likely.

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As there's no other explanation for Refa's targeting on N1, that part seems legit. However, I don't see why any of the claimed role can't have the SK part tacked on to the end of it.

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Everybody's role is outed completely except for one person's, and they're not up for lynch anyways.

I really think that Eclipse is trying to WIFOM right now. I presented a case last night that was partially based at least on her in-thread content on D3 and she kind of just brushed it aside.

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:Lilina: Not Playing But This Mafia Game Is So Cool You Guys votals :lilina

Eclipse (3): Polydeuces, Bluedoom, Eclipse

not voting: everyone else

:Lilina: Not Playing :Lilina:

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:Lilina: Not Playing But This Mafia Game Is So Cool You Guys votals :lilina

Eclipse (3): Polydeuces, Bluedoom, Eclipse

not voting: everyone else

:Lilina: Not Playing :Lilina:

This is accurate. 37 hours and 24 minutes remain in this phase. 6 hammers. Uhhhh, that's about it; thanks Baldork.

Edited by Elieson
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Isn't hammer 6?

Also the OP has Prims dying on N3 instead of N2, which will totally mess up my postgame pic of the entire scumteam dying in one cycle.

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Everybody's role is outed completely except for one person's, and they're not up for lynch anyways.

I really think that Eclipse is trying to WIFOM right now. I presented a case last night that was partially based at least on her in-thread content on D3 and she kind of just brushed it aside.

This is why I self-voted. I'm being WIFOM'd over universal loss, and I'm being dismissed over rolespec. I also like how you said this without putting a vote down.

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