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Most Awkward Moment Of Your Life

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This one time I was a passive observer during a round of "never have I ever." I'd long since decided I just wanted to down my cider and be done with it at my own pace - they tended to aim high for things like 'threesomes on beaches'. Either way, I thought I'd made myself clear enough that I wasn't actually playing. Which was all well and good until, at some point in my reverie, I realised someone had just said "Wait, [Parrhesia's] done heroin?"

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I can think of two pretty bad moments

One was about a year ago in college, where an ex-acquaintance of mine (who's no longer there, praise the Lord) randomly shouted out that if his mother wasn't his mother he'd bang her, which is just no. Silence quickly became a thing

The other was in science class in school about... 3 years ago. You know that awful thing with trousers where the zip/fly would bend so it looked like you had an erection? Yeah, that kinda happened to me. A friend saw that (no idea why he was looking down there, mind), and proceeded to yell, "Hey! Kieran has a boner!" The class just went silent, and the girl who happened to be sitting next to me just got up and moved to the back of the class in disgust. That entire week was pretty bad, thinking about it

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A customer at my register asked me if I was single and wanted to fool around once, which isn't really all that embarrassing. I mean having other people there made it kind of cringe-inducing, but I've dealt with worse. It was the way I replied. Instead of lying and saying no and apologizing, something in her eyes made me tell the truth. It ended up coming out halfway, though, as I said "uhhhhhhh, yyyyyyeaaaaaaahhhhhh," in the most forced, regretful manner two words have ever been spoken.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Actually thinking about it, most of what I do in gigs is pretty embarrassing. A couple months ago I was talking to the crowd, introducing the next song and so on, but i forgot what the next song was and... yeah...

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my whole life is just one huge awkward moment. on the top of my head, a girl at work was humming a song or whatever, i thought it sounded like a little respect by erasure so i said to her "erasure right?" she didn't know wtf i was talking about. it doesn't help that i like this girl. yeah, thats like 1 out of a billion awkward moments in my life.

and i dunno, some of the posts i make on here probably qualify.

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I think the most awkward moment for me was however many years ago that I realized the relationship I had with my "family" was not remotely as normal as I thought it was. It was one of those situations where the absurdity contributes to a figurative veil that hides benchmarks for comparison, thus facilitating itself to be ever more absurd. Like a corrupt government on a smaller scale or whatever.

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Hmmm. Well the most recent one I can think of is when I was sitting at a bus stop last week and a guy rode past me on his bike and did the head nod thing some folks do to acknowledge others when they pass. I smiled at him and I guess maybe I made eye contact for too long and he took the greeting as a "hello" *wink* *wink*. I glanced in his direction again in time to see him turn around and start coming back. I averted my gaze as I realized he was dismounting his bike; it was still horribly awkward sitting there and feeling his eyes bore into the side of my head. I was 50 percent sure of his intent but there weren't any people around at the time so I was kinda wary about giving him any more of a reason to approach me lol. Eventually he took off. All I could think of as he rode away was "darn, he was handsome, maybe it would have been okay if he robbed me".

Oh and there was the time I fell asleep during my English class back in middle school and woke up standing at attention. There were two girls who (I'm pretty sure) noticed it. They were giggling as one of them told me to go back to sleep and the other said to stay awake. Gosh that was mortifying. Guess that was karma for laughing at my English teacher before for having his fly down for about half of the class.

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We all have those moments where the situation just becomes incredibly...awkward. So, what was yours? Tripping down the stairs in a public area?\

I actually tripped UP the stairs at school when I was around 12. Near the top, too, so when I finished fucking up I had fallen into the hallway in the middle of dozens of students going to class.

Nobody gave me any shit for it and I was too busy giggling to myself at how amazing it must have looked to my audience that I had actually fallen against gravity to be embarrassed or feel awkward, though.

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I actually tripped UP the stairs at school when I was around 12. Near the top, too, so when I finished fucking up I had fallen into the hallway in the middle of dozens of students going to class.

Nobody gave me any shit for it and I was too busy giggling to myself at how amazing it must have looked to my audience that I had actually fallen against gravity to be embarrassed or feel awkward, though.

I've done this multiple times. Well, not the falling into the hallway, but, you know XP

...Actually that happens a lot, now that I think about it. One time I was with a guy walking up the stairs (awk, but he always used to hit on me) and we ended up walking in the same direction. And he tripped up the stairs near the top and did the arm flail thing. I was like 'OMG are you okay?' and his face was bright red and this guy behind us laughed at him. For anyone who thinks that they look stupid to the people around them when that happens: you don't actually look that stupid. It's just a little funny ;)

I mean, there's always the 'tripping over nothing' when you're standing up, I think that might be worse. I've also awkwardly fallen down the stairs with legs splayed out, Bambi style before. OH and one of my junior high math teachers said she fell down the stairs bouncing on her backside at each step, like in the cartoons. Our class laughed, but just imagine, that must be rather painful.

....I'm sorry, I have a lot of klutz moment stories.

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Oo hoh I have plenty of these, where do I start !...?...

Umm I can't remember any.. huh.. huh


Though srsly I need a "this was awkward button"

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Damn, thanks to this thread I just remembered some reeaaaaally awkward things.
Once during a break at school me and some other guys were talking about random nonsense. And I don't remember why, but I started talking about the time when I went to my rich relatives who had a toilet out of fucking gold. So I told how it felt like to take a dump in a golden toilet, being the superior being I am, and I didn't notice some girls were behind me at the time. They looked at me with disgusted and surprised faces and hurriedly left.....goddamn it, that was a horrible day.

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Damn, thanks to this thread I just remembered some reeaaaaally awkward things.

Once during a break at school me and some other guys were talking about random nonsense. And I don't remember why, but I started talking about the time when I went to my rich relatives who had a toilet out of fucking gold. So I told how it felt like to take a dump in a golden toilet, being the superior being I am, and I didn't notice some girls were behind me at the time. They looked at me with disgusted and surprised faces and hurriedly left.....goddamn it, that was a horrible day.

So how was it? To take a dump in a toilet out of gold I mean

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Really I've never had too many awkward moments except for when the girl/woman I just met and was having a great vibe with noticed that I just fell silent at some point and I felt really silly and awkward about the whole thing that had just transpired.

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So how was it? To take a dump in a toilet out of gold I mean

'Twas glorious, lol. Have you ever imagined using money as toilet paper? It kind of feels like that, you feel like some cool rich snob.

For a moment, I was Berlusconi

Edited by Mayora
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  • 3 weeks later...

a while ago, i was a junior in high school and i finally asked this girl that i really liked out. it was awkward 'cause we were sitting down on a park bench and i didnt know what to do after she said yes. i moved into kiss her and she pulled away. she apologized profusely but there were others around and they were like "lol."

personally i think being embarrassed makes us human. i'm heading into college, and i'm sure many more awkward moments will ensue.

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a while ago, i was a junior in high school and i finally asked this girl that i really liked out. it was awkward 'cause we were sitting down on a park bench and i didnt know what to do after she said yes. i moved into kiss her and she pulled away. she apologized profusely but there were others around and they were like "lol."

personally i think being embarrassed makes us human. i'm heading into college, and i'm sure many more awkward moments will ensue.

awwwww, that's actually kinda cute!

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Hmm. I'm a pretty awkward person in general but a few instances stick out to me.

In grade 7 our class had to go to the library once a week for the librarian to read us a story. Now on one occasion my stomach was hurting so bad because I was holding in this massive fart. Like it wasn't one of those small, silent farts that you can hide. I just knew this sucker was going to be a loud one. So the librarian read something funny out of the book and people starting laughing and idek the force of my laughter somehow pushed it out. Everyone went silent almost simultaneously.

I knew they knew it was me so I started to cry. Sad times :P

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I remember when my whole class got these cheap tattoos to put on ourselves.

One guy took some tattoos and put one on each nipple, then one on his belly button.

Then he flashed in front of the whole class. I still can't get that image out of my head.

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a while ago, i was a junior in high school and i finally asked this girl that i really liked out. it was awkward 'cause we were sitting down on a park bench and i didnt know what to do after she said yes. i moved into kiss her and she pulled away. she apologized profusely but there were others around and they were like "lol."

personally i think being embarrassed makes us human. i'm heading into college, and i'm sure many more awkward moments will ensue.


Not adorable: One time it was just me and a girl I liked left on the school bus, and I threw up on her. Fortunately we were leaving school rather than going to school, but I could have handled that better. Like, moved my face or something.

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Not adorable: One time it was just me and a girl I liked left on the school bus, and I threw up on her. Fortunately we were leaving school rather than going to school, but I could have handled that better. Like, moved my face or something.

I feel for you

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